The Genius' First Love

379 Ownership

On the first day that Martin stepped into Leigh Group of Companies, the first thing he did was account all the money and properties Aviona had that was tied with the company. Although he took Aviona's position with the intention of getting a hold of her money, he still didn't want to drain it because right then, LGC was the only thing he can boast off to Manuel. Aside from that, such company was Aviona's legacy and for her sake, he wanted to manage it well. That was also the reason why he didn't want Margo to have it, he simply didn't trust her capabilities.

He can do everything for Aviona so long as she can stay by his side forever. Martin was a good man, only that with it comes to Aviona, he was a little too obsessed. When Aviona gets into the picture and conversation, Martin cannot anymore control his temperament and for that, he becomes violent. Aviona was his turning point, the one that can make him wildly insane in an instant.

Salsa knew this and most of the times, when Martin's violent personality comes out, she had to endure his assaults and there were many times she was tempted to report him or put him into a mental facility, but opted not to because if Martin will be gone, no one would support her financially and she won't be able to become a madam of the Chan's.

"I never thought LGC had this much asset," Martin said to Margo when she came to assist him. She was not happy with how everything turned out but of course she cannot walk away in LGC specially that she was the new COO, one rank below Martin but still a good position to start with. Besides, she was very hopeful that someday, she can retrieve the CEO position she believed was meant for her.

"Yes, that's how big the Leigh Group of Companies are," Margo rolled an eye at Martin. "That doesn't include Aviona's inheritance with the Leigh's of course. So if I were you, make sure Aviona cannot anymore come back or were both out of here,"

Martin ignored Margo's words and continued scrutinizing the reports. Margo was about to turn her back and leave, very much willing to give Martin all his space, yet before she could evaporate through the door, Martin suddenly remembered something.

"Margo, I need to buy a Mansion in Mexico," Martin told her as Salsa had been insisting on it, making him feel guilty about his Collet, "Please settle that for me, here's the details,"

Although Martin partly had good intentions for LGC, he thought however that few millions wouldn't hurt, specially if he had to spent it for Collet.

"I'm the COO of this company Martin," Margo was pissed with his instructions, "Not your assistant. My job as the Chief Operating Officer is to manage our business operations, not to manage your extracurricular demands,"

"Whatever you say, you still looked like Aviona's minion to me," Martin sneered at her. Although Margo confessed to him about Aviona's men and helped him staged Aviona's depression to lock her away, Martin still didn't see Margo as friend. For who would like to be friends with someone who betrayed her own boss?

"If you think you won over because you got the CEO position, no Martin you are wrong," Margo confidently walked back to Martin's table to met him head on, "In all the chaos and lies we covered up, we all didn't win. Aviona is still the winner, not you, not me and certainly not your dirty mistress and your illegitimate child,"

Martin's expression dimmed when he heard Margo. He didn't know she was aware of his dirty secrets. He was not aware that Salsa and Margo both knew each other and had teamed up to destroy his marriage with Aviona. Both Salsa and Margo's mouth were sealed when it comes to their conspiracy even though they had a disagreement because if Martin will come to know, he will surely kill them both.

"How did you—"

"I have my own resources," Margo proudly waved off to him, "I wouldn't become a high-ranking corporate office if I don't. Imagine what will Aviona's grandaunt do if she knew about your mistress, she will surely take Aviona away, even with her supposed condition,"

Martin's hand started shaking at the thought of Aviona being taken away from him. Instantly, a bursting coldness run to his neck, but he fought hard to push back his dark side to his subconsciousness knowing they were in the LCG building. If his other violent side will come out, a lot of people will witness it and that will be his end.

"So, if I were you, learn to respect me as the COO and let's make this relationship casual. I'll do my job well and not become an inconvenience for you so long as you give me the respect that I deserve,"

"Whatever you say Margo," Martin become helpless with Margo's threat. The girl had a high approval rating and certainly the board will suspect if they keep being hostile with each other so somehow, Margo was correct in her proposition. They all had to keep their cool and do their best if they want to retain whatever they had right now. "Leave me alone now, I can manage,"

Margo was satisfied with Martin's retreat. Although the position she had wasn't her first choice, she intended to keep it anyway so the last thing she wished was a hostile office environment. Now with what transpired between Martin and her, perhaps he'll learn to be good to her.

Margo was already at the door when she uttered another set of words, "Also, about the mansion you wanted? I'm afraid that the finance department will not approve that so better not try and just end up shaming yourself,"

Martin's brow crossed at this, "What do you mean by that? I'm the CEO of LGC, I can spend on whatever I want,"

"You are the CEO, but you are not the owner, so all your expenses must be accounted for," Marga explained, "We don't have a branch in Mexico so certainly a mansion in Mexico is not something beneficial to our business. So why would the finance department allow such?"

"My wife is the owner of CGC. The court granted me the authority to handle all of her assets and properties because she was legally rendered incapabe. So, I can buy whatever I want as the owner, no one should question my expenses,"

Margo laughed at this, "Oh God Martin, do you hear yourself? You are very aware how a CEO is different from the word owner right?"

"Do not play with me Margo," Martin was already pissed on how the girl was acting up on her, "You know I'm not a good nemesis,"

"I don't intend to be your nemesis that's why I'm advising you this," Margo retorted on her usual calm tone. "The court only appointed you to handle everything Aviona have and that does not include LGC,"

"What do you mean?"

"Simple, Aviona is not the owner of LGC,"