The Genius' First Love

323 Family Dinner

Xhemin and Ziggy was both quiet when they traversed the road back to Richmond ranch. They were driving doctor Miles old truck and Ziggy's eyes was on the road while Xhemin leaned of her seat, caressing her big stomach. Both their tears had run dry and both had suffered shock with what they saw down Huzey's grave.

The one that was buried also had a damaged face and so they cannot tell whether it was the Diamond Prince. The only thing that was giving them hope right then was the fact that when Ziggy last saw him, he knew only half of Huzey's face was severely burned.

"Its not him," Xhemin breathed in the air, very much convinced on her own words.

"I'm not sure Xhem," Ziggy countered as he himself wasn't sure of anything at the moment, "There were cases where the damaged skin eats the clear ones and since Huzey's injury came from an explosion, such type of circumstance is possible. Perhaps after the incident, only half of his face was damaged but as days goes by, the damaged skin slowly corrupted the other side of her face."

"I thought you've seen him, and you saw only half was damage!" Xhemin's voice rose above the sound of the engine's truck.

"I did, but not his face," Ziggy confessed. "He was always at his back when we talk. He never wants anyone to see his face. The last time I had a glimpse was probably two and half years ago and that was when the La Agartha was seized in the Montarini mansion,"

"I know its not him," Xhemin insisted. "I know it. I can tell. I feel in me that he is alive and okay somewhere,"

Another silence settled in as both was trying to reconsider their emotions.

"Should we tell grandad about this?" Ziggy asked, undecided of the fact. "He had been through much lately,"

"I guess so," Xhemin answered softly, "We should tell him at least the La Agartha down the loch,"

"The La Agartha down the loch sure is a big problem since grandad owned the area," Ziggy told. For sure, authorities would go and question Dr. Miles if they will come to know about the underwater museum being built down the Loch and with all that Dr. Miles suffered lately, Ziggy wasn't sure if he wanted this to be known.

"He had nothing to do with it," Xhemin replied with a worried sigh. Ziggy was right, the La Agartha stolen pieces would surely become a problem and her grandfather would surely be dragged on such mess.

Xhemin and Ziggy left their conversation hanging as they were clearly both exhausted. It was a long day and they both needed to rest. Besides, they both were trying to uplift their emotions because a family dinner was waiting for them and they don't want to ruin it.

"Fix your hair," Ziggy said to the girl when he already saw the little lights coming from the Richmond Ranch as they were approaching. Xhemin obeyed and pulled all her untangled hair up and redo her bun. She also wiped her face with her palm, hoping such would do enough difference on her exhausted face.

"Wear the scarf around your shoulders for grandad will surely nagged why we had been out when its already dark," He also suggested while trying to assess how Xhemin looked "The cold is not good for the baby,"

"Okay," Xhemin agreed and pulled the scarf that was on her neck. She was aware that Ziggy was looking at her indifferently from the side mirror, so she asked "What? Is there something wrong?"

"I was just wondering," Ziggy thought of something that he had yet to tell the girl as they had been so occupied with all of Huzey's ordeal, "Do you know that—

"Hey wait!" Xhemin cut him off, paused and sniffed, then smiled after. "Did you smell that?"

Right then, a beautiful sweet aroma was caught in the youngest sire's nostril, "Strawberry muffins,"

"Wew, I'm too prepared for dinner," Xhemin hollered and swallowed a mouthful of saliva that was already watering, very much anticipating what was waiting for them.

"Me too," Ziggy replied, trying to ease of his mind from whatever predicaments they had gone through. With all that had happened, a good family dinner was something they all deserve, and he planned to enjoy the night with two of the most important people left in his life.

Ziggy halted their truck just right in front of the cottage's front door, and as soon as he did, Xhemin stepped out immediately and ran through the kitchen leaving Ziggy behind.

"Careful lil' thug" He cautioned as Xhemin had a big tummy already and was acting a bit careless "The muffins will not run away,"

Ziggy only shook his head smiling when she didn't answer him. Although a lot of things had changed in their lives, Xhemin hasn't still outgrown her love for strawberries. Ziggy turned to the truck's back with the intention gathering the tools they used the cemetery. He had to return them back to the stable or else Dr. Miles will asked about it. While he was busy pulling off the tools, he heard a loud scream.

"Grandfather!" Xhemin's cry filled the whole Richmond Ranch like a thunder. "Grandfather no! no!"

Xhemin's cry was like a torture and Ziggy wasted no time to check whatever was going on. He ran inside the house, already in panic but found no one in kitchen except from the food that had probably been prepared for their family dinner. He searched further in a hurry but found nothing inside.

"Grandfather hold on please… Ziggy!!" Xhemin screamed the young sire's name this time, calling for help as her sobbing continued. Ziggy followed her voice and found the girl outside the kitchen door, she was kneeling in the shadows, on her feet and crying her heart out.

-Chapter ends here-

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