The Genius' First Love

502 Insurances

Collet's huge bills came out as a shock to Xhemin, to Clay even. From what they both knew, Collet's card expenses were previously drawn from the pool of LGC's money, and whatever her card swipes, it was like she paid in cash. Even when her account was transferred to MChan's, the situation was the same and that was the reason they put a limit to it for they could not just afford to pay everything that Collet likes in cash. So why would Collet have some bills when she previously didn't have to pay for anything, not even the food that goes to her mouth, no matter how expensive they were.

"What things were she paying for?" Xhemin's eyebrows curled upward. "Did she perhaps loaned some jewelry or shoes recently?"

"No," Clay answered immediately. Then he dug into the papers they had on the table and pointed into some of the details, "The bills go to these accounts and they are not recent expenses," Clay told. He also came up with the same suspicion Xhemin did earlier as he thought that perhaps when Collet's accounts were given limit by the MChan's Entertainment, Collet loaned some jewelry or shoes but then they were not the case. Surprisingly, after she exceeded her limit the previous month, she stopped purchasing anything. Unknown to them, because of the threats of Martin's brother, Collet got a little trauma and the effect was that she almost didn't want to use the card anymore. She even stopped meeting with friends especially with what happened the last time where her card was rejected and had focused her time advancing her modeling career. Since she was popular these days, she had earned so many sponsors that sent her regular gifts and she became too busy to go shopping.

"They are not recent expenses meaning they had been constantly billed on her account even when her card was still in LGC?" Xhemin confirmed and when Clay nodded in agreement, something became suspicious to both of them. "That's rather too impossible, the cards of LGC simply do not allow credits. It should have been just billed once. Perhaps it was some kind of a regular donation? Like perhaps Collet was sponsoring some church or charities that bill her monthly?"

"These accounts do not look like it's an organization account, these are personal accounts," Clay remarked. "But you might be right, probably the donation just goes to a personal account of someone that belonged to a charity. It must be a personal account of their headmistress or managers,"

"Well that should be it unless there is something else Collet is sponsoring," Xhemin settled but because she was a bit intrigued she looked onto the details and suddenly her eyes became sharp as if she found something worthy of thorough interest.

"What?" Clay was curious.

Clay took one look and instantly his mind made some small recognition. "This was six years ago,"

"A day before my accident," Xhemin uttered and something came to her like her throat was being sucked off some air. "This is huge money and the same equal amount was billed again the day after my accident,"

"It's like she made a deposit and paid something in full…"

"after my accident," Xhemin was already shaking as she made an emphasis on that statement. "Clay tell me this is just a coincidence,"

Clay was overwhelmed with their recent discovery that he didn't know how to respond. Instead of reacting, he made some conclusions for himself, "She paid a down payment a day before your accident and paid in full after it. That's a good hypothesis. However that might not be the case, Miss Leigh, you see she's being billed for these monthly payments although the monthly payments weren't as high as the first two payments she did,"

"Right. You are right," Xhemin tried to calm down. "She might just have coincidentally bought some jewelry or a car perhaps from a private person before my accident. She must have liked her purchase very much and decided to buy another after few days.The monthly bills might be some insurance,"

"That might be the case. Considering the high disparity of the first two amounts than those of the monthly bills, I believe the monthly bills could be some insurance and the first two were the main purchases," Clay was also giving his share of doubt from the suspicion that was rising in. However, despite how much they both convinced it was rather the case, Clay could see Xhemin was becoming anxious about it. Worried and also a bit curious, he wanted to check on the details of these transactions, "Would you want me to check who owns these accounts?"

"Oh yes Clay please," Xhemin hollered as if she was desperate. She didn't know what had gotten into her but when she saw the dates, a hunch grew inside her that she couldn't deny. "Oh tell me, Clay, I'm just overthinking. Collet despite her attitude can never do something evil. She's innocent and too fragile to become as evil as her mother,"

"Do you want an honest answer?" Clay looked at her hesitantly and Xhemin nodded with a sigh.

"We can't be sure about her and your first assumption might be true, that these were some transactions that were related to your accident. This was something we have missed for the last six years,"

Xhemin didn't want to hear it but Clay was right, "If that's the case, then what could be the most likely expenses Collet was paying for in those monthly bills if it's not insurances.

"Still insurances," Clay told Xhemin but the latter did not expect the twist in his statement, "However those were not insurance for a car or a piece of jewelry but insurance to make sure that the persons behind these accounts would keep their mouth shut,��

With Clay's statement, Xhemin's belief about Collet all fell out.