The Genius' First Love

350 Fairy Castle

"Aviona stop that already," Melvin made a swift glance to her when he saw the girl biting her nails, "You'll ruin your beautiful hands,"

"Do you think they will like me?" Aviona hollered worriedly. They were heading to Melvin's house because his mother invited the girl to a family dinner, and she was anxious that Melvin's parents will end up disliking her. A lot of students in XU hated her and so it was not an impossible thing to think that perhaps Melvin's parents will end up the same.

"You really have nothing to worry about," Melvin smiled as he maneuvered the driving wheel, "My parents don't have history of disliking anyone,"

"They're that good?" She gasped at Melvin's words, "What kind of family are you guys? A family of saints?"

"No, just good people," Melvin laughed a bit at her conclusion. For Aviona, Melvin was probably the kindest person she had meet, and a total opposite of her. She's mean, proud and harsh, while Melvin was always gentle and humble, making the girl wonder what type of parents could have raised a very fine gentleman.

"Were here," Melvin announced in a bit and turned his car into a certain property that looked like a fairy castle. It was neo-colonial mansion of grey, and the backyard was all covered by different kinds of plants and flowers that made the property looked like something you see on princess' stories.

"This is your house?" Aviona looked around, amazed at what she had seen. She was used to grandeur and luxury but the house they were in wasn't entirely grand although it's huge. However, the property was unique, and it breathe out some fresh artistic vibes with class. "I thought you just live in somewhat—"

"A small apartment?" Melvin continued the words for her.

"Yeah, like that maybe," Aviona told as she was hooked on eyeing every detail of such a beautiful home. "How come you looked so common at school when your house is like this,"

"I don't own this Aviona, it's my parents house," Melvin simply answered dragging the girl into the front door where his mother and father was waiting.

Aviona was too fascinated that even when they have reached the front door, her eyes were still busy surveying the place and every beautiful thing she see at outside.

'There you are," An adult woman's gentle voice welcomed them. When Aviona's eyes fell on her, she smiled the sweetest and immediately stepped to give the girl an embrace. "You are so lovely dear, more lovely than I had ever imagined,"

"Good…good morning madam," Aviona lost all the words she had tried to compose earlier. "I'm glad to have met you… finally,"

"Yes finally," Melvin's mother agreed. Just right then, a familiar figure appeared from Madam Sarah's back.

"Hello Aviona, I am Miles Dugmoch, father of Melvin," The old man smiled an extended a hand to the girl to greet her.

"Dr. Miles, you are Dr. Miles," Aviona turned to Melvin in a questioning look. "The famous Dr. Miles, isn't it?"

"I assumed my son hasn't mentioned that he is a doctor's son?" Dr. Miles laughed a little at Aviona's reaction. Melvin told them that Aviona didn't know yet who his parents were and so they were expecting that kind of reaction from her.

"O my god! he didn't," Aviona was totally surprised, "Melvin!" She gasped his name in amusement of all that she had just learned about him.

"Oh dear," Madam Sarah chuckled, "I apologize for this son of ours, he seemed not proud of who his parents are that he intentionally left us out from whatever conversations he had with his friends,"

"You know that is not true mother," Melvin disagreed with his mother's words, "It's just that whenever I mention you and father's name, people tend to forget about me immediately,"

"Well…well, why don't we finish this conversation at the table?" Dr. Miles proposed, "It seemed that we have many things to talk about,"

"Sounds a good idea," Madam Sarah agreed, leading the flock into the dining hall. "Come here dear Aviona, I have cooked something special for you,"

"Thank you, Madam," She gratefully said and followed Melvin's mother helplessly into the festive table they had prepared for them.

The four had a lovely dinner together and every moment did not fall short of any stories that kept them entertained. The Dugmoch's household had welcomed Aviona with warmth and the latter had enjoyed her visit. She had learned so many things about Melvin and the Dugmoch's family that day and she was deeply touched on how they treated her.

"Aviona dear, you are such a smart girl. You have bright future ahead of you," Dr. Miles complimented Aviona. During their conversations, Melvin did not miss to mention all of Aviona's achievements at school.

"Thank you, Dr. Miles, such an honor to hear such compliment from you," She replied politely, "Your son however was more brilliant than mie, I'm sure Melvin has a brighter future than mine,"

Aviona's words caught something in Melvin's throat that he ended up almost throwing up the cup of wine he was tasting. Even Madam Sarah and Dr. Miles quieted at it.

"What's wrong Melvin? Are you okay?" Aviona turned to assist the boy who was having trouble with his glass and ruined a part of his shirt.

"Nothing," Melvin assured, "My throat suddenly itched a little,"

"You must have eaten too much sweet desert," Madam Sarah intervened, eyeing on Dr. Miles, giving him a fair warning not to tell. They both assumed that since Aviona and Melvin was getting close, the latter must have informed the girl about their son's illness. However, her words right then showed she didn't know anything about it, "I already told you to keep your hands away from it earlier,"

"Right mother I'm sorry," Melvin immediately turned to his mother. "If you guys will excuse me, I'll go and change my shirt,"

Melvin left to changed and he spent few minutes at his room, thinking about what Aviona had said. It seemed that things got out of hand and his relationship with Aviona—whatever they had was getting deep, to Aviona's prejudice.

"Son," Dr. Miles knock in his door surprising the boy. He was lost in his thoughts totally forgetting the fact that there were people waiting for him at the table.

-Chapter ends here-

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