The Genius' First Love

351 Dream Come True

Melvin finally decided to tell Aviona everything—about his disease and the fact that he's dying soon.

After last night, he thought that Aviona has the right to know. After escorting Aviona home safety, he spent the entire night thinking how to tell her and hoping that she will take things lightly.

How did things go as complicated as this?

Perhaps it was his fault, for he had allowed Aviona to become close to his heart. But Aviona was such an irresistible woman, so he can't blame his heart for wanting her deeply–deeply than he had ever wanted anything before.

Since he slept late, he also woke up late than his usual routine. Good thing Aviona rang him early in the morning and told him not to pick her up that day because something came up on her end, so Melvin went to school alone, walking on the same pathway he liked walking.

While drowned in his thoughts, Dante came running to him in a messed-up face.


"Hey buddy—"

"Aviona, Aviona is…." Dante's face gave Melvin a hint that something terrible happened and so he panics immediately.

"Dante what's wrong?" He asked in a loud tensed up voice, "Where is Aviona? Where is she?"

Dante who cannot composed his words, swallowed whatever was blocking his throat and said, "In the rooftop, in the rooftop Melvin now, hurry!"

Melvin's blood warmed in an instant and he hurriedly ran to the rooftop to see whatever was happening, hoping that Aviona was safe and that nothing bad happened to him, although Dante's expression was quiet alarming for the situation.

He banged the thick rooftop door, opening it wide in full force. "Aviona!"

He was expecting something worthy of Dante's earlier expression, like a bloody scene or an injured Aviona but nothing like that welcomed him, instead all he saw in the rooftop was the too many petals of red roses that were scattered on everywhere and the faces of Aviona's minions that were smiling at him.

In after a second, a sweet music settled in making the ambiance breath of romance. Marga first approach Melvin and handed him a wrapped present with a red ribbon on the top.

"This is for you Melvin," She smiled at him sweetly and with eyes full of excitement.

"Marga where is Aviona? Is she—"

"Ask those questions to her when she comes out," The girl cut him off and walked away from him. She went back to where she stood earlier.

Looking at the present, Melvin saw a tiny card and so he opened the thing and read it,

"You brought the sunshine when all I see is rain"

Melvin bitterly smiled at it. Right then he knew what Aviona was trying to do and a feeling of guilt crept into his heart right away. Will she ever forgive him for not being honest with her?

Sophie approach Melvin next and gave him another present with a card. Melvin opened the card again.

"You are a dream come true,"

Melvin was almost in tears. Aviona's messages was touching his heart and giving him feelings, he never once felt—something that he very much like feeling.

It was Donna who came next and gave Melvin another present, a bigger one this time that comes with another card.

"I love you,"

Melvin almost fell on his knees. He didn't expect such words from her and Aviona's confession totally caught him off guard to the extent that he was losing all the courage he had with him. However, when Aviona came in, with the most beautiful face and a white floral dress that looked heavenly on her, Melvin's world slowed down.

For the first time in his life, he had experienced the wonders and beauty of love. Aviona smiled at him, holding a bouquet of white lilies in her hand. Melvin's mother told him it was his favorite and so she bought it specifically for his pleasure.

The girl looked like a bride, all in white and with all grace as she walked down the floor that was flooded with red petals. She smiled differently this time and her eyes weren't sad, they were shinning with thorough happiness.

"Hi," She greeted, her voice was like the voice of an angel above the sweet music.

"Aviona, this—"

"No Melvin, let me speak first this time," She cut off whatever he had to say. "I know you don't know anything about courtship, wooing and all… Madam Sarah told me you never once had a girl… nor mentioned anyone to them… so I took the initiative. I hope you don't mind… we'll I'm already here so you basically don't have a choice," She threatened with a smile.

"… so, here I am, Aviona Leigh…" She added with her most genuinely beautiful smile, "… I'm here to make things official for us… so Melvin Dugmoch, from the intern lab, will you be my boyfriend?"

Aviona bit her lips, showing how she had swallowed all her pride and drew all the guts she had within her just to make the proposal possible. She was aware of Melvin's feelings for her as the boy was not really good at hiding what he felt, and she thought that it's time for time to get real. There's no reason to delay it anymore.

"Aviona," Melvin made a step to cup the girls head on his two palms. He was almost in tears as he never thought Aviona would do all these things for him. He stared at him for while and pressed her soft cheeks, "You are such beautiful girl and you deserve all great things in this world…"

"…and I am so sorry… but I cannot be your boyfriend," Melvin's tears fell this time. He looked at how Aviona's bright expression change as she looked at him with confusion. Not wanting to see the hurt to reach her pretty face, Melvin let go and turned his back immediately "… I am so sorry…"

Melvin right then walked away, leaving the shock Aviona standing motionless on where she stood, the bouquet of white lilies she held fell into the floor, and shattered just like her heart.