The Genius' First Love

329 Who is Aviona Leigh?

Xhemin and Ziggy both looked at each other muzzily when they heard Ang's version of the story.

"Who the heck is Aviona Leigh?" Ziggy blurted away as a pang of pain hit him. He could not believe the fact that Dr. Miles was attacked severely just because someone was looking for someone, they thought he was hiding.

"I was about to ask you who she is," Xhemin turned to the wondering Ziggy with her deep scrutinizing eyes "Didn't the man mentioned you danced with her?"

"Xhem I don't know her," Ziggy shook a head innocently at it. "I don't even know why Huzey created a statute of her dancing with me. Promised to God, I don't know her,"

The look in Ziggy's grey eyes showed he was telling the truth. However, Xhemin wondered as to why would Huzey pair Ziggy on someone they don't know and even made it into a statute, "Do you think Huzey knew her?"

"I don't know," Ziggy thought about it, "But if he happens to know her, it should be from the time before the mining incident happened as he retreated away into solitude after that. It's impossible to tame him right after since he was even cold to me"

"But Huzey had always been with us and in case he met someone of befriended someone, he could have told us so," The girl hollered over. They were totally aghast as to everything and the there were so many missing puzzles about the matter before them. It was just too hard to connect the dots right then.

"Why would he even look for that Aviona Leigh with grandfather?" Xhemin questioned again. "That woman is so intriguing Ziggy, we have to know who she is,"

"She's the missing link," Ang who was listening to all of their reactions intervened, "But to be honest Little Miss, the name is so familiar, I think I have heard about it before,"

The two—Ziggy and Xhemin turned their heads to Ang seemingly thinking about what he had said.

"You've heard it before?" It was Ziggy who questioned him.

"Yes," Ang admitted, but his next words came as a shock to Ziggy, "I think I had heard it from you, young sire,"

"Ang, I told you I don't really know who she is," Ziggy denied as he really could not recognized who that person was.

"I must have thought wrong," Ang said, trying to recall and remember where he had heard the woman's name "But I did really think Aviona Leigh was someone either you or the Diamond prince mentioned previously."

"Could it be someone you both met in your previous trips?" Xhemin's questioning was directed to Ziggy this time. Ang was always with them so it was possible he could have heard the name from the two while they were conversing at home, "She must be an elite or someone important,"

"I admit her name is a little familiar but I can't recall having met her," Ziggy admitted, "But if she's someone that me and the Diamond Prince mentions, then she's probably an elite,"

"There's only one way to find out then," Xhemin thought. "You have a laptop on granddad's office, right?"

"Yes…." Ziggy arched a brow at her question "Are you suggesting we search on her on the net?"

"We'll give it a try," Xhemin nodded, "If she's an elite in this country, she should have an information in the net,"

"Right," Ziggy agreed and thought Xhemin's words made some sense.

He stood from where he sat and head to the door. He made few turns after until he reached Dr. Miles office where he also stays whenever he is at Hampshire hospital. Upon arriving, he immediately grabbed a laptop and went back on Ang's room and while on the way, he managed to search Aviona Leigh's name and the search instantly gave a number of hits—much to Ziggy's surprise.

"I have hits," Ziggy declared when he entered the door on Ang's room. He then sat back on his previous seat and opened some of the articles about Aviona. Xhemin who was also curious, sat beside him to share a screen with the youngest sire.

"Aviona Leigh Chan, owner of CGC Corporation… graduate of XU University with highest honors…. Aviona Leigh married college sweetheart Martin Chan… Aviona Leigh suffering from postpartum depression… Aviona Leigh's depression almost killed daughter… Aviona Leigh died on a car crash together with her daughter Ava Leigh Chan…"

There were so many information about Aviona Leigh's life that the net gave both Xhemin and Ziggy. Aviona was a famous research and business personality and her achievement back then were too many to mention and it all flooded the net, including also all the controversies she was involved.

"You are right Ang…" Xhemin concluded after reading through some of the articles, "You indeed have heard her name through Ziggy and Huzey since they always go every year for her memorial in CGC,"

Xhemin herself knew the owner of CGC but because she and Ziggy were too occupied of so many things, they kind of forgot about it.

"This is a bomb," Ziggy said pressing his head as if like he was having a headache, "I don't understand why would someone look for Aviona Leigh when she's dead already and why would they look for her in grandfather? Is she someone he knew? But there was no mention anywhere in all the articles here that she's somehow related to grandfather or that they are close,"

Ziggy thought that since Dr. Miles and Aviona Leigh were great personalities, then that fact should have been mentioned at least somewhere in the net, specially that Aviona's life seemed to have been well documented by the media.

"Who was that person looking for her?" Xhemin was determined to know. Her grandfather's assault was full of intrigue and she thought there's more to it and just simply looking for a dead person.

"He is her lover," Ang reminded them, "I told you both earlier that the person said he loved her and married her,"

"Martin Chan…" Ziggy gasped with a tinge of anger "She's the one he married,"