The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1475

"Thank you, Master Ye, for saving your life. I will never repay such kindness."

With solemnity in his eyes, Jian Yu clasped his fists towards Ye Tian, ​​and the four dragon guards also showed solemn expressions. Ye Tian saved their lives, and for them, it was the greatest kindness.

"I have removed the poisonous gas in your body, but it is not my style to force you to stay in Fenglei Pavilion." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "If you still want to return to the Dragon King, I will naturally not object."

"The dragon king has a heart of snakes and scorpions, how can we return to his side!"

Feng Liansheng said: "If Master Ye doesn\'t dislike it, we will follow Master Ye in the future and never go against Master Ye\'s wishes."

"I will follow Master Ye to the death!"

The other people also nodded quickly, and knelt down towards Ye Tian. If Ye Tian hadn\'t taken action, how could they have detoxified, and they would probably be buried in the Fenglei Pavilion in the near future. Such kindness is so great, they will naturally not forget it.

"You want to join Fenglei Pavilion, but have you ever thought that you are the subordinates of the Dragon King, how can other elders tolerate you?" Ye Tian smiled. …

"This..." The four dragon guards looked at each other, but they didn\'t know what to say. Ye Tian\'s words were naturally quite meaningful.

"As long as Master Ye has a word, we will go through fire and water!" Lei said aloud: "Master Ye saved us from the fire and water, and we will naturally repay it with all our strength, and we will never conflict with other exhibitions."

"I don\'t think so!"

Ye Tian waved his hand: "Some things are not as simple as you think, unless you can do something that satisfies everyone."

"Let\'s say it\'s just one piece, even if it\'s ten pieces, we will definitely do it." Jian Yu said quickly: "Master Ye, please express."

"Bringing the head of the Dragon King will naturally be accepted by the elders. Presumably the elders will not embarrass you, and will clean up the dust for you." Ye Tian told him bluntly.

"The head of the Dragon King?" Jian Yu was startled, "Master Ye, the Dragon King\'s strength is extraordinary. With our means, if we want to deal with the Dragon King, we may hit a stone with an egg!"

"It doesn\'t matter, the Dragon King has been severely injured. If several elders are with you, it is not difficult to kill him." Ye Tian smiled lightly: "This is also the best gift for you to enter the Fenglei Pavilion."

The four looked at each other, and then gritted their teeth: "Master Ye said so, we will naturally do our best!"

Ye Tian also nodded slightly, and told the white-faced scholar about this matter, and the white-faced scholar nodded again and again, but he didn\'t expect that Ye Tian would let the four dragon guards deal with the Dragon King.

"Master Ye, the Dragon King has been severely injured now. If it is really buried in our hands, it will be a very good thing, but there is a bigger existence behind the dragon pattern, and Master Ye may not know it." Jian Yu looked serious.

"Is there a more powerful existence behind the Dragon King?" The white-faced scholar smiled slightly: "I\'m afraid this is nonsense, right? In the entire country, there are very few people who can match the Dragon King. Is there a possible existence behind the Dragon King? Can you do this?" fear?"

"Dragon Gate!"

Jian Yu said: "There are so many masters in the Dragon Gate, and the Dragon King is just an elder in the Dragon Gate! If something really happened to him, the upper echelons of the Dragon Gate will definitely investigate it."

"Dragon Gate?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes: "I\'ve never heard of it!"