The Genius' First Love

482 A Gangster?

Willow definitely got the strawberry that she wanted but since the mall was loaded with lots of interesting stuff, she went from buying strawberry to window shopping and ended up in a game zone where children flocked. She and Don Samuelle went to the closest mall, a walking distance from L Empire and unfortunately, to Don Samuelle's frustration, it wasn't an elite mall but rather a regular one where ordinary citizens frequented.

The game zone was so loud and chaotic that it definitely got Willow's attention. She had gone to a similar place before with Wolfe and their father yet it wasn't as lively like that so she was kind of thrilled right then. She went from corner to corner watching the children play with the game machines and adored almost everything.

"Hey child, don't you think we had to go back now?" Don Samuelle who had no choice but follow the girl shouted through all the noise around them. Although the place was full of nothing but children, he didn't feel safe knowing they were in a regular mall. He had already called his personal security team earlier but he wasn't able to give them his exact location because he was occupied with following the girl everywhere like he was her own baby sitter.

Willow probably didn't hear him as she was totally fixated on the kid playing race cars. In just a minute, the boy's time suddenly ended so the machine beeped and he started cursing. With obvious frustration and annoyance, he stood from where he seated and went away. Seeing that the space was empty now, Willow went in and started playing with the machine even though the screen was all black. She just really wanted to hold onto the steering wheel and go into action despite the fact that the machine was off and she had no coin to insert in.

"Wheeew!" She imagined herself in a sports car racing with Wolfe. She was having so much fun not until the boy who just left came back with another set of coins.

"Hey girl what are you doing?" The boy looked at her disgusted at how Willow was acting weird. "Crazy. Get out there, you are not even playing,"

"Just a minute please," Willow asked ignoring his negative remarks and continued playing with the steering wheel.

The boy who was impatient didn't give her what she asked. Instead, he snatched Willow's hand away from the steering wheel and dragged her away from the machine.

"You poor brat. If you want to play, ask your mommy to get you some tokens. Or probably she couln' afford one because you are too poor," he started screaming at Willow's face. He was about to say something more when someone held onto his shirt.

"You boy, what do you think you are doing?" Don Samuelle's scary angry face welcomed him. He had seen how the boy was picking on Willow and he didn't like the view. Aside from Willow being just a little girl, the boy was far too old for his age to act like too ill-mannered. "How dare you pick on her. You little jerk!"

"Daddy!" The boy wailed terribly. "Daddy help! Help!"

Right then, a big man with broad toned shoulders whose face looked more frightening than Don Samuelle came to the boy's rescue. Seeing his opponent, he let go of a feral smile knowing that it was just an old man who certainly do not stand a chance on him.

"Oh look who dared to bully my son," the man mocked.

Willow who was now standing at Don Samuelle's back knew right away that they were doomed and so even before her old grumpy grandpa could say anything, she pulled him away running fast as she could. Don Samuelle was dragged helplessly and he felt his heart detaching from his rib cage at the intensity of their escape.

"Enough girl, enough!" Don Samuelle pleaded until Willow slowed down. They were already in the streets and the old chairman had to go down on his knees to catch his breathing. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack soon.

"Are you okay grumpy grandpa?" Willow asked worriedly when she saw him sweating terribly and was almost out of breath. "Grandpa? Answer me. Are you okay or do I need to call an ambulance now? I know how to call an emergency hotline if you could just let me borrow your phone,"

Don Samuelle certainly looked like he was all in pain but before Willow could worry further, the old chairman let loose of a loud of guffaw surprisingly.

"Hahahhaha" Don Samuelle was laughing hard to Willow's relief. "What did we just do? I felt like I'm a highschooler again picking fights. Oh how I missed the old days,"

Willow's eyebrows crossed. She almost thought the old man needed immediate care yet here he was laughing like an insane fellow in the streets reminiscing his old golden days. With obvious annoyance she asked, "What are you before? A gangster? You old man is worst than me if that's the case,"

"And how are you better than me?" Don Samuelle confronted her while he was trying to steady his breathing, "Look at you earlier? You are not even a highschooler yet and you are already picking a fight with a boy,"

"It wasn't me who started it. You saw it yourself that boy was being mean to me" She defended herself.

"Aido! no more reasons! You are so good with reasons, young lady, you even forget sometimes to show respect to grandpa because of your need of constant blabbering," Don Samuelle chided the little girl. He straightened himself up and touched his hair, making sure they were all in place. "Where are we anyway?"

"I don't know but I'm sure if we keep walking we'll find our way," Willow suggested.

"I'm done with walking," Don Samuelle protested. His legs couldn't take it anymore. He looked around and saw a pizza parlor at the corner and pointed to it. "Let's wait there. I'll call my men and have them fetch us here,"