The Genius' First Love

405 Cold Monster

Darryl had a long day in L Empire. Every day in there was like a battle as L Empire was not only trying to get its feet back into business but is also trying to clean up the mess they made for the last six years. Aside from that, not everyone was friendly and welcoming with them like they were previously and so Darryl had to prove himself on every single transaction.

One gloomy morning where the early breeze was unusually thick than the previous days, Darryl was about to leave his apartment to go straight to L Empire's corporate centre. Unexpectedly, as he was about to leave, a familiar car stopped right in front of his door. It was his mother.

"Son, would you accompany me for a while?" The madam asked his son tenderly. She was wearing such a beautiful motherly smile that Darryl cannot refuse.

"Mother," Darryl sighed deep. He knew why she was here as it was only yesterday that his father and he had another argument about his impending marriage with Collet. He didn't know why all the sudden they were asking for such an impossible proposition but didn't much thought about it as he had more important matter to take into consideration. The argument turned really bad that Darryl decided to leave the Marble Mansion and stay in his apartment to avoid complication and pressure.

"Please my son, just today," Madam Dianne insisted. "I promise it wouldn't take long,"

Darryl didn't like to hear his mother begging to he stepped into the car with no more words. Besides, it had been long since he had spent time with her so he thought of compensating a bit. After all, her mother had always been reasonable with everything she asked of him.

When Darryl was inside the car, he noticed there was a bouquet of flowers in the front seat, beside the driver, and so he wondered where they are heading.

"I'm heading to the hospital where Martin had been admitted," His mother didn't wait for him to open a question. "I thought you might want to come with me,"

Darryl turned to look at his mother, seemingly trying to decipher her intentions. All these times, when it comes to marriage conversations, her mother had never interfered and so her actions right then were somewhat new to him.

"I know you told your father you don't want it," Madam Dianne knew what was running in Darryl's mind and so she knew the right words to say. "And I don't want to force you, you know I'm always at your side,"

Darryl never said a word and just listened to her. Madam Dianne, unlike her father had never demanded him to do anything for the sake of business or so. She had also been quiet about almost every family issue they had. However, every single person in their family never took her lightly because whenever she turned to utter a word, they were all sensible and pure.

"However, with what happened with you in the past, I somehow blamed myself for it" Madam Dianne's face turned sentimental. Darryl was aware that what happened to him in the past had severely affected his family, most especially his mother and siblings and that perhaps was the only thing he regret about it.

"Mother," Darryl dragged his eyes to where her mother sat seemingly trying to convey, she had no faults to share on all the terrible things he had suffered.

"I felt like I was too lenient to you. If I could only take back time; I should have been more involved, stricter. I should have guided you and should have given you my insights on everything. Things could have been more different but I cannot change the past, but I can change for the better," Madam Dianne turned to meet his son's own set of hazel eyes.

"It doesn't mean I'm gonna force you like your father does, but I want to make my own thoughts known to you. As your mother, I should make you see other perspectives rather than your own so you can see and understand things better," Madam Diane told, "Perhaps by that, you can avoid falling into the same trap where you had been for the last six years,"

Darryl chose not to say anything. His mother has a point, sometimes, we don't see things the way it is and would need someone else's eyes to see the reality and so Darryl chose not to rebut with that.

"About the marriage of you and Collet, I know you are man enough to decide on it but I want to you to know my take on this matter, perhaps it can help you see things clearer," His mother added. "I like Collet, I want you to know that. Not because she is the CGC heir or anything but because when you were at your lowest self, she was there patiently taking care of you without waiting for any compensation. She had done many things for you and remained consistent even when you always chose to ignore her. She was always sincere about you,"

Then Madam Dianne added, "I don't want to make this known to you but I thought you must know because I know deep inside, you care for her. Collet is about to lose everything she has and only your marriage to her can save her. You know how it feels right? To lose everything?"

Darryl didn't know which part of his mother's statement hit something in him but something within him shook. If it was pity or something else, he was unsure of it.

"Collet does not belong in the business world but she's trying for her family's sake. You have a lot in common—so stubborn in love and would cross even the impossible just to make sure their loved ones are secure—that's why I know, you both will work out. You might not love her the way how you loved the woman you lost, but come to think of it, you had already lost the woman you loved most, are you also gonna the lost the woman who also loved you most?"

Their car came in a full stop and that's when the mother and son knew they had arrived. Madam Dianne took the bouquet of flower and gave it to her son.

"Go and make a visit alone, you had once been very good friends, friends should care for each other in times of need. Even if you don't love a person, do not forget to be a decent human being,"

Darryl took the bouquet obediently, stepped out his mother's car and watched it leave the place. Darryl then carefully contemplated his mother's words and sighed deep.

Was he really that cold hearted now? Yeah right. Maybe he is. His mother's words just clearly said he was a cold-hearted monster now who does not care about anyone or anything right then.