The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1451

"You guys are really brave, but it\'s a pity that even if you are so strong, you are not worth mentioning in front of us." Jian Yu said coldly: "I advise you not to do this!"

"Now that things have come to this point, either you die or I live. At worst, the fish will die." Yun Zhonglong said aloud: "Miss Xia, we have to take them away today. No matter what you say, it will be of no use."

"It\'s such a big joke, you guys take yourself too seriously, do you really think you can take him away?" Lei said coldly, "It\'s just that you just broke through to the king realm, so you dare to be so arrogant , I don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!”

Following Lei\'s voice, a majestic aura also crushed over, causing the elders to become overwhelmed, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The white-faced scholar originally wanted to rescue Xia Xiaomei, but when he saw several elders being pinned down and unable to move, their faces were also icy cold, so he rushed into the battle in an instant.

With the support of the white-faced scholar, the four elders improved a lot, and they were even faintly able to match the dead dragon guards, not even weaker than the four dragon guards.

"Five King Realm masters are ultimately stronger than four." The white-faced scholar smiled slightly: "So you are not our opponents!"

"You will know if your opponents try it." Jian Yu smiled lightly: "You can\'t be too arrogant, or you will shoot yourself in the foot with a stone. I\'m afraid it\'s a little ignorant to play tricks in front of you."

"In this case, let\'s give it a try." The white-faced scholar said coldly, with a cold look in his eyes. Now that things have come to this point, they will take Xia Xiaomei away even if they die.

Many martial arts masters waited and watched, their eyes even more fiery. These people in front of them are not idle people, and the battle between masters of the king realm must be quite exciting.

"I really didn\'t expect that Master Ye would run away. He didn\'t dare to fight the Dragon King at all, otherwise he wouldn\'t let his subordinates come here!"

"Who said it wasn\'t! I thought there would be a military battle today, but I never thought that there would be nothing! It\'s a pity."

"You can\'t say that, the battle between several masters of the king realm is by no means trivial, and it is a blessing to be able to watch it!"

There was a continuous conversation, and everyone\'s eyes were more solemn. They naturally attached great importance to this matter. After all, these people are all masters in martial arts.

But at this moment, Xia Xiaomei\'s eyes were full of anticipation and helplessness. He didn\'t want to die in the hands of these people, but he didn\'t want Ye Tian to save him, because he knew that if Ye Tian was really Come, there must be great danger.

After several times of scuffling, the elders became more and more courageous as they fought, and they didn\'t back down in the slightest. The four dragon guards didn\'t shy away from it either, displaying shocking fighting strength, and there was an even bigger chill in their eyes.

"I really didn\'t expect that you would be able to have such good fortune just after breaking through to the king realm." Feng looked at the elders: "I really can\'t underestimate you!"

Following these words, the elders smiled lightly: "Although you say so, I\'m afraid you still don\'t recognize us? Otherwise, you will hand over what we want!"