The Genius' First Love

449 Little Miss Willow

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[Ziggorioh Montreal is a family man now?]

[He had been gone from this country for so long, didn't knew got a daughter already]

[I wonder where that Montreal young sire had been, it looked like he had been going well]

[Does this mean the youngest sire is going to comeback now?]

Everyone was whispering Ziggy's name as if he had just risen from the dead. The last thing everyone heard about Ziggy was his obsession on finding a cure for the Montarini prince and the incident where his laboratory was burnt and to top all this, he had been disowned by his own father, stripping him off every cent he was entitled to as the Montreal young sire. Now, six years after, his child showed up, giving everyone some real surprises.

"Mr. Barb, please tell us what we heard is just all child made up facts," Dannah refused to believe it. The fact alone that Ziggy had sired a child was mind blowing and having that child right there in front of them, looking exactly like her as if she was her own mother was simply outrageous.

"I'm sorry Miss, but Little Miss Willow is indeed Ziggorioh Montreal's daughter," Mr. Bard confirmed, "She was born and raised in Hawaii after the youngest sire left this country,"

"And where is the youngest sire right now?" Dannah insides were all trembling, and for reasons she didn't know, the corner of her eyes went wet as if hearing news about him made her a bit emotional.

"We are not under obligation to tell you his whereabouts," Mr. Barb refused to answer then he turned to Darryl, "President D, kindly tell us now if you still want Little Miss Willow in the program, if not then I'm afraid we have to leave now and let us not waste each other's time.

"I'm afraid Mr. Barb that provided the fact that the scientist you brought is a child, we might need more talking," It was Samson who expressed his hesitation. "Moreover, since she's a Montreal makes the predicament more complicated,"

"Well then, if that's the case I guess my uncle and I have no more business here," It was Willow who responded then proceeded to jump out of her chair then walked to her uncle's direction. Don Samuelle was one of the person's sitting on the table and so Willow halted a bit at his side to look up at him, "Bye grumpy grandpa", then she went to her uncle and hold his hand, "Let's go, I want an ice cream now,"

Mr. Barb tightened his grip at Willow, made his farewell bow at Darryl and Dannah then walked to the door without a word. Truth was, he felt bad for Willow because it was Willow who wanted to be a part of the program too bad, yet the way L Empire treated them, he better not pushed on it.

"Wait," Darryl stop them from leaving before they could walk through the door. Mr. Barb acknowledged his call by pausing and dragged his head to question what else does the Lagdameo heir wanted.

They looked at each other carefully, then after a minute Darryl spoke, "Are you sure she can grow strawberries?"

"Yes," Mr. Barb replied flatly.

"I know this is too much to ask Mr. Barb but this program as you see is very important and huge in L Empire, so forgive us for all the doubts but can you please give me a good reason to believe that this girl really has that capability," Darryl's words was like pleading.

Mr. Barb held a deep sighed, dragged his eyes to Willow who was looking at him in a meaningful look then decided to give L Empire a second chance. If only not for Willow, he will not make extra effort and so he replied to Darryl "Am I not reason for you to believe it?"

"You?" Darryl didn't understood what he meant by this. Even Dannah who was beside him was confused and just like Darryl, her eyebrows crossed.

"Yes me," Mr. Barb replied, "You both surely don't remember me, don't you?"

Darryl and Dannah looked at each other, as if questioning whether any of them had any idea what Mr. Barb meant and whether or not they do know him. They both were sure they had met him somewhere yet they couldn't tell where.

"You spent more time in Richmond ranch Sam, it's a shame you could not remember me," Mr. Bard told, calling Dannah with the name she didn't anymore used. Dannah upon hearing the name knew right away that whatever Mr. Barb was trying to imply, it had to mean something about the Richmond ranch and that the latter knew her from before. She looked at him intently trying to force herself to remember and then in just a while she remembered what the girl called Mr. Barb few minutes ago.

She called him uncle Ang.

"Ang?" Dannah repeated the name, more like a question and just by saying it, the memory a little farm boy from Richmond ranch popped into her mind in surprise, "You are Ang…"

Mr. Bard only gave her a bitter smile as if her recognition of him didn't give him any sort of pleasure, only bitterness.

"I never believed it when the Youngest sire told me about you," Ang told. Sam previously constant in Richmond ranch because she was then Ziggy's bodyguard and so they used to know each other, "But here you are living in fact as the Lagdameo's third Miss,"

Darryl looked at Dannah, questioning what Mr. Barb meant and Dannah satisfied his curiosity immediately by replying.

"He is Xhemin's favourite farm boy," Dannah turned to his brother, "The one who had been managing her strawberry field in her absence,"

Darryl was shock to hear this.

"That probably the reason why you looked familiar," Darryl concluded dragging his eyes back to Mr. Barb, "We must have met before in Richmond ranch,"

"We did. Once," Mr. Barb admitted. "And just like your sister her narrated, I'm the one who was managing the Dugmoch little Miss' strawberry field previously so I sure know how everything about growing strawberries,"


-Chapter ends here-

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