The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1493

"Boss Ye, what do you mean by this? Why can\'t I understand?" Lin Lei smiled lightly: "This deal is a huge deal for your company. If it can be negotiated, it will definitely let you It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Wanyaotang to become famous all over the world, and even directly enter the Demon City, but you don’t take me seriously by saying such things!”

"You can\'t say that. Wanyaotang can make profits, and the company behind you can still make profits. Besides, I am the boss of Wanyaotang, so I have the right to ask about these things. Is there any problem?" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes. Shuangyan: "You are just a foreign department of the company, maybe you are too domineering?"

"Miss Xia, it seems that our cooperation is difficult to negotiate." Lin Lei smiled lightly: "But it doesn\'t matter. As the saying goes, mountains are long and roads are far, and there must be opportunities for cooperation in the future!"

"Boss Lin, please don\'t do it." Xia Xiaomei said repeatedly: "We have finally established a business relationship, which can be said to be no small matter! We can\'t just break it off with just one sentence. Wouldn\'t it be ugly for everyone?"

"The boss of Wanyaotang is not interesting, so why should I talk too much?" Lin Lei smiled lightly: "I am best at doing business, but I don\'t think your boss is a businessman. It\'s more like those Murano Takefu."

Ye Tian just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Xia Xiaomei. At the same time, he smiled at Lin Lei and said, "I\'m afraid there is some misunderstanding. My boss is very kind, and I can definitely trust you. I hope Boss Lin can give me a chance."

"Opportunities are not without, it depends on whether you cherish them or not." Lin Lei smiled lightly: "The most important thing for me is friendship. Since we can sit together, it is friendship. I think you should know what I am talking about." .”


Ye Tian smiled slightly, but he didn\'t speak. Boss Lin looked like a man with extraordinary means, and what he said was proficient in words, which made people unable to figure it out frequently.

"Boss Lin is right. If we can walk together, we naturally have a great friendship. It\'s better to turn hostility into friendship so that we can meet each other in the future." Xia Xiaomei said repeatedly, "I don\'t know what to do?"

"Of course I\'m fine, after all, I\'m not familiar with your boss." Lin Lei smiled lightly: "No matter what, I still have to give you face, otherwise wouldn\'t it be too much?"

"Then thank you very much." Xia Xiaomei nodded quickly, with joy in her eyes, with this sentence, it shows that the business has not yet failed, at least there is still a glimmer of life, but what Ye Tian said just now was too rigid, so naturally To the backlash.

"I\'ve always been a kind person in business, and Wanyaotang is really good. If we can reach a cooperative relationship, we can naturally go to the next level." Lin Lei said with a smile: "But Miss Xia must understand that my favor is not Sorry, after all, if you want to make Wanyaotang go further, you will have to pay something!"

"Boss Lin, I\'m here to toast you. What happened just now is our fault, and I hope you can forgive me." Xia Xiaomei said aloud: "As for such out-of-the-ordinary remarks, it\'s better not to speak out, so as not to hurt the friendship! "

"Xia, are you kidding me?" Lin Lei said in a cold voice, "I\'m very serious, but you\'re joking with me here. I don\'t have that much time."