The Genius' First Love

478 She Doesn'

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Like the Lagdameo siblings, Ziggy too was shocked to see them specially that they were in a regular shopping center that elites don't mostly go to. He had always been cautious of bringing the kids to public places. That's why he chose to bring them to that shopping center for the main reason that he was certain it was very unlikely for them to meet any elite family. Unluckily, they bumped into his least favorite person on earth and the woman who he was not prepared to see even after six years.

"Dada," Willow happily called. The girl was certainly happy her father got to see the people who were sponsoring her. "Look who we bumped on to. This is the third miss Dannah and this guy right here is the famous President D,"

Ziggy bowed politely as if he was someone of lower status than the two. Also, for Willow's sake, he was determined to act casual at the two, "Good to see you again. I hope you had been well,"

"You are a doctor now, I've heard," Darryl stated, trying to be polite as he can be. "Good to see you again. It's been a long time but I didn't quite expect to see you here,"

"It's actually you both that I'm not expecting to see here," Ziggy replied, "This is not a place for elites,"

"As if you are not an elite," Dannah remarked, her voice didn't hide the annoyance that just rose up on her stem as soon as she laid eyes on him.

"Perhaps the third miss had forgotten I don't have the same status as I have before," Ziggy turned to her casually as if they both don't have a history to settle. "I'm just a plain doctor now," He added, pointing out the fact that although he still bears the name Montreal, his father however had already stripped him off all his rights.

"He's a good doctor. A really good one, people from all the places come to him all the time," Willow proudly interjected as the adults were talking.

"Your father was already skillful even before he even became one," Darryl told the girl and his praise gave Willow more confidence and pride for her father.

"Dada, the President wanted to have lunch with us. Can we please go?" Willow asked approval right away as she remembered Darryl's offer earlier.

"Willow your mommy is waiting at home," Ziggy said hesitantly as he was aware of Darryl's and Xhemin's current situation. The mention of the children's mommy that certainly referred to Xhemin made the current situation awkward but the adults all pretended nothing was wrong and Darryl was not jealous of the attention Xhemin was giving Ziggy. She'd rather have lunch with the youngest sire certainly than him, her own husband.

"Oh yes Willow mommy is home. We promised her we'll come back right away," Wolfe supported Ziggy's statement. Xhemin was supposed to come with them to the shopping center but she had an important virtual meeting so she was forced to stay in the Golden Villa while Ziggy goes grocery shopping with the children.

"Oh yeah I kind of forgot," Willow was reminded then. Of course, their mommy was certainly more important than anything else so she did not give the predicament much of a thought. She turned to Darryl and bowed politely, "I'm sorry President D, it seemed that we cannot have lunch with you this time. Perhaps some other time,"

"It's alright," Darryl replied and Dannah was ultimately relieved with such a decision. She already thought she had to endure having lunch with Ziggy, which was the last thing she ever wanted right then. Meeting Ziggy so suddenly was already too much and the truth was if the children or Darryl wasn't there, she had probably left the place already.

"Kids we have to go now," Suddenly Ziggy was in a hurry. He carefully dragged the children and his cart full of groceries with the intention of going to the counter to pay even though his grocery list wasn't complete yet. "Good to see you both"

In just a minute, Ziggy was gone with the kids, leaving Dannah and Darryl on the chocolate corner. Dannah tried so hard to conceal her emotions by busying herself again with the chocolates while Darryl stood beside her as he followed Ziggy with his eyes.

"Now I'm certain you knew each other," Darryl's statement was directed to Dannah. Ever since Willow showed up in L Empire and announced that Ziggorioh Montreal was her father Darryl already noticed something different with Dannah. Even until then, Darryl was not aware of the fact that Dannah once became Ziggy's bodyguard while she was under their uncle's instruction so he was oblivious to what happened between them.

"Who? " Dannah pretended not to get what he meant. "What are you even talking about?"

"You and the youngest sire…" Darryl pressed on, "Dannah its obvious okay so just spill the beans to me,"

"I have nothing to tell Dee seriously," She tried to deny it even more although she knew that Darryl with all his means, will probably find out everything between him and Ziggy before the day ends. He didn't have any idea until now and since he was already suspicious she was sure Darryl will have someone look onto it.

"C'mon Dannah," Darryl continued to convince her. "You know I don't really have problems with anyone you like but this Ziggorioh Montreal thing needed to be given some attention especially with the fact that one of his children looked like you, in every angle,"

"Me liking the youngest Montreal?" Dannah couldn't believe Darryl's assumptions, "Of all people Dee? And how in the world did you even think of that?"

"The way you looked at him and perhaps the way he looked at you says something," Darryl noted. The tension between Dannah and Ziggy earlier was undeniably strong that Darryl immediately noticed something was up with the two, "Look I won't dig into everything if you don't want me to. It's your private life anyway. I just wanted to know whether grandfather's hypothesis is right,"

"And which hypothesis is that?"


-Chapter ends here-

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