The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1313

"Who is this little brother?" Xia Donghai looked at Ye Tian, ​​and frowned slightly. He didn\'t expect that Xia Ruoxue would bring his partner to the hospital at this time.

"He is Doctor Ye!" Xia Ruoxue repeatedly said: "Let him try! Maybe he has a way to cure Grandpa\'s illness."

Xia Donghai came back to his senses, looked at Ye Tian, ​​took a few glances at the same time, but shook his head: "There is no hope for a few genius doctors to consult, how can a young man like my little brother cure the old man?" sick."

"Sea water can\'t be measured, people can\'t be judged by appearance, can you cure the old man\'s disease, you will know if you try it?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "Could it be that members of the Xia family judge people by their appearance?"

"Little guy, you have to be more polite!" A young man said coldly, "This place is all from the Xia family. You are just hired to see a doctor. That\'s really rude!"

"That\'s right, you really take yourself seriously!" Several women also said: "There are so many masters of traditional Chinese medicine who can\'t do anything about it, so what else can you think of? You still utter such big words. "

Xia Donghai stood aside and did not stop them from speaking, perhaps that was exactly what he thought in his heart.

"Don\'t talk nonsense! After all, I invited Miracle Doctor Ye over." Xia Ruoxue said repeatedly: "No matter how you say it, let Miracle Doctor Ye try!"

"Xiaoxue, don\'t be fooled by the outsiders. The outsiders can hear that the Xia family is sick, but they are eager to see a doctor. Even if they can\'t be cured, they can get a sum of money. This is a great deal. "A woman said: "If the old man really can\'t do it, let him go quietly, he can\'t suffer so much."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xia Donghai glared: "If the old man can\'t do it, I will be the first to kick you out of Xia\'s house!"

The woman quickly shut up, not daring to say more.

Xia Donghai looked at Ye Tian: "Little brother, don\'t blame me. The old man is old and I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to stand the trouble. Why don\'t you go and get a sum of money, and this matter will end here!"

"No need, I\'m just here to pay back a favor. Since you don\'t want me to heal you, it saves me a lot of trouble."

Ye Tian smiled slightly, turned around and walked outside.

"Doctor Ye!" Xia Ruoxue hurriedly chased him out: "Don\'t be angry, I didn\'t think carefully about this matter, and I will explain it to my dad."

"No need! Humans are born with life, death, sickness and old age, so why bother to forcibly change their fate." Ye Tian waved his hand and left the hospital straight away, with an even more so expression on his face.

Xia Ruoxue was helpless, but it wasn\'t too pity, but he just felt sorry for Ye Tian. Although he also felt that Ye Tian couldn\'t cure the old man, it was too much to let Ye Tian go and never give him a chance to make a move.

After returning to the ward, Xia Ruoxue looked at Xia Donghai: "Dad, no matter what, Master Ye was introduced by my friend, so why are you so decisive?"

"Several miraculous doctors are in consultation, maybe there is still a solution, I can\'t joke about my last hope." Xia Donghai said: "The young man has a righteous face, but I still don\'t trust his medical skills."

Xia Ruoxue was helpless, so it was hard to say anything, even he didn\'t believe Ye Tian, ​​let alone anyone else.

But not long after, several old men came out of the conference room, and Xia Donghai hurried up: "How are the discussions going, you genius doctors?"