The Genius' First Love

372 The Daugther

Ava's party went well without any complications but as soon as the guests left, Martin called out Aviona's attention.

"Give me that child!" Martin immediately grabbed Ava away from Aviona's care. With his sudden unannounced charge, Ava jilted in surprise and she wailed instantly under Martin's grip.

"Darling careful, Ava will get hurt!" Aviona was surprised to see the fire in Martin's eyes and the way he carelessly handled their daughter. She had already noticed that his mood changed in the middle of the gathering but didn't dwell much attention on him because she was busy attending to their guest. "What happened to you?"

Martin held Ava tightly and called of his assistant, "Bring Ava to the car," He commanded and immediately handed their daughter to the man who in turn carried Ava away from them.

Aviona suddenly panic at how Martin was reacting and with the fact that Ava was to be sent away without her. She was totally unaware of what happened in the fire exit and the fact that Martin had known something not pleasant, but Martin's reaction alarmed her, "Martin Darling where are you assistant taking our Ava? She's exhausted and tired, I need to feed her, Darling give her to me please…"

"No!" Martin hissed furiously, "I'm not going to give Ava not until you tell me the truth!"

"What truth are you talking about?" Aviona was appalled by Martin's sudden outrage. Right then she feared that something bad will happen to Ava because of Martin's reaction. The look on Martin's face right then reminded her of the incident few months ago where Martin almost killed her by choking her in their own bedroom, "Martin please give me back Ava, right now!"

Aviona tried to follow Martin's assistant to get Ava but Martin grabbed Aviona's wrist tightly and with utter force, halting all her plans of retrieving Ava, "Whose Ava's father? Who were you messing at behind my back? Who's the man you dare to trade me with!"

"Martin what are you talking about?" Aviona stammered at his blatant accusation. She fixed her wounded eyes right through Martin's furious face. This was the first time someone had accused her of something she didn't do and the crime that was imputed on her was far too much for reputation to bear. It was simply outrageous!

"Don't you ever deny it!" Martin slapped to Aviona the paternity test Salsa gave him earlier. "Look at that! This is the proof that Ava is not mine!"

Aviona didn't know what to do by then. Martin's eyes changed into something far worse than how they previously looked, and he acted like a mad man right then and that created some sense of fear, making Aviona chilled.

She looked around and see no one whom she could ask help, their guests have left already and the personnel rummaging around them were all Martin's goons. Did Martin made sure no one can help her this time?

Curious as to the papers, Aviona picked them up with her hands shaking and her tears ran down right away when realization came to her. The paternity tests showed that Martin and Ava were not father and daughter.

"How could this be?" Confusion and betrayal were evident in her voice. What was happening between Martin and her at the moment and the papers telling Ava wasn't Martin's daughter was something she had not expected to happen. She was caught off guard, totally unprepared.

"Tell me whose Ava's father?" Martin's voice came like a dangerous threat, "I swear I'll kill whoever that man is,"

Aviona was not able to answer as everything confused her. She didn't know who made these paternity tests and who gave it to Martin. She was also wondering whether what it as saying was true, that Ava was not her husband's child. However, she was sure that she was innocent on whatever was happening, yet she was having hard time defending herself to her husband. As she can see, Martin was not up for any explanation. His mad gaze tells so.

"I don't know Martin, I don't know," Aviona cried. She dragged her hands to her mouth in an attempt to restrain her cry. She felt like her tears would only make her look guilty, but she can't really help it, "We went to the hospital together, we had IVF, how could you have accused me of messing around with someone else,"

[This novel is undergoing thorough revision and editing on its original site.To verify if you are reading the correct and updated version of this novel, please visit the author's site  or simply type Zijay Qui on any search engine. Follow and like if you want for more updates and announcement.]

Aviona's words made sense. They in fact had IVF and so it was possible that the doctors could have made mistakes. Perhaps Aviona was innocent but Salsa was certain she had an affair.

"That better be true Aviona," Martin choose to mock her instead of consoling her. Martin cannot take in the fact that Aviona had mated someone else and the fact that another person was trying to steal his wife made him insane. He tightened his grip on her and said, "You are mine! No one can take you away from me! I swear Aviona I would kill if I'll find out you were cheating one me,"

"I told you I didn't," Aviona tried to defend herself, "Please give me back Ava,"

"I'll bring her with me. I'll have the paternity test rechecked," Martin growled and let Aviona go, pushing her into the floor "Just pray the results will turn out positive or I don't know what I can do with that child,"

"Martin please, bring me with you," Aviona begged but Martin ignored him, rallying through the place and kicking off every furniture he sees along the way. "Don't hurt our daughter please,"

Aviona begged more but Martin left without turning his head. Helpless, Aviona held on to her own strength.

"Oh God what is happening?" Aviona lifted her head to ask God. Martin was really furious and Aviona suddenly doubted hers and Ava's safety. It was the first time he had seen Martin that mad and he acted like a real mad man who was willing to hurt and kill someone just to release his anger. Right then, Aviona suddenly didn't know who Martin was, he acted like a different person, a person far from the Martin she married three years ago.