The Genius' First Love

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"Listen grumpy grandpa. L'Empire is after the strawberries. Isn't that why you hired me for? So basically, strawberries are the face of the L Empire. It somehow kind of represents it at the moment. By saying so, wouldn't it be just right for you to treat all your employees with the fruit that represents you?" Willow reasoned, putting her hands on her waist as if talking like an ever demanding adult.

Don Samuelle almost raised a brow at her however he thought the girl somehow had a point. However, he was not really in the place to suggest what goes around in L Empire's canteen as that role belongs to the company chief and he simply doesn't want to go that low on talking to an employee in the first level of the corporate center. He is an elder and an L Empire's elder don't go and make errands on their own, they asked someone to do it for them.

"I kind of get your point, but whatever is happening at the canteens is none of my business," Don Samuelle told secretly admiring the girl for her sensible thoughts.

"That's what I suppose," Willow concluded, "So it's only correct for me to say you lied when you said you are rich. You aren't rich anymore, only your grandson is, and that's President D. In this company you simply had no voice,"

Hearing her words, Don Samuelle looked at the girl with thorough incredulity and annoyance. She was basically telling him that he was useless in L'Empire which was actually the truth because he neither holds any position or office in the corporate center. However out of respect, the higher operations had given him an exclusive office where he can go and stay whenever he comes and visits which he does almost everyday since he came back in the country.

"I am an elder in this company," He started pushing his points to her, "A girl like you wouldn't understand how important that role is, so I'm going to explain it to you. An elder is a person more powerful than a President. That's the reason why, whenever President D sees me, he bows at me.,"

"Really? You are more powerful than the President?"

"Surely I am," Don Samuelle proudly said. He didn't understand why he was wasting time conversing with the girl and making an effort to prove to her how powerful he was as if the girl's opinion of him matters much. but the old man was ultimately entertained with Willow and so he allowed the conversation to linger on. Willow was just someone he could not easily ignore as he was thoroughly captured by her charms.

"Prove it," Willow challenged him as if his words weren't at all reliable.

"There's no need for that,"

He sighed almost exhausted in proving himself, "Okay fine. In what way will you believe me?"

"Come with me," Willow told him and went for the door. Don Samuelle of course helplessly followed the girl. In just a few minutes, they were already at the ground floor and Willow walked Don Samuelle onto one of the exit doors.

"Open it," Willow asked him, pointing to a certain door that was unguarded. That particular door was a VIP exit that can only be closed and opened using a VIP badge swipe which of course the girl doesn't have access to. That door was what all the VIP used whenever they wanted to get in and out of the building unseen by any media and ordinary visitors that usually flooded the entrance of the corporate center. "That is a VIP door. If you are indeed a powerful person here, then your badge swipe should have access with that,"

Don Samuelle sighed in relief when the girl announced her challenge for him. With how intelligent the girl was, he thought she would demand something far bigger than just opening a VIP door. Nevertheless it was still smart on her part to think of such a challenge since only VIP's have access to that door, VIP's like him.

Don Samuelle immediately swiped his card effortlessly and the door opened.

"Woahhhh!" Willow's eyes got big upon seeing that indeed the door opened. She walked to the door as if mesmerized by how powerful Don Samuelle's badge swipe was when the truth was she just wanted to get out of it. When she was outside she turned back to Don Samuelle with a huge smile.

"You are indeed rich and powerful," She said and Don Samuelle smiled back with pride at her not until she started walking away.

"Since we are here you don't mind guarding the door until I come back right? I'll just buy strawberries in the mall and I need you to open the door back when I come back. Thank you!" She added and waved him goodbye, "I'll come back before you know it. Just wait for me!"

Don Samuelle's proud smile turned into something else when she saw Willow fading through the parked cars. Only then did he realize that she fooled him and an instant panic rose to him knowing that she went alone without a guardian.

"Hey child!" Don Samuelle called as he ran after her. He felt the burn on his already weak knees but his worry made him go on moving, "Hey child you can't just go alone. The guards will surely block you on the front gate. Child! Child! Where are you? Wait for me!"

"You want to tag along then?" Willow immediately showed up from his behind with eyes shining like a diamond. She knew the guards at the exit gate would block her so she really meant for the old chairman to accompany her. "Well since we are here already it's already decided that you should come with me. Don't worry I'm not hard to watch over,"


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