The Genius' First Love

477 Her Twin

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Darryl and Dannah decided to have lunch together after a productive morning in L Empire. Although Darryl didn't mention, she knew he managed to make Xhemin move to his apartment and how hard he was trying to fix up his marriage. To be honest, she thought that Xhemin moving to her brother's apartment would bring some fresh warmth to Darryl's eyes yet she's seeing the opposite. Things clearly didn't work out well she could tell.

"Where to?" Darryl asked her while they were in the car. Whenever they have lunch together, they always decide the place only when they are already on the road.

"Hmmm," Dannah was thinking. It was obvious Darryl didn't want to decide on it that's why he passed the burden to her, "I don't feel like eating something grand. I just want some simple salad, nothing fancy or so,"

"Food court then?" Darryl suggested. When they were young, both of them used to sneak together to go to malls where the elites don't frequent and found out that simple delicious to-go foods can be found on food courts.

"Food court it is," Dannah ended the predicament. If there's one thing she loved about working in L Empire, it's the fact that she gets to be with her brother all the time. Certainly, after all these years of her soul searching, she does miss the times they had nothing to worry about but just the dilemma of how to run away from their bodyguards or how to sneak out from the Marble Mansion unnoticed.

Darryl settled for a nearby shopping center that has a food court. As soon as they parked their car, Dannah suddenly craved for some cheap chocolate bars she doesn't usually find in elites shopping malls so she decided to roam inside the grocery area. Darryl nonchalantly followed her sister as she hunted for what she wanted.

"Found them," Dannah announced as she reached for it at one of the racks. Her face formed the kind of expression that kids do when they open up their christmas presents and Darryl can��t help but smile with it. "I know that face," Dannah turned her attention to him, "You want this too!"

"Just give me a little," Darryl jived into the mood. Sometimes, on rough days, Dannah's smile can certainly make things lighter and that's one of the things that Darryl likes most about her.

As soon as she heard him, Dannah formed a naughty smile and reached for more chocolates. When she had enough on her hand, she turned to Darryl, not aware that someone little was already beside her, trying to reach something on the same rack. She almost stumble upon the little thing, good thing Darry was quick on his knees and was able to save Dannah and the small person from falling into each other.

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't see-" Dannah's brow raised into a curve when she recognized who the small person was. It was Willow Montreal, their sponsored researcher and although they were in a grocery store where anyone can just some and go, she was ultimately shocked to see her there.

"Hello third miss," The girl politely gave her greetings, "Hello President D. I'm sorry I was careless, I got to excited when I had a glimpse of my favorite chocolates,"

"You mean this?" Dannah raised the chocolate she was holding and immediately, the girl's face lit up.

"Yes, that one," She answered with thorough joy. Dannah turned to look at Darryl who was kind of entertained with the fact that aside from Dannah and the girl shared the same kind of facial features, it seemed that they too also share the same kind of favorite chocolates.

Dannah grimaced at Darryl's obvious mockery as his face couldn't seem to settle whether to laugh or to be nonchalant about what they found out.

"Willow!" All their heads gathered up on one corner when they heard the call and much to Dannah and Darryl's surprise, another child showed up. He had long hair, a little taller than Willow and a pair of glasses that hung neatly on his face.

"Twinny!�� Willow responded, "Come here, I'll introduce you to my bosses,"

Dannah certainly caught Willow's words especially the thing that she called the other child "Twinny? Is he your-"

"We are not twins," The boy cut off Dannah's question by answering it. The two children, although they had some similarities, certainly don't share the same features. Willow's hair for example is caramel while the boy had dark locks. "I'm older than her,"

"This is my brother Wolfe," Willow introduced fully. It was the first time that her brother was to meet the president as the last time Darryl was at the Golden Villa, he missed the chance of seeing the children as the servants alarmed Ziggy at the front door while Darryl was waiting at the living room. Luckily, the stairs were in the great hallway so they were able to sneak the children in the second floor right away before Darryl could see them, "Wolfe, this is President D. He owns L Empire and this is the third miss Dannah, his sister. She works in L'Empire too,"

"Really?" Wolfe certainly was pleased upon hearing his sister's words. Then he looked at Darryl with great admiration and asked, "Is it true you are an engineer?"

"Ah yes?" Darryl's answer sounded like a question as he was a bit confused as to Wolfe's sudden admiration. However, just as soon as his eyes fell upon the boy, there was some kind of feeling that rose within him that he couldn't explain. The only feeling he was certain right then was that he was ultimately pleased to have met him as if he's someone he had been waiting for.

"He wants to be a builder too," Willow announced and Darryl kind of connected the dot. "He adores you,"

"Tell me President D. Is it true that you were the one who built the Puente De Amor? Is the story behind it true? Did you really go to Manggan Island? How many people did it take you to make such an enormous bridge?" Wolfe flooded Darryl with questions and most of them passed through Darryl's ears as he was busy looking at Wolfe trying to decipher the feeling that came with meeting him.


-Chapter ends here-

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