The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1291

"That\'s right, it was indeed Liu Feng who asked us to come." The leader of the Fliggy Pig said, holding a dagger in secret: "But you have exceeded our expectations, and the people who can survive under the Fliggy Organization are not Wait for the idlers."

"I can even catch bullets, do you think daggers are useful to me?" Ye Tian looked at the leader of Feizhu.

bang dang...

There was a crisp sound, and the dagger in the leader\'s hand slipped from his hand, and he looked at Ye Tian in shock.

It never occurred to him that his every move was like a perspective mirror in front of Ye Tian, ​​there was nowhere to hide, and even his thoughts were controlled by Ye Tian.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" The leader of the flying pig looked terrified. He had never met such a powerful opponent before.

"It doesn\'t matter what I am!" Ye Tian smiled: "Go back and tell your young master, there are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky. If he doesn\'t know the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth, I will definitely let him go to hell!"

Ye Tian\'s voice fell, his figure was like an arrow from the string, and he left the rooftop in a blink of an eye. The eyes of everyone in the Feizhu organization were horrified. They had done a lot for the Liu family, and even killed many people, but this time the opponent But letting them smash their tongues secretly is not something they can handle.

"Boss, this is too strong, how could it be so strong?" A man trembled and said, "He is not an ordinary person at all."

"If it\'s an ordinary person, how can it escape our assassination." The leader of Feizhu smiled bitterly: "This person\'s strength is extraordinary, and I can\'t provoke it. Go and report to the young master as soon as possible."

Inside the Crown Hotel, everyone put up a cordon. They seemed to be in a state of panic, and they didn\'t know what happened. An explosion occurred in the imperial room of the Crown Hotel. It is not known whether anyone was injured.

"Mr. Ye, where are you from?" Li Shangxian asked: "I thought something happened to you, but it was nothing to worry about."

"What is there to worry about?" Ye Tian smiled slightly: "You don\'t have to see my methods."

"The method is the method, but this thing was blown up in your room. If you were sleeping at that time, it would have been really miserable." Li Shangxian said repeatedly: "I don\'t know who did it, but I want to kill Mr. Ye !"

"Of course it\'s the one at the auction today." Ye Tian said aloud, "Because I\'m the youngest of the Liu family in the devil city, I want to do whatever I want."

"He is quite courageous, he dared to offend Mr. Ye." Li Shangxian said repeatedly: "What is Mr. Ye going to do next? Do I need to do it myself?"

"It doesn\'t matter!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "He doesn\'t know the heights of heaven and earth, I will find a chance to deal with him."

While they were talking, a luxury car approached from not far away, and Chen Haitao hurried out. Seeing that Ye Tian was safe and sound, he was relieved.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that there was an explosion in your room, so I ran here." Chen Haitao said quickly, "I will definitely investigate this matter and give Mr. Ye an explanation."

Chen Haitao spoke sincerely. Ye Tian is not an ordinary person, and he let Ye Tian live in the Crown Hotel. Now that such a thing happened, he was naturally very worried.

"No need!" Ye Tian waved his hand: "I know who it is!"

"Mr. Ye, please speak up!" Chen Haitao hurriedly clasped his fists together: "In the entire Jiangdong, no matter who wants to deal with Mr. Ye, I will make him pay the price."