The Genius' First Love

322 CGC Tower 2

"What's with that?" Martin asked, already getting impatient but he knew it was something alarming. If not, this asset would not bother to disturb him at all as he knew how cruel he can be at times. The man had worked for him for a long time already and so the latter was already aware of all the work arounds as well as Martin's temperament.

"Wait until you see it," The asset's tone did not falter as he knew he had something that would probably go Martin Chan real crazy. Just then, he pulled the tarpaulin out and an unfinished statute of a two people dancing paved its way.

At first sight, it looked like just a normal statue that was crafted carefully by uniquely skillful hands that even when Martin was not an art lover and the statute was unfinished, he got attracted to it right away. His attraction of the art got him to walk closer to it and scrutinize the detail carefully but as soon as he did, something caught all of this attention, and his face had gone cold right then. He instantly stepped away, afraid of what he had seen and everything in him shook while a memory from the past stepped into his mind and haunted him.

"How old this piece?" Martin hollered right away hoping it was just something not threatening.

"Probably just a year old," The smile on his asset's face widened. He knew right then by the way Martin reacted that his errand with him was a success.

"Impossible!" Martin refused to believe. Although he had no authentic details about the statute, he simply could not accept the truth that was flaunting on before his eyes.

"Where did you get this?" He asked the guy.

"Do we have a transaction?" The guy dared to get his consent.

"Name you price," Martin told, "Just make sure you are not fooling me,"

"You should have been long gone now if I fooled you," He reminded the CGC CEO. "Alright, a hundred thousand for the information,"


"Alright," The guy was satisfied. He knew Martin have no choice but to give him what he wants and so there's no point on delaying it further "This belongs to the Diamond prince. This is the last piece he had work on before he died,"

"How did you get it?"

"I was there when the authorities seized all of the Diamond Prince's works, working as one of the laborers," He narrated to him how he came across the statute. "Made some ways to hide it and bring it to you. Don't worry I made sure this one is untraceable and got the job done clean,"

"The Diamond Prince," Martin asked while sharking with both fear and fury "This couldn't be!"


When they arrived at the cemetery, the outline of tombstones almost lost into darkness. Xhemin and Ziggy both agreed nighttime was the best time to dug Huzey's grave as it would help them conceal their misdeeds. Xhemin was holding a lamp while Ziggy had a shovel with him. If one would see them tonight, they would certainly be mistaken as something superficial as no one crazy enough in Hampshire would probably have the slightest idea of digging a loved one's grave nor have some stroll in the cemetery.

"Sit somewhere close," Ziggy instructed her. Xhemin turned sideways and found a rock near Huzey's grave where she settled herself. It was such a cold night and the heat from the lamp they brought was not enough to give them warmth. Still, they continued what they had to do while raging against the cold.

"Didn't grandfather said he'll come home early tonight?" Xhemin suddenly remembered. They were too occupied about their plans that they forgot about Dr. Miles.

"Its still early, lets get this done and head home immediately," Ziggy told her. It was still past five in the afternoon, but the darkness had already covered the sky. He was sure that Dr. Miles was home by now, but the old doctor would surely wait for them till dinner time. He'll just think about some excuses they'll tell him later. For now, he had to dig Huzey's grave once and for all as they both couldn't wait any longer.

Ziggy dug with the shovel he had. It had rained few times yesterday and once this morning and so the soil was soft, yet it was heavy. In his mind, he asked forgiveness for the utter disrespect he did to his best friend's grave and hoped to get it done immediately without disturbances. Surely the task wasn't easy but almost an hour later when his clothes was all covered by dirt, his shovel hit the coffin. Ziggy cleared all the hindrances and turned to look at Xhemin who was already at her feet looking down at him.

"Careful," He extended his arms to her and assisted her in going down. Luckily, the grave wasn't that deep and even though it came quiet a struggle, he was able to carefully help Xhemin down the grave safely. He was about to open it when Xhemin stopped him.

"Let me," Xhemin told him. The little miss hands were shaking when she carefully lifted the coffin and the smell of formalin welcomed her right of way. She knew that was coming that's why she had wore a scarf on her neck and immediately covered her nose when the smell hit her. Right then, after her struggle with the nuisance smell, she looked at the motionless body of boy, lying with a mask on. From one look, you could tell it was really Huzey but Xhemin still wanted to see his face.

-Chapter ends here-

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