The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1576

Chu Tianfeng and Chu Qian looked at each other, but knelt down suddenly: "Master Ye, do you have any dissatisfaction? If there is any dissatisfaction, I will try my best to do it!"

"Where did you say that?" Ye Tian was puzzled: "Why am I dissatisfied?"

"The luminous pearl is a rare treasure. Under normal circumstances, everyone in martial arts must covet it, but Master Ye has not changed at all. Naturally, he is dissatisfied." Chu Tianfeng said seriously: "If this is the case, I hope Master Ye can clarify."

"I\'m afraid you have misunderstood. Ye Mingzhu is the family treasure of the Chu family. Mr. Chu and Elder Bai have eight worship friends. If I take your family treasure and go to the capital, wouldn\'t it be too disrespectful?" Ye Tian He said bluntly: "Anyway, the Chu family has a lot of connections with Elder Bai, so I can\'t accept your things."

"This is a thank you gift from the Chu family. Master Ye\'s acceptance is a kindness to the Chu family!" Chu Tianfeng said repeatedly: "If Master Ye does not accept it, I am afraid that he is dissatisfied. Also quite disturbing."

"So that\'s it!" Ye Tian nodded: "It seems that Ye Mingzhu must be accepted, if I don\'t accept it, you may feel uneasy and even dissatisfied."

"Master Ye said that he was terrified." Chu Tianfeng shook his head quickly: "If Master Ye doesn\'t accept it, there is naturally Master Ye\'s reason. Perhaps Grandpa, an old man, is indeed doomed."

"Young people, don\'t talk nonsense!" The white-faced scholar gave him a blank look: "With Master Ye here, Brother Chu will definitely be able to turn bad luck into good luck, and absolutely nothing will happen."

Chu Tianfeng didn\'t dare to say more, but Ye Tian took Ye Mingzhu into his hands: "This Ye Mingzhu is a family heirloom of the Chu family. If it is in your hands, I am afraid it will be coveted by others. , I’ll exchange it for something.”

At this point, Ye Tian took out two Good Fortune Pills: "These two essence version of Good Fortune Pills have excellent effects and can make the two of you cultivate further. Although they don\'t match the breath of Ye Mingzhu, but It is also a fortune for you!"

"Thank you, Master Ye!"

Chu Tianfeng nodded quickly, and took the Creation Pill, but he was a little puzzled: "Master Ye, does this pill really have such effects?"

"You don\'t seem to believe it?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "Isn\'t the purpose of you coming to Jiangnan to let me treat your grandfather? Since you know that my medical skills are unparalleled, you should know that my elixir is quite powerful. Absolutely."

"I heard about it when I was in the magic capital, but I have never tried it. Now it seems that the rumors are true." Chu Qian said repeatedly: "Master Ye gave you the pill, and we are here to thank you."

Following these words, Ye Tian also nodded his head, his expression became more calm, and he naturally didn\'t care about these things.

"Master Ye gave you two elixirs, and you should take them as soon as possible. If something goes wrong, Master Ye can help you deal with it in time." The white-faced scholar said, "After all, this good luck elixir is not an ordinary elixir!"

Chu Tianfeng nodded quickly, and quickly swallowed the elixir without stopping the meeting, even the white-faced scholar had already spoken, so they naturally wouldn\'t delay any longer.

After swallowing the elixir, they felt hot all over, as if they were about to explode, and Chu Qian trembled all over, as if it was difficult to control.