The Genius' First Love

380 Child's Money

Salsa was there when Martin consulted a lawyer about LGC's ownership. They were at the hotel where she and Collet was staying as they had not left the country yet. Salsa refused to do so, as she felt like her business was not over.

"Mr. Chan every document you showed me were all valid," The lawyer was skeptical when he was conversing with Martin because of Salsa's presence. He thought that she had no business whatsoever in what Martin and he had been talking about. He was not aware who Salsa was since it was the first time Salsa showed up on any of Martin's acquaintances.

"You mean, my wife validly transferred all her rights to Ava?" Martin face fell upon the revelation as if Aviona had betrayed him. Salsa's face also grimaced abput the news for she had put all her hopes on getting LGC, "Is that even valid since…you know… I'm here,"

The lawyer already know what Martin meant. He was questioning his wife's actions of putting LCG in Ava's name without leaving him anything. When Margo told him about Aviona not being the owner of LGC, because it was Ava, he was really mad. Did Aviona really meant to leave him nothing in case of her sudden demise?

"Mr. Chan, may I remind you that you voluntarily executed a prenuptial agreement when you married your wife and you both agreed that whatever Mrs. Chan have and will soon acquire before and after the marriage will be exclusively be hers, and same rule applies to you," The lawyer explained, "So whatever your wife gave to Ava is valid as LGC is her exclusive property"

"You had a prenuptial agreement?" Salsa hollered with unbelief straight to Martin's face, she was about to say something more, but Martin shunned her down by giving her a warning look.

The lawyer coughed to dismiss the tension and Martin turned his attention back to him.

"Attorney, so you mean I won't get anything from Aviona?" Martin inquired further. It was only now that he regretted pushing on a pre-nuptial agreement, but he was too proud before to not execute one as he wanted to show Aviona that he was after her only and not her money. Also, MChan's was still going well that time and his pockets were full, unlike now.

"You can get the other properties she had like the Golden villa but not the LGC," The lawyer announced. "Since you are her husband, you are entitled to those properties she had not appointed to anyone but of course, you still have to share this with your daughter Ava,"

"She's not his daughter!" Salsa intervened again, very much annoyed with everything that she had heard. Since the conversation wasn't going on well, Salsa chose to move on to some other matters as if she was the one who called for that meeting, "Attorney what can we do with Ava's birth certificate? Since she's not Martin's daughter then she should not have the last name Chan,"

The lawyer ignored her and fixed his focus to Martin, "If you shall go that direction this woman was proposing, then you will lose your right as the CEO of the LGC. Remember, the reason why you were able to get that position despite the board's approval of Margo was because you were Ava's father, you are one of her successors,"

"What?" Salsa gasped, "Martin this is too much! You cannot touch her money and you can't even strip off the name Chan out of her? Are you really going to make Collet that pitiful? She's your real daughter and yet her surname is Feng,"

"She's an illegitimate daughter while Ava is legitimate," The lawyer turned to Salsa this time emphasizing his words.

"How dare you call our daughter illegitimate!" Salsa hollered.

"But she is. Ava was born from Aviona and Martin signed her birth certificate voluntarily. As for your daughter, even if Martin signs her birth certificate now, from the fact that she's not from his wife, she's still illegitimate,"

The lawyer dragged his eyes back to Martin, "My friend if you were to ask me, its better to keep this away from the media. You know your reputation wasn't that good anymore after the MChan's downfall. Also, if you plan to keep your position in LGC, you have to keep Ava. You might not be able to touch her money but the salary of LGC's CEO is worth the trouble,"

Martin wasn't settled with that no matter how big that salary was. Even the remaining properties of Aviona didn't gave him much joy even though it can already support all his vices for a lifetime. He was desperate to have access of Aviona's money as he felt like he deserved it but then it seemed that Aviona was far too smart for them to handle. Margo was right, Aviona still wins after all the efforts they made.

"What if I handle Ava's money since I am his father, technically," Martin thought of it. "Ava is still a minor, Aviona cannot represent her since she's incapable at the moment so it's only right to say I can represent her and have access to whatever she had,"

The lawyer only gave Martin a bitter smile and shook his head, "You can only represent Ava in other circumstance but not her finances,"

"And why is that?"

"Aviona hired a finance manager for her already, they are the ones who have the right to handle Ava's money. If you want to get money for Ava's sake, you need to prove to them that such money was to be used for Ava's well being and certainly a mansion in Mexico does not qualify that,"

"Pay her finance manager a huge price and make him your puppet Martin," Salsa suggested dimly, "We have to do everything to make sure Collet can have everything she wanted and that will only happen if we can get Ava's share! Do this for you daughter!"

The lawyer stared at Salsa with wide eyes. Just with her words, he can already tell she's not an elite especially with the fact that she was so desperately convincing Martin to make a crime and steal an innocent child's wealth.

Martin looked at the lawyer in a way as if questioning whether Salsa's proposition is possible. The lawyer only sighed inwardly, almost not believing how desperate the two had been.

"Aviona hired a finance manager from Lux Auditing firm," The lawyer revealed to Martin, "Surely you know that firm cannot be bought out. They had a good reputation and hundred percent trust rate, you can't just pay them for that matter,"

"Anyone can be bought," Salsa butted in again.

"Not an elite firm…" The lawyer disagreed and looked at Salsa in away that was rather telling her she surely was not an elite, "…all elites know that,"

Salsa quieted at the lawyers last words, shameful of how she acted, and Martin only gave her a disapproving look with it and decided to finally end the meeting as it was already giving him some headache.

The lawyer was about to go when Salsa raised one last question. "Attorney, you mentioned earlier that Martin is Ava's successor, what does that mean?"

"It means if Ava will die, Martin can inherit her money," The lawyer answered without giving his words some weight. He was picking up his things ready to leave and so didn't saw the expression than rushed to Salsa's face.