The Genius' First Love

Chapter 587 - Not Alone

There was a kind of smile that flashed in Edmund's eyes, something that Dian didn't like. Amused of the girl's annoyed face, he flashed a devious smile.

"You know my dear, you had been playing hard to get," He replied, not bothered by Dian's angry expression. He had been making his intentions obvious to her ever since and yet the girl remained apathetic in it. Dian had always been everyone's dream girl at school and he was very much interested in her.

"I wasn't playing hard to get. I just don't like you if that wasn't obvious to you yet," Dian retorted. She didn't know what kind of food Huang's young master had taken this morning, but it certainly drove the boy crazy. And by the way did he just say he intentionally had someone ruin her dress? The nerve!

Dian's words hit the boy's ego. Hard. Edmund was the kind of man who can get everything he wanted because aside from he was the heir to all of Huang's wealth, he too had a gorgeous face that had all girls in their campus wanted to get noticed by him. Unfortunately, the Lagdameo's second miss wasn't one of them.

Insulted by her, he immediately grabbed one of Dian's arms and pressed it tightly, intentionally hurting her.

"No one messes up with me," Edmund warned, wanting Dian to realize she wasn't in any position to say no to him , especially that they were alone in this side of the campus. He had his minions guard the bathroom door and the entire area, making sure no one got to the bathroom again and disturbed them.


There was a loud thud that was heard at the bathroom as Dian's hand landed on Edmund's face.

"Idiot!" Dian spatted at his face. The intensity of Dian's slap made Edmunad let go of her instantly as he held his already red face. "Don't you know who I am? I am a Lagdameo let me just warn you,"

Edmund's jaw hardened. Dian was obviously intimidating him, as if she can. Although he knew that she was a Lagdameo and that he should, like all the others, stay away and not make trouble for the second miss, Edmund was far too desperate and full of pride already to let her be. Besides he knew women in the Lagdameo family weren't as gold as the sons so he thought perhaps they wouldn't care much about Dian.

"A woman Lagdameo" Edmund grabbed her again, this time more tighter than before so that he could see Dian flinching in pain. "You're not so valuable to them to make such a big fuss,"

"How dare you say that to me!" Dian tried to protest and pulled herself away from Edmund but the boy was just too strong for her. "Wait until my guards see you. Just in case you don't know, I'm constantly being followed,"

Edmund was a bit alarmed with Dian's threat but he doubted if it was true. His father was one of the partners of the L'Empire in some of their business and so he was aware that Lagdameos don't value their women that much so he don't think they will have guards to follow her around. Besides, he had known Dian ever since she stepped into the school they both were attending and he had never seen any of her bodyguards.

"Well if they are around then they should have already been aware you are in great danger by now," He replied convinced that his own words were true. Then without waiting for any more words from Dian, he grabbed her close and started planting kisses on her.

Dian was in deep shock with what Edmund did but she was alert enough to scream for help. He knew Edmund was a bit of a pervert but she didn't expect he would go this low.

"Stop! Stop!" Dian protested as he could. Even went as far as kicking Edmund hard. When his grabbed loosen because of the pain he received, Dian slapped him again, twice in a row.

"You are soo done young master Huang!" Dian screamed at his face. Her fresh clothes had already been messed up so was her hair that had always been kept tight. Certainly he didn't expect such an assault from Huang but she wasn't that weak that he could easily take down. "How dare you lay your filthy hands on me!"

Dian's strong self-defense skills were totally unexpected for Edmund. He crunched in pain because she hit hard in the right place as if she was well trained, not to mention his nose instantly bleed because of her hard slaps.

"I'll make sure your parents will know about this. I might be a woman and useless in L'Empire but do you think my father will just sit when he learns I was assaulted by an idiot good for nothing heir?"

"You bitch!" Edmund tried to grab Dian once more and cornered her but even though he was able to grab her hair, she easily dodged him away and kicked him once more.

"You'll die here if you won't stop!" Dian was mad and furious. She has never been treated the way the young master of the Huangs did. Although she was a girl Lagdameo and was useless as Edmund labeled her, no one dared to mess up with her because they were all afraid of the Lagdameo clan. As L'Empire was ruthless, no one would surely bother and dare to upset her. However the young master of the Huangs acted like he was superior than her and was not even an inch afraid of the consequences of his actions.

"Enough!" Edmund shouted at her, livid in rage. He thought he could have her easily but then it seemed that he had underestimated the girl at his own disadvantage.

"As if you can take me down!" Dian laughed with mockery.

"Obviously I can't trample you down alone" Edmond wiped the blood in his nose and stood up confident to Dian's surprise, "Too bad I brought boys with me,"

Just then, Edmund's friends came rushing from the door and Dian, for the first time felt like she was in great danger.