The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1312

"Why make things difficult for Miss Xia?" Ye Tian said with a smile, "I only know a little bit about medical skills. If I really go to the doctor, the old man\'s condition will not be cured by then. Wouldn\'t it be a joke?"

Sitting at the side, Liu Yue naturally sensed Ye Tian\'s displeasure, so she said with a smile, "Master Ye, don\'t be so modest. I saw your strange technique with my own eyes that day, and it can be said to be extraordinary!"

"I was rude just now!" Xia Ruoxue clasped her fists at Ye Tian, ​​"Would Doctor Ye be willing to come with me? Even if a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, it\'s better than no hope."

"Miss Xia has already said so, so I will go with you." Ye Tian nodded, but he always felt a little awkward, as if he was looked down upon so much, and he was still a little unhappy.

"Thank you, Divine Doctor Ye!" Xia Ruoxue cupped her fists, "I wonder how much Doctor Ye needs for outpatient visits? Although the Xia family has a big family, but..."

"Since you are Miss Liu\'s friend, you naturally don\'t need a consultation fee." Ye Tian waved his hand: "You don\'t have to have so much psychological pressure. If you can cure the old man\'s illness, it will be great, but it can\'t always be cured. , that’s all according to fate.”

"Not at all?" Xia Ruoxue was slightly startled: "Is Mr. Ye telling the truth?"

"Why, do you think I\'m lying to you?" Ye Tian took a sip of coffee: "I don\'t know how many people want to treat me to a doctor, but there is no market for the price. If you didn\'t know Ms. Liu, I might not have made the move." , as much as you want!"

"I offended God Doctor Ye just now!" Xia Ruoxue turned into a compliment. He didn\'t like Ye Tian at first, but looking at it now, Ye Tian didn\'t seem to be as miserable as he thought.

"Master Ye, since that\'s the case, why don\'t you go with Miss Xia?" Liu Yue said with a smile, "I will definitely thank you in the future!"

Not long after, Ye Tian got into Xia Ruoxue\'s car, and Xia Ruoxue also looked solemn: "Where did Master Ye come from? Maybe I still know him."

"I don\'t have a teacher, I\'m just thinking about it at will." Ye Tian shook his head.

Xia Ruoxue was driving the car with a slight embarrassment on her face. He had hoped for Ye Tian at first, but now the last ray of hope may be shattered.

Not long after, they came to the largest hospital in Jiangdong. In the hospital ward, there were more than ten figures, all of them were members of the Xia family.

"What to do, what to do! If the old man falls, it will be a disaster for the Xia family!"

"Who says it\'s not! But right now, several genius doctors are consulting, but still can\'t get a result. If this continues, the old man may not be able to hold on."

"Can you guys stop arguing?" The middle-aged man stood beside the bed, frowning at the same time: "The old man needs to be quiet. If you want to quarrel, go outside!"

Seeing Xia Donghai speaking, the few women dared not say more. He is the eldest in the family and has the greatest right to speak. Except for the master, no one dared to disobey his words.

If the old man really drives west, Xia Donghai will take charge of the Xia family and become the master of the Xia family.

"Dad, how is grandpa?"

Xia Ruoxue walked in and looked towards Xia Donghai: "Have the genius doctors finished their consultation?"

"Your grandpa can\'t be optimistic, and even a few genius doctors can\'t make up their minds." Xia Donghai shook his head: "I\'m afraid I\'m really in trouble this time."

Tears in Xia Ruoxue\'s eyes slipped down inadvertently, recalling childhood memories in her mind, full of grief.