The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1452

"That\'s right, it\'s exactly as you said, although you are indeed very powerful, you are nothing in front of our four dragon guards!" Jian Yu said coldly: "I think you know what I\'m talking about mean."

"You didn\'t look down on people, didn\'t you just hang around under the Dragon King for a few years? Did you really think of yourself as invincible?" Yun Zhonglong said lightly: "Even if the Dragon King came in person, we would never Sometimes it\'s scary, not to mention you\'re just a few dogs."

"Be careful what you say!" Lei said in a cold voice, "Otherwise, you will die now! You may even never recover."

"I think you should stop bragging!" Yun Zhonglong sneered: "After the battle just now, I have roughly understood that your combat power is comparable to ours. If you want to threaten us with this, I am afraid it is impossible."

"What you said is not wrong at all. Our combat power is comparable to yours, but you don\'t know that the real master has come to Tianzhou Ferry, but the big man from Fenglei Pavilion has not arrived. Instead, he is greedy for life and afraid of death. Let you little people come here to die." Lei suddenly laughed, as if sensing something, he looked in a certain direction.

Everyone present chilled for a while, especially Yun Zhonglong, whose face was ashen. If he guessed correctly, the person who came must be the Dragon King, otherwise Lei would not have such an arrogant smile.

"The breath of the Dragon King, this is the breath of the Dragon King!" Jian Yu said repeatedly: "The Dragon King is finally coming, it seems that today\'s battle may be inevitable."

"I don\'t think so." Feng smiled lightly: "Master Jiangnan Ye never came to Tianzhou Ferry at all, I\'m afraid he doesn\'t care about the life of this woman in front of him at all!"

A figure wearing a cloak walked slowly among the crowd, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of the elders in Fenglei Pavilion, with two golden lights in his eyes, which instantly made the faces of the elders ashen.

"Master Ye is here?"

The icy voice came out from inside the cloak. It looked icy cold, and it was full of respect, not daring to disobey it in the slightest.

"No, those surnamed Ye dare not come." Feng hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "The power of the Dragon King is unstoppable. No one dares to fight the Dragon King. Even Master Ye from Jiangnan can only flee in a hurry!"

"That\'s right, the Dragon King is the real master of martial arts, no one dares to fight the Dragon King!" Jian Yu also said repeatedly, with respect in his eyes.

The Dragon King didn\'t care, and looked at the white-faced scholar: "You are from the Fenglei Pavilion, your pavilion master hasn\'t arrived yet, why did you come?"

"The girl you caught is a friend of the pavilion master, so we will naturally save her." The white-faced scholar said aloud, but kept frowning. Speech is somewhat slurred.

"So that\'s it!" The Dragon King smiled faintly, and grabbed Xia Xiaomei\'s neck with one hand: "The time is coming soon, if the little baby doesn\'t come, I\'m afraid his sweetheart will become my dinner."

"Dragon King, I know that you are powerful, and I also know that you are not an ordinary person. Master Ye is not easy to mess with. Since he has agreed, he will come to Tianzhou Ferry to fight with you, and he will never break his promise!" the white-faced scholar kept saying. Said.