The Genius' First Love

483 Subsisting Offer

When Willow and Don Samuelle arrived in L Empire, everybody was waiting for them. Just a few hours ago, Willow's supervisor found out that she was missing right after she was done with her important meeting and the first thing she did was check the security cameras to determine what happened to her. Both Dannah and Darryl were informed of the situation and they all rushed to make sure they found Willow immediately. Through the security cameras they found out that she was with Don Samuelle and that they both left L Empire together.

"Grandfather," Both Dannah and Darryl bowed when the two entered the VIP door. Their subordinates who were standing at the siblings' back, including Willow's supervisor, bowed too and their respect drew a proud smile on Don Samuelle's face. He immediately bent down and whispered to Willow, "See? I told you they all bow at me,"

Willow responded with a satisfactory smile then went to gave her greetings, "Hello President D, Third Miss,"

���O! Why do you all look so worried?" Don Samuelle hollered at their tensed faces. He was in such a great mood that both Dannah and Darryl were surprised to see him all feeling so calm and happy. Don Samuelle never smiled at the office previously and both Dannah and Darryl had not seen him happy for the longest time yet right then, he wasn't withholding how great his mood was.

"Grandfather, where did you take Little Miss Willow?" Darryl asked politely. "Her supervisor was so worried about her sudden absence,"

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that President D. I was craving for strawberries but there was none available at the canteen and everyone was so busy to accommodate my request. So I went to ask my old grumpy grandpa for it and he was kind enough to accompany me outside to buy strawberries," Willow explained, genuinely admitting that it was all her fault. "But I promise you I had already done my work for the day, my supervisor even said I did great,"

Hearing her explanation, Willow's supervisor understood that she fell short on her job and so she went to apologize to Darryl immediately.

"I am so sorry President D, it was all my fault. I was caught up in a sudden important meeting and since I know the Little Miss is a very independent child, I left her with no supervision. I should have assigned someone to look after her. Please... I'll accept any disciplinary action you would give me," She told, all feeling guilty.

In the middle of their conversation, Xhemin appeared being escorted by the head of reception. Everyone was surprised by her and the smile in Don Samuelle's face faded yet his mood remained the same. Xhemin after all was the owner of LGC and the old man wanted to appear formal in front of her.

"Mommy," Willow ran to give her some warm hugs.

"You came?" Darryl asked curious as to what made his wife visit him when the last time he checked, she wasn't that affectionate with him.

"Oh I came for Willow. Mr. Barb cannot pick her up so I told Ziggy I'll pick her," Xhemin explained then proceeded to give her greetings at the old chairman. "I hope you had a good day chairman,"

Don Samuelle only nodded to acknowledge her however when Willow waved at him to say her goodbyes, he was not able to withhold his smile and he waved back. "See you tomorrow my dear,"

Xhemin herself was shocked to have witnessed such closeness and something in her heart warmed in an instant. Don Samuelle realized after a moment that he was not able to withhold himself, so immediately he cleared his throat and fixed himself.

"I'll return to my office," he announced awkwardly and left, not giving anyone a chance to be surprised by his weird actions. Dannah too left with him so were all the employees who were attending to them.

"Willow, go to the car first. I had something to say to President D," She instructed Willow and cued to her personal bodyguard to escort Willow to the car. When they were alone, Xhemin looked at Darryl with a mood ready for some business proposal.

"I've seen the news," Xhemin revealed.

"Is that the reason why you came to pick her personally?" Darryl referred to Willow as she herself made it into the headlines and he was sure both Ziggy and Xhemin were taking more precautions to protect the children's privacy.

"That's not what I mean," Xhemin told him and hearing it made an instant change in Darryl's expression. He was certainly not pleased that Xhemin was opening such a topic to him, more certainly not pleased that his wife had already found out about his recent incapacity.

"I don't want to talk about that Milady," It was obvious from his voice that his pride was hurt. "This is L'Empire's problem, you have nothing to do with it," Darryl then walked away with the intention to put an end to the conversation but Xhemin followed him persistently.

"I'm sorry okay if I offended you or anything," Xhemin expressed, "But I know this will have a huge impact on L'Empire and this will cause some disability internally. Your clients and partners will soon pull out,"

"This is not anymore your problem,"

"Well I'm just here to let you know my offer subsists," Xhemin announced and her words only irritated Darryl even more. He halted his steps and looked at her with a frigid expression.

"What offer?" Darryl pretended to be confused hoping he heard her wrong. He just can't believe what Xhemin was doing. He finds it not only too unethical but also too over the board.

"You'll lose your clients eventually with the recent scandal. I just want you to give you an easy exit out. Look I can buy L'Empire and I promise you I'll take a good care of it, I'll even buy the part that belongs to me as you wife,"

Hearing it was like a knife struck right to Darryl's heart. "I can't believe you are this low. If this is how Ava Leigh does business then I'm sorry I'll never ever do any business transactions with her,"

Just that and he turned his back on her fully, making an end to whatsoever outrageous offer Xhemin had in mind. He certainly wasn't interested in all of it.