The Genius' First Love

450 Happily Married

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When it was contract signing time, Dannah excused herself from the meeting hall. She went to the bathroom immediately, locked the door and stared herself in the mirror. She felt very strange after meeting Ziggorioh Montreal's daughter and the encounter almost made her lose her breath. She wanted to ran to the bathroom and tend to her own feeling earlier yet there were so many things to be done and her feelings comes next to business so she had to wait until she was less needed before she withdraw and tend her hurt.

He had a daughter. He must have been married. Married happily.

Dannah thought and although how many times she convinced herself that the fact didn't matter, her heart still bleeds.

It had been six years since she had not heard of him and it would be lie if she would say she had not looked for him because she did. She looked for him everywhere when he had gone missing and when Dr. Miles was murdered and yet despite her connections and skills, she wasn't able to locate him. It just seem that he evaporated completely and for how many years she convinced herself that she was okay with that fact yet today, when she had met his daughter, it seemed like she had lost a battle against her own self, Ziggorioh Montreal still matters, very much, at least for her.

And yet, the Montreal Young sire lived— he lived happily and moved on without her.


Xhemin was sitting at the back of her car on the way to LGC. Beside him was Clay, who was running through her schedule while she was on phone with Emilia. She had a very busy start that she had to take Emilia's call at the car.

"We already have the Lagdameo heir's samples Miss Leigh," Emilia reported from the line. After Xhemin and Darryl talked, the latter had given them no problems at all. Darryl diligently undergone all the tests they required without question, he even fixed his schedule to accommodate them.

"Good," Xhemin sighed, relieved that they had taken hold of the samples they needed desperately.

Darryl, being to obedient does frighten her a bit. She knew him too well and the fact that he required no price for his submission yet, made Xhemin worry. However, provided the desperate situation she was in, the price for the Lagdameo heir's obedience was the last thing she should think of. "I'm just glad he did not give you any problem at all,"

"Well he seemed to not mind it," Emilia replied. "He was always accommodating and helpful,"

"Did he… perhaps suspect anything?" Xhemin was anxious to know. Truth was, she did not disclose to Darryl the whole details of her research, afraid the truth will led to more chaos and danger. If Darryl will know what the research was for, surely things will run out of control that was the reason why she forbid Emilia to take samples of him in the first place and yet, getting the Lagdameo heir involved, cannot be helped.

"I don't think so," Emilia's answer gave her some relief, "He seemed to have believe all your words,"

"Well I hope so Emilia but anyway thank you for your help,"

"No problem Miss Leigh," That was where Xhemin and Emilia's conversation ended. As she put the phone away, Xhemin turned to Clay to ask him something.

"Any news from L Empire?" Xhemin started. She was always updated about every activities of L Empire ever since she decided to buy that company hoping she'll get some information that would aid her in owning it for good.

"I've heard they were currently meeting the botanist they hired from abroad," Clay told.


"Yep. The botanist who can grow strawberries," Clay titled his head to her. His source told him every details of the event that morning that was running in L Empire, including the little girl's controversy, "They were trying to get someone who can replicate your skills,"

"You mean to say they found one already?" Xhemin was mad and surprised at the news. Her strawberry field was one that the L Empire wanted to covet that's why they took her grandfather's land and knowing that until now they haven't given up, make her really mad. "As if someone can do it,"

"Well our source says they did," Clay replied but his story comes with a twist, "But they were all shocked when the botanist showed up this morning,"

"And why is that?"

"It turned out to be a child," Clay continued, "So imagine the chaos in L Empire this morning with the fact,"

"A child?" Another shock came to Xhemin as her breathing becomes unsteady.

"Yes, it's a girl," Clay confirmed and laughed a little at the thought, "I don't know what your husband was doing but how could he missed this fact? Perhaps President D was lost this time and one thing for sure—"

"Clay!" Xhemin cut him off completely shaking to Clay's surprise.

"What's wrong?" Clay worriedly turned to her as Xhemin's expression turned terrible as she suddenly got sick. Xhemin's previous calm self was replaced by sudden fear. "Are you okay?"

"Oh God! Oh God! Please tell me my hunch is wrong," Xhemin was mumbling to herself like a fool.

"Miss Leigh?" Clay was utterly confused about Xhemin's sudden distress, "What is happening, are you feeling sick suddenly? Perhaps we should just go and cancel your meetings—"

"Clay don't you really have an idea?" Xhemin turned to him frustrated that he seemed to have not gotten what she was concern of, "There was only one person who can grow strawberries aside from me,"

Clay thought about it just when Xhemin said the words and a sudden daunting realization came on him, "Xhemin you are not referring of—"

"Of course I'm referring to her. She's the only one I know who can replicate my skills. And what a coincidence, she's abroad and she's a girl too,"

"Calm down, this sure is just a mistake," Clay tried to sway off whatever was running in Xhemin's head.

-Chapter ends here-

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