The Genius' First Love

513 His What-If's

Right after the son and father confrontation, Darryl immediately isolated himself in his room in the Marble Mansion. Everything that happened went on him like a flash of lighting-it was fast and striking. It left him exhausted, angry, hurt, and guilty at the same time. How could he face the fact that his son died in the hands of the person he treated as somewhat like a sister?

Filled with anger, Darryl rushed and hit the wall of his room. His hard hand landed on the stone-filled wall and bleed but instead of feeling some pain, what Darryl felt was the urge to do it again and again.

"Dee…" A woman's cry filled his whole room. Her cry didn't contain any sound of surprise nor worry, but of pity. Dian, of course, knew what took place that night and as much as she wanted to comfort her brother, there was just nothing she could do.

When Darryl turned to look at her sister, Dian couldn't look at him. She just couldn't bear to see the devastation in his eyes. It felt like the tragedy of the past six years came back and haunted them all.

"I don't know what to say…" Dian gasped, swallowing the urge to shed more tears. "But I'm here…I'll always be here,"

Darryl didn't say a word but he stepped forward to rush into his sisters' arms. Dian welcomed him and let him be comforted by her own warmth, hoping she'll be enough to ease not all, but at least a little of his pain.

After almost thirty minutes straight the siblings did nothing but comfort each other until they had enough. When Darryl lifted his head from Dian's shoulder, he saw Dannah standing at the door. She wasn't crying but the expression in her face bore the same sentiments he and Dian had.

"Where's Collet?" Darryl asked as he remembered it was her that was tasked to deal with the girl by their uncle.

Dannah didn't answer but instead, she slowly raised the knife she was holding that was stained with fresh blood.

"Dannah!" Dian screamed in horror with the disturbing view of her sister with bloodied hands carrying a sharp knife.

Dannah chuckled in response to Dian's reaction. Then she stepped forward toward them, "Relax. I didn't kill her even if I wanted to. I just played with her…a little,"

"Where is she?" Darryl asked again.

"The police already have her," Dannah narrated. "They came earlier than expected. If not…well…perhaps that bitch might have peed more…."

"Dannah it's not funny," Dian hollered as she didn't want to hear Dannah's gruesome narration.

"I'm not making things funny," Dannah put up a serious face this time, "I just want to get even by giving her some serious fright… she deserves more than that," Then she turned to his brother who seemed not on himself, "Dee have you talked to Xhemin about this?"

"No Dee please," Dian rushed to him again. "You have nothing to do with Collet's faults. She's the evil one here, you need not blame yourself with other misgivings,"

"But she did because of me," Darryl pressed in. His guilt was eating him up and everything of him was almost spent. He simply cannot go on and continue chasing his wife with the fact that he was the reason for her suffering.

"She did because she's an evil spoiled bitch who cannot accept defeat. She did it not because of you but because she cannot accept the fact that she's nothing to you anymore. Look, she's your best friend but that was a long time ago, the last time I checked you weren't even talking anymore and you've never gone farther than being casual with her. So please Dee, don't take this against you" It was Dannah who spoke this time, "Collet is evil period and you have nothing to do with that "

"How am I to face Xhemin with all this?" Darryl asked. "If only you've seen her breakdown earlier. She's crying endlessly and the hurt that I've seen in her's more than anyone could bear... God this is too much for her,"

"Don't give up Dee," Dannah went on. "You can't just give up now,"

"I'm not worthy of her Dannah…not anymore," Darryl said in a way that, just like six years ago, he was losing all hope.

"Dee, Collet killed your son because he didn't want you and Xhemin to be happy," Dian joined Dannah on her please, "If you give up now, you are just giving Collet a chance to ruin your happiness. She'll win over you,"

"Can we still be happy Dian?" Darryl answered in a subtle question, "How can we be happy when our son had died and that I cannot anymore give my wife another one,"

Dian and Dannah's expression turned more helpless with Darryl's words. They both couldn't answer him because right then, they had run out of reasons to comfort him. Darryl's predicament was just too much for the both of them so instead of talking it through, the two sisters went and sat with their brother, giving him their shoulders and embrace to further comfort him.

"Should I just give her up?" Darryl was considering the matter through. He felt right then that perhaps they will be happier and better if they'll have nothing to do with each other anymore.

"Dee, just give it one more try please," Dannah begged. "She probably needs you right now. Now is a tough time. Think things through and consider the matter first before doing something you'll regret for the rest of your life. Remember, she's your wife. You are meant for each other, you are meant to be together,"

"Are we really meant for each other? What if-"

"No more what-ifs. Please brother just think this through first. Don't let your devastation cover your hopes," Dannah begged, then she kissed his brother and cried with him so did Dian.