The Genius' First Love

514 In Memory of Winter

After Collet's arrest and when Xhemin had finally calmed down, her family-Ziggy, Ang, lady Portia, and the kids decided to visit Winter at the Loch. Xhemin decided to take a few days off to spend more time with Winter and her family.

Early morning on that day, Winter's grave was full of fresh flowers and toys. Lady Portia and the children offered some prayers as Ziggy and Ang tried to clean the space. It had been months that the Loch had been abandoned because Darryl wasn't living there anymore and so Winter's grave was full of weeds.

Xhemin, on the other hand, sat at the grave all morning even after the prayers and cleaning were finished. Ziggy and Lady Portia just let her have a moment while Ang played with the children on the duck. However, as the time went from morning to noon, another car joined them in the Loch and before they could ask questions on who their sudden visitor was, they all saw the Lagdameo siblings stepped down the car, as well as their mother-Madam Dianne.

It was lady Portia and Ziggy who welcomed the Lagdameo family at the gate. They first looked at each other thought, wondering if it was the best time for Xhemin to see them since she was having a tough time lately but then, they can't also shoo them away since aside from they have their rights for one who was buried there, legally they also owned the land as it was given by Collet to Darryl.

"We didn't know you were here," Dian kind of felt the awkwardness of the situation so she apologized on her company's behalf. She was the first who entered the gate so it was she who met Lady Portia and Ziggy first, "We're sorry. I hope you don't mind us for a while, my brother and my mother really need-"

"No it's okay," Ziggy replied. "You don't have to ask really since I believe Darryl owned the land,"

"Good morning," Madam Dianna greeted them as she entered, escorted by Darryl. Dannah was at their back following them, trying her very best not to be affected by Ziggorioh Montreal's presence.

"Good morning," It was lady Portia who replied rather casually. Then Xhemin's grandaunt turned to Darryl and spoke, "I hope you don't mind us barging in here without your permission, my dove thoroughly requested to see visit here,"

"I don't mind at all Lady Portia please," Darryl replied politely. "My wife shares in everything I own. She doesn't someone's permission to come here,"

"Very well,"

"Is she okay?" Darryl asked. Since the Collet's incident, Xhemin hadn't gone home to his apartment for a while and Darryl just let her so as he knew she needed her family's comfort. Also, he was not prepared to see her again after the last time.

It was the first time Madam Dianna had seen her and right then felt utterly unsurprised on how his son preferred the girl before her than Collet. Xhemin, despite her sad and puffy eyes, she looked far angelic and more beautiful than Collet. For the madam, it came as an irony however how Xhemin looked more appealing than Collet provided with the fact that she wore simple clothes and her accessories weren't as grand as those Collet usually wore.

"Have you been well?" The madam asked. Xhemin was surprised by her question because as far as she knew, the madam preferred her fake sister than her.

Politely Xhemin nodded. She didn't know how to deal with the Lagdameo's madam aside from being polite to her as she never once expected they'll ever meet provided their circumstance. The last time she checked, the Lagdameo elders weren't much of a fan of her, "I'm doing good madam. Thank you for asking,"

"I have some healing tea that I imported from Milan. I heard it's good for the body. It can help you sleep and you know… feel a bit better. I had been using them myself for a while now," Madam Dian added. It was obvious from the way Xhemin looked that she had not been sleeping and eating for days and somehow she felt like she needed to care for her. "Shall I send it to your apartment son or to the Golden Villa?"

"To the Golden Villa for now. I think my wife would want to stay there for a couple of days," Darryl considered. "Don't you?"

Xhemin nodded in response.

"To the Golden Villa then," Then Madam Dianna turned to Lady Portia to ask the lady's permission, "Lady Portia I hope you don't mind me sending some stuff for your niece,"

"Not at all," Lady Portia replied, "The Golden Villa will be willing to accept anything as long as they are meant for the good of my dove,"

"I'm glad," Madam Dianna smiled, then to loosen up the ambiance a bit, she went forward to Winter's grave to put the flowers she was carrying, "My daughters and I would like to offer some prayers, I hope you'd allow us,"

"Feel free to do so Madam. I shall go and speak with Darryl so please take your time," Xhemin replied with respect. Then she turned her head to Darryl who was already looking down at her ever since he stepped into the Loch, "Is it okay?"

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