The Genius' First Love

330 Fire and Ice

"It could be him. He's one of the suspects," Xhemin's throat had gone dry with the mention of the suspect's name. With great determination she added "Let's have the police investigate him,"

"No Xhem," Ziggy's tensed as something came to him. He raised his head and looked at the girl trying to persuade her, "We shouldn't,"

"Why not Ziggy?" Xhemin confronted his indifference. She thought Ziggy would agree with her immediately without protest. "This is the only way we could get justice for what happened to grandfather,"

"I know. Believe me I also want justice for what happened to grandad," Ziggy pushed on, "But CGC is so powerful we'll not stand a chance,"

"I don't care!" Xhemin hollered. Her voice rose at the stillness of the room and above the tiny sound coming from the air-conditioning, "He should pay for what he did,"

"But you'll put our lives danger—yours, mine and Ang's," Ziggy turned sideways to Ang who was pulling the laptop so he could also read what the two had previously. "CGC had connections with the police and remember they own an IT company. Worst comes to worst, it would go easy for them to locate all of us,"

"Then what are we supposed to do—"

"Isn't this you Little Miss?" Ang broke off the two's current argument. They both turn to Ang who was looking at the screen. "This person, Aviona Leigh, isn't this you?"

Ziggy looked at Xhemin with a weird look and went to check what Ang was looking at the screen. He was in the XU's official site and was looking at the photos of their graduates. Aviona's picture was of course there and her graduation picture looked exactly like Xhemin.

"Is this Aviona when she was young?" Ziggy checked. He had seen some of Aviona's pictures in the net but all of them was when Aviona was in her thirties. Looking back at them, the resemblance of her and Xhemin was floating off. The thing was that, Aviona on her thirties looked very professional, put up and smart ass. While Xhemin was very innocent and sweet. However, her graduation picture which was posted on XU's site was at the time when she just recently graduated from college and her picture in there looked exactly like Xhemin in all angles.

"Let me see," Xhemin asked. Ziggy and Ang were both looking at her in a complicated way while they compared her face and Aviona's graduation picture as if they could not believe it.

Ziggy took the laptop and showed it to her, "Xhem, look."

Xhemin looked at the screen before her and the view gave her a huge shock. She knew the person on XU's site wasn't her, but it couldn't be denied at the girl looked exactly like her.

"Ziggy," Xhemin put a hand on her mouth, very much surprise with their newfound information.

"This picture of Aviona is old," Ziggy said to her. "She's so young in here and this was hard to find. You need to go to XU's site and check manually to see this,"

"That person who went to look for Aviona at the ranch was probably mistaken," Ang voiced. "He probably thought Aviona was alive because he had seen the statute of you and the youngest sire. The Diamond Prince did not make a statute of Aviona. He sculpted you and the youngest sire. This now made sense,"

"Ang you are right," Ziggy agreed. "Huzey would never pair me dancing to anyone. He made a statue of me dancing with Xhemin,"

"Ziggy what does this mean?" Xhemin's feelings was mixed. The picture that looked like her in the screen was like a ghost haunting her. "I don't understand why would Aviona looked like me,"

"Xhem, you are probably related to her," Ziggy told.

"Could she be my mother?" Xhemin asked almost tearful, "Am I not grandfather's grandchild?"

The words came to Ziggy with the same hurt, just like how Xhemin felt. Her worry was indeed a possibility because if she's Aviona's child then there's a possibility that she was Martin's child, and both of them were not related to Dr. Miles.

"Is the culprit my father?" A single tear erupted from Xhemin's eye and Ziggy cannot find the correct words to console her.

"We'll find out," Ziggy said gently to her, reaching for her hand "Were not sure yet. She might be related to you but not as a mother. Don't worry I promised we'll get through all the details of this,"

Xhemin swallowed a cry and immediately wiped her tear. "Your right, we are not sure yet. There's no way I am the culprit's child and there are people out there who look entirely the same but are not related" Xhemin voiced, pushing away all the negative thoughts that was running to her. Too many things had happened, and her heart had suffered so much pain for the past few days that she was not ready for another hurt.

"Right. You are right," Ziggy agreed, trying to cheer his best friend. "There' no way that you are related to the Chan's. Imagine being related to that Collet witch,"

Xhemin forced a smile as she knew Ziggy was alleviating the mood.

"Ang, do not concern yourself with all of this anymore," Ziggy turned to their patient. "Rest as much as you can and be well,"

"I will youngest sire," Ang replied politely.

"C'mon now Xhem. Let's go and check grandad," Ziggy invited the girl "We had stayed here for a long time already. Ang needed to rest,"

Xhemin quietly obeyed Ziggy and they both went out Ang's room then head back to Dr. Miles room. They were still walking in the hallway when they saw Dr. Stevens running past across them together with some nurses.

"What's going on?" Xhemin turned to Ziggy when he saw the panic that rose to his face.

"They're all heading to grandad's room," Ziggy gave her a worried look and without a word, they both race to Dr. Miles room.

"Grandfather!" Xhemin pushed the door without permission and the surprised faces of the medical staff welcomed her. When they saw that it was her, their expression turned different.

-Chapter ends here-

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