The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1290

The leader of Flying Pig looked into the room, but through the binoculars, he saw Ye Tianye looking towards Gao Yang, with a pair of eyes staring at him from time to time, which made him a little apprehensive.

He had been in the mercenary army for many years, and he was full of decisiveness, but what he didn\'t expect was that under the eyes of Ye Tian, ​​the terror of Ye Tian made him flustered.

"Boss, now is the best time." The man with the sniper rifle in his hand said.

"Shoot, shoot!" The Flying Pig leader said repeatedly, now is the best opportunity, and naturally he can\'t miss it, but his voice trembled a little, and for some reason.


Two bursts of wind sounded, and Ye Tian, ​​who was directly locked by the two bullets, rushed towards Ye Tian. Even if Ye Tian wanted to hide, it would be even more difficult to avoid the two bullets that had been prepared, but they did not You know, Ye Tian is not an ordinary person at all.

The two bullets flew towards Ye Tian at high speed, but they were deflected by Ye Tian\'s inner strength, and they didn\'t even have the sound.

On the high platform, the leader of Feizhu\'s face was livid: "How is this possible, how can there be such a means in the whole world?"

Ye Tian stood with his hands behind his back, and his expression was even more indifferent. With these few bullets, how could he be hurt.

"The monster is simply a monster!" Several men said repeatedly: "This is a sniper rifle that can penetrate Yang at a hundred paces, how can it be blocked by ordinary people!"

"I\'m afraid I\'m in trouble today!" The Flying Pig leader\'s face was livid: "Did that guy bring it? Just aim at it!"

"If that big guy is really used, I\'m afraid the Crown Restaurant will also be severely damaged. At that time, the young master will not blame us, right?" A man said: "After all, the impact of this thing may be great."

"If you don\'t make a move, it will be too late!" The Flying Pig leader said repeatedly.

Several men looked at each other, and then set up the fort, and shot towards Ye Tian\'s room, looking even more unabashed.


A huge flame sounded, and a roar shook the Crown Hotel. The entire Crown Hotel was shaken for a while, and even the other rooms were full of sights, which were greatly damaged.

The room where Ye Tian was was turned into powder, and even Ye Tian was nowhere to be found.

"I thought that kid was so powerful, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that!" A man laughed.

The leader of Flying Pig also showed a chuckle. He was worried just now, but now that Ye Tian\'s room has been turned into dust, he may not be able to survive.

"I\'m afraid it\'s inappropriate for you to stay up all night and cause damage here?"

An indifferent voice sounded, Ye Tian stood at the top of the balcony, looking at the men, his eyes were even more flat.

"It\'s you!" The leader of Feizhu was shocked: "Are you the person in that room just now?"

"You are right!" Ye Tian nodded: "I am indeed the target of your hunting, but it is a pity that you are now my hunting target!"

"Are you a human or a ghost? How could you be okay with such a big commotion just now?" A man raised his hand and said, "It\'s absolutely impossible. The person in the room just now must have died. Who are you?" who?"

"Nothing is impossible in this world, and everything is possible." Ye Tian smiled slightly: "If my guess is right, it should be Liu Feng who asked you to come here, right?"