The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1492

After Yang Zitao left, Ye Tiantian quietly lay on the chair and drank tea, his eyes were calm, even a little peaceful.

After get off work time, Xia Xiaomei came to Ye Tian\'s side: "Today\'s cooperation is about whether you can go to Shanghai. In order to go to Shanghai to develop, you must not get angry if you have anything to do with Xiaotian."

"What do you mean?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "You are my classmate, so naturally I can\'t let you do anything, not to mention that you are for the company, and I can\'t let you suffer."

"Actually, there\'s nothing wrong with it." Xia Xiaomei waved her hand: "Since you want to go with me, let\'s go together!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, with a serious look on his face, he knew that Xia Xiaomei had always been weak, and he was afraid that there might be something she couldn\'t handle, if he was by his side, he would naturally be able to influence her.

Not long after, the figures of the two came to the Phoenix Pavilion. In the entire Phoenix Pavilion, it looked colorful, even dazzling, making everyone who came here shine.

"Which hotel is this? It looks good?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "It\'s not bad to choose this place for negotiation."

"It\'s natural." Xia Xiaomei said seriously: "Business cooperation is generally quite solemn, not to mention that this cooperation is of great importance, so naturally we must do our best, but this Phoenix Pavilion is a newly opened restaurant, Xiaoqing, You may not have been here."

"Don\'t tell me, there are not many hotels in Tianzhou that I don\'t know, but this is the only one I haven\'t been to." Ye Tian nodded slightly: "It\'s true that other people have flavor, but I\'m afraid to come here. People have ulterior motives, otherwise it would be a good place to go.”

"Xiaotian, you are worrying too much." Xia Xiaomei waved her hand: "I\'m not that easy to deceive!"

"I know you\'re not that easy to cheat, but you\'ve known me the longest among my college classmates, so I can\'t let you do anything, and that\'s my responsibility." Ye Tian said bluntly: "So you don\'t have to be too care too much."

Xia Xiaomei nodded slightly, but it was hard to say anything more, Ye Tian had already said that, if he said too much, it would be extremely inappropriate.

Not long after, the two came to the restaurant in the Phoenix Pavilion. After searching for a while, Xia Xiaomei walked forward. Not far from the front, there was a middle-aged man sitting next to the living room. On the face, he looks gentle and elegant, and at the same time wears a pair of glasses, which seems to be quite knowledgeable.

"Boss Lin, I\'m sorry to keep you waiting." Xia Xiaomei hurried forward and said to the middle-aged man, looking very polite.

"It\'s okay, it\'s a great honor for Miss Xia to come to negotiate with me." Lin Lei said repeatedly, but looked at Ye Tian: "I don\'t know who this is?"

"He is the boss and the chairman of Wanyaotang. The content of today\'s negotiation and cooperation is quite important, so he came here specially." Xia Xiaomei said aloud: "I hope Mr. Lin can point out the shortcomings. We We will also cooperate more, after all, this cooperation is a win-win situation.”

"So it\'s the boss of Wanyaotang!" Lin Lei cast a glance: "Actually, it\'s good enough for Ms. Xia to come to negotiate. There is no need for the boss of Wanyaotang to come in person."

"Whether you need it or not is your business, and whether you come or not is my business." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I should be right, right?"