The Genius' First Love

503 Collet's Rights

Collet had been preparing to get back at Xhemin. She was so done being afraid of her and right then when her current reputation was at stake, she had to do something. Her mother's trial was already on the news and this pushed her to the edge of her patience.

Many had been dying to interview her with the recent scandal that broke and to redeem herself and protect her advancing career in modeling, her manager advised her to say yes so that Collet will be able to tell everyone her side of the story.

That night, on national television, Collet was dressed in a modest kind of clothing- a part of her act to make her look like an innocent young woman. Her style made it so because they wanted to portray Collet as a young inexperienced heiress who was trying to brave her way out of the recent scandal that was dragging her.

"So Miss Chan, we all heard about your mom. Would you like to tell us about how you feel about her situation at the moment?"

Collet flushed the face of a young woman who was robbed out of her mother's care. "I know you would all expect me to hate my mom because she was a suspect of my father's death but I couldn't just hate her especially that I know the truth,"

"And what truth is that Miss Chan?" The host made a follow-up.

"Well, it's not new to everyone's knowledge that my sister came back and took over our company. The company my father built and worked hard for. Well, you might be aware of this because I had always been praising my sister and adoring her for how good of a businesswoman she was. And that's true I adore her. However…." Collet paused at this point to make it looked like she was having a hard time explaining things, "However my sister unexpectedly want to get the entire LGC and stripped me out of my rights,"

"Oh," The host was shocked with the revelation. Most of the people from the entertainment industry weren't class A socialites and they knew only a little knowledge about the business world so it was easy for them to believe Collet. "But you are the LGC heiress and I think you are as legitimate as her, shouldn't she give your rights?"

"Well that's we all thought. Turns out she doesn't want that and she has banned me from stepping into our company and even threw me out of our mansion, me and my mother," Collet's tears fell as she said this and the host immediately handed her some tissue. They all took pity at Collet's story because her acting was sure also as legit as hell.

"Dear we didn't know about these things. We thought you and sister were very closed and that everything was working well with both of you," The host then sympathized greatly and with how the conversation was running, she knew that they will top the rating for tonight.

"I know. I was trying to be cool with it, despite how my sister was bullying my mother and me,"

"And how all this is related to your mother's arrest?"

The host only held a deep sigh because she couldn't take the pain that she thought Collet was feeling. Everyone in the studio loathed Xhemin for being such a greedy person and the people started cursing Xhemin's name. Those of course who were very well acquainted in the business industry only rolled their eyes at Collet's claim but the latter's fans, as well as the whole entertainment industry who knew only the tip of the berg, expressed their concern about such bullying.

"Well with everything that happened to you Miss Collet at least you've got the Lagdameo heir, your fiancee at your side. That must have given you some relief," Till then all people thought Darryl and Collet were still a thing because the rumors about Darryl being married to the LGC CEO was just confined to the elite community and no one, of course, would discuss it outside. The high elites were very exclusive people so they would only spread gossip on people of the same class, they'll surely not even dare to speak with someone from a lower class.

Collet cried, even more, when she heard the host remarked. "Yes, the Lagdameos were on my side but not my fiancee anymore,"

"Are you saying that the Lagdameo heir and you already broke up?"

"We didn't break up. I don't know what happened but just several weeks when my sister showed up, I heard that they had gotten married," Collet announced and she intentionally left out the information that Darryl and Xhemin were long been married to make it look like Xhemin snatched Darryl from her.

"What? This is thorough news. Are you saying the Lagdameo heir and your sister got married while your two were still engaged?" The host was not able to hide his shock with this. This was the first time they heard something negative about the Lagdameo heir and so he was a bit hesitant to believe.

"I told you I don't know the details," Collet refused to elaborate.

"And what did you feel when you first heard this news?"

"Of course I was hurt. However, it was my sister we are talking about and I just couldn't hate her that much. Even though it caused me so much pain I still wish her a good and happy marriage,"

"And did you confront the Lagdameo heir about this?"

"No. Even his own family cannot do anything with it anymore. However, I don't think Darryl intentionally hurt me. Something must have happened in between. He must be innocent with all this and since he was a very responsible person as you are all aware, the marriage must be something he had to do because of responsibility,"

"Well, it looks to me that your sister did something to make the Lagdameo heir marry her. You know those scenes in the movie where the girls became desperate and they forced themselves to someone who was drunk at a time or so. Then out of responsibility, these men marry such women," The host expressed, trying to feed their viewers an idea that Collet's sister must have made something the same and because Darryl was a very responsible man, he had married her instead of Collet.

"I can't be sure but there's no reasonable explanation rather than that," Collet agreed. "But you know as I said, I love my sister although she doesn't treat me good,"

"You have such a good heart Miss Chan," The host was so impressed at how Collet was still trying to express her love for her sister despite what the latter had all done. The interview of Collet ended after two hours and immediately, a lot of people in social media, most were Collet's fans and supporters bashed Xhemin out online. Collet's interview became a hot topic and many were worried and alarmed of her situation to the extent that they were calling off the authorities to step in and stop whatever evil things they thought Xhemin was doing against their favorite model.