The Genius' First Love

373 Ava Leigh

Helpless and desperate to fix the situation, Aviona ran to Feather HealthCare to ask for Dr. Miles help. Ava was conceived through IVF with the medical expertise of Dr. Santana, one of the doctors employed under Dr. Miles company. She was hoping that perhaps because Dr. Miles owned the hospital, he can help her on looking through the situation with much care.

"Aviona what happened dear? You're in a mess," Dr. Miles was surprised to her. She was still wearing the gown she used at Ava's christening, so Dr. Miles knew she just came from the event. Dr. Miles was invited too but he intentionally skipped the event for reasons only him knew.

"Dr. Miles please help me," Aviona begged immediately at his office. "I don't know what happened but Ava my daughter…. there's something wrong about her…"

Dr. Miles clearly did not expect Aviona's concern. There was some fear that rose within his stem with the mention of the child's name.

"What is it dear? Is Ava sick?" He inquired further, hoping things weren't as bad as he was thinking.

"No, she's not sick but I don't know what happened. Martin and I performed IVF with the help of Dr. Santana but…." Aviona was already shaking when the words came thought her mouth, "but today Martin performed a paternity test and found out Ava is not his…"

"He performed a paternity test?" Dr. Miles knees felt like they were going to break any minute from then, "But why? What drive him to perform such a test on your own daughter?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Aviona moaned shakily overwhelmed by worry, fear and confusion all at the same time. "But my Ava is not his daughter and I'm afraid that perhaps we got the wrong child or something happened that I don't know… everything is confusing me and all I know was that to run here and ask your help… Martin was so mad he took Ava away…"

"…Please Dr. Miles," Aviona was becoming weak after all that she had gone through that day and so she implored in the smallest whisper, "Please help me… I beg you… Perhaps we can ask Dr. Santana what happened, she will surely be honest with you or perhaps we can check all the children that were born together with Ava, perhaps our daughter was accidentally taken by someone else…o my god! is Ava even my daughter?"

Aviona gasped and raised a shaking hand to her mouth with the last realization she had. The child they brought home from the hospital might not be their daughter and that possibility made Aviona shook in horror.

"Oh no! My baby, she can't be somebody else daughter. The child we raised the past few months cannot be someone else's daughter. She's my Ava," Aviona was already crying with big tears. Just thinking about the fact that Ava might possibly be not her daughter hurts like hell.

"Aviona calm down," Dr. Miles managed to console her, even though his own nerves were all in panicked.

"I cannot calm down Dr. Miles!," Aviona's voice suddenly rose up uncontrollably. She was clouded with so many conflicting emotions that made her loss it all, "My daughter, I need to find out where it went wrong or else my own marriage will be in big doom! Help me please, lets go together to Dr. Santana… let's go—"

"You need not to go to Dr. Santana," Dr. Miles cut through her words and spun around to avoid Aviona's tearful messed up face, "It wasn't her… It was me,"

Aviona stopped sobbing with what she heard. She dragged her eyes to Dr. Miles' broad back full of questions.

"What do you mean?" The fear within Aviona aggravated and anger was starting to rise above it, "What did you do Dr. Miles?"

Dr. Miles didn't answer but only cupped his head and closed his eyes in an attempt to clear his head. He didn't expect that Martin would end up doing a paternity test in secret and certainly not too soon.

[This novel is undergoing thorough revision and editing on its original site.To verify if you are reading the correct and updated version of this novel, please visit the author's site  or simply type Zijay Qui on any search engine. Follow and like if you want for more updates and announcement.]

"Dr. Miles what did you do?" Aviona shouted, suddenly and quite spectacularly losing her cool and good manner. "Tell me what the hell did you do?"

"I did nothing but all for the sake of you Aviona!" Dr. Miles turned to face her head on. "I promised Melvin to make sure you have a happy life and that's all I did! I didn't mean for you to end up in this misery,"

"Just tell me what you did!" Aviona growled at him. Her long-wet lashes hardened at the angry expression in your face, "Is Ava my daughter?"

"She is," Dr. Miles answered to Aviona's relief.

"How about Martin? Is Ava his daughter?"

"He is barren," Dr. Miles revealed bitterly. He knew that the couple wanted a child desperately and the fact that Martin was barren will surely become a big torn in their marriage. The Chan's marriage was on the rocks and Aviona was in a mess that Dr. Miles thought that a child was the only thing that would solve all their problems. Turns out it only made the situation worst.

Aviona gasped in shock and raised another shaking hand to her mouth. Right then she finally understood why it took them forever to have a child, it wasn't because she wasn't capable, it was because her husband was barren.

"Why did you hide this from me? My husband was so mad he thought I cheated on him and it turned out, it was you. It was you who did it!" The shock had disappeared from her voice to be replaced by contempt.

"Aviona dear, I just don't want you to go through it all," Dr. Miles tried to defend himself. "I know how miserable you were and how desperate you were both on having a child. Tell me how I am supposed to tell you this news when I know what you were going through?"

"You should have just told me anyway," Aviona lamented, "That would have been better,"

-Chapter ends here-

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