The Genius' First Love

Chapter 588 - The Huang's

**Warning: The contents contain explicit features not suited for children below 18.

In a span of five minutes, the bathroom was filled with utter chaos. Dian defended herself from Edmund and his friends and yet they were too many and too strong for her. It wasn't long when she was beaten, held and she was left standing in front of Edmund mercy, two hands held by Edmund's friends.

"Such a  hard girl you are," One of Edmund's friends uttered. They had to admit the girl was quite strong that even the six of them had a hard time pinning her down.

"Cowards!" Dian spatted at the boy's faces. "If you thin-"

She wasn't able to finish her words because right then, Edmund stripped her blouse to her surprise. Her front was left open to all of the boys present there and what was left was her brassiere, the only clothing that was hiding her b.r.e.a.s.t away.

"How dare you! Monster! Pervert!" Dian wanted to cry but crying would only make her defeat obvious and she wouldn't let her assaulters have that. Although her b.r.e.a.s.t was still covered, knowing that most of her skin was exposed, she felt totally molested. Dian at this age was still very princess-like and conservative and so she wasn't used to men looking at her, specially some of her skin that she always left hiding under her clothes.

"Call me whatever you like sweetheart," Edmund bantered. "Don't worry I'll make sure later you'll call me something appropriate for the pleasure I'm about to give you!"

When Edmund said this, all of his friends laughed at it. Although at first they were kind of afraid of messing up with Dian and were protesting heavily on Edmund's plan of taking advantage of her, seeing Dian helpless with no rescue till then made them realize the rumours about the Lagdameo women were true. They weren't given much care in L'Empire that not even guards were assigned to them. Also, Dian was an A class socialite, one that they couldn't just lay a hand on and seeing her almost n.a.k.e.d in front of them gave much of an extreme feeling of satisfaction as if they had done something, no one had ever dared to do.

"So it's true, Lagdameo women weren't something everyone should revere the most," another of Edmund's friends said. "Look at this one, all this time we thought she's something. She's even too proud to not even give us some look at school where in fact her family don't care about her, she doesn't even have bodyguards. We're all fooled at,"

"I told you, Lagdameo women were nothing. My father is partners with L'empire and he knew this very well," Edmund proudly replied and started caressing Dian's skin. Dian of course flinched at his touches and tried once more to escape but she just couldn't. "See? I told you I can have this one easily,"

"Go Edmund," His friends all the more encouraged him, "Teach this girl and make her realize she's not as great as she thinks!"

"I pity you," Dian laughed hard to cover up her fear and tears. "Mark my words when I say, you'll pay big for this. You dare to mess up with a Lagdameo, make sure you are prepared for what's about to come!"

"Shut up bitch!" He slapped Dian hard. Although they had all cornered her, her words for some reason give them some odd feeling of fear as if it was all true. But there's no way this could be true because if Dian was indeed a treasured daughter of L'Empire, guards should have stormed this place and had them all beaten. At first, he was just trying out if his father's words about the Lagdameo women were true and with how things turned out, he became confident it is, but why was it that Dian seemed too confident, she didn't even beg for mercy?

Dian's mouth gushed with a bit of blood but not even the hard slap made her cry. Instead, she spatted some saliva on Edmund's face.

"You are such a disgust to your family! No wonder your dad had his doubts in making you the CEO of the Huang Incorporated! You are a shame!" Dian retorted with all her might. She interned and worked in L'Empire for so long that she knew how the Huang's were struggling with their heir's incompetency.

Edmund's ego was deeply hit by Dian's words. He became really angry that he had lost his control. Without thinking and without even considering that he was about to hit a woman out of control, he raised a hand to her. However, instead of hitting Dian, something happened, opposite to what his friends expected!

Instead of landing a jab on Dian, Edmund was sent flying to the bathroom wall and he immediately became unconscious! In just a span of seconds, his friends had the same end. They were all sent flying to the corner and if that didn't make them black out, then it paralyzed them.

Dian was left alone in the center, her hands covering her bare chest. She was surprised to see someone who rescued her because as far as her knowledge goes, she had blackmailed all her guards and made them wait on the front gate of the conference, not visible to all her friends and classmates. Dian always had trouble making friends because of her status and so to not intimidate everyone all the more, she always made her guards wait for her somewhere and forbids them to tag along with her. Besides, no one dared to mess up with her, not until then.

"Are you okay Second miss?" Scar looked down at Dian with pity. Although she shed no tears, he can see the fear right through her eyes. She wasn't his business actually as his mission was to tail along the Lagdameo heir, it just happened that the woman involved with the Lagdameo heir came to this part of the campus earlier and he tailed her. When she left, he noticed something strange about the place and heard the second miss screaming. He then realized the place was heavily guarded by school boys and it took him a few minutes to evade all of them.

"Where are your bodyguards?" He asked again when she wasn't responding but Dian was just too upset and surprised to answer. When she saw that she was already safe and the boys who assaulted her earlier were all unconscious, she fell on her knees, hugged herself and cried.