The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1476

"Longmen? Are you talking about the Northern Dragon Gate?" Guan Changtian was startled and walked over: "If it\'s really the Northern Dragon Gate, I\'m afraid I\'ll get into trouble."

"Elder Guan, you seem to know a lot about it?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "What kind of power is the Northern Dragon Gate? I\'ve never heard of it."

"Master Ye doesn\'t know that although there are many masters in Tianhai Pavilion, there is no real power. In the North Kingdom, there are not only powerful warriors, but also fearsome forces. This is what you call The Dragon Gate can be said to be mysterious!" Guan Changtian said repeatedly: "The Dragon King is the elder of the Dragon Gate, if something happens, it will definitely cause waves."

"No matter what his status is, it is impossible for him to leave Tianzhou." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Since he is here, naturally he cannot be allowed to leave."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly startled, but they didn\'t expect Ye Tian to be so strong.

"If you kill the elders of Longmen, I\'m afraid it will arouse the wrath of the high-level officials of Longmen. If the order to kill Longmen is issued at that time, Master Ye may have nowhere to hide." Feng said: "It\'s better to find another way! Maybe there will be more Good choice."

"You mean, let me let the Dragon King go?" Ye Tian smiled lightly: "It seems that you are not willing to take action against the Dragon King."

"Master Ye saved our lives and showed great kindness to us. It is an honor for us to be able to do things for Master Ye. How could he not want to." .”

"No need!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "Just do what I say. As for the dragon gate you mentioned, if they really come to the door, I will deal with it myself."

The four dragon guards clasped their fists in a hurry, and walked down the Tianshan Mountain with all the elders. Ye Tian had already said this, so they naturally understood what Ye Tian meant.

Looking at the leaving figure, the white-faced scholar looked at Ye Tian: "Master, why don\'t I go too! In this way, I can have a helper. I always feel that they may not be able to fight against the Dragon King!"

"You guessed it right, even the eight masters of the king realm may not be able to resist the power of the Dragon King\'s mind." Ye Tian nodded slightly: "Not only you are going, but I also have to go there myself."

"The Pavilion Master\'s injury has not healed, so I\'m afraid it\'s quite inappropriate to go." The white-faced scholar said repeatedly: "It shouldn\'t be a big problem for the nine king-level masters to make a move."

"It doesn\'t matter!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "I have my own discretion in this matter. If I don\'t go, your lives may be in danger."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, his figure was like a sharp arrow, and he walked down the Tianshan Mountain in a blink of an eye. The white-faced scholar also hurriedly followed, but his eyes were serious.

This matter is no small matter, if he guessed right, Longmen has a lot of influence, and if the Dragon King is really a member of Longmen, it will definitely cause waves.

In the courtyard, the Dragon King sat cross-legged, his hair fluttering on his back, which seemed to be bulging, but quite imposing.

Not long after, a few figures came to the courtyard, seeing their arrival, the Dragon King was overjoyed: "If you can come back alive, the one named Ye must have died!"

"Dragon King, I\'m afraid you are too confident." Jian Yu said aloud: "Master Ye is a permissible character, how can we deal with it!"

"What do you mean by that?"

The Dragon King\'s face was instantly ashen, and his eyes suddenly looked at Jian Yu and the others.