The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 306: Emotional

Chapter 306 Emotional

   Sitting and enjoying the blessings of the same people, Gu Chao is now used to it, and there is no discomfort at all when he opens his mouth and stretches out his clothes when he eats.

  The two people who served her were also full of joy in doing this. Serving their wife-lord was a matter of course, and it was their duty as husbands.

   If one day the wife-lord doesn\'t want them to serve her, they will have to cry.

   It must be that they didn\'t do well somewhere, so the wife-lord didn\'t want them.

  Besides, it is also their pleasure to serve their wife. How to serve her well is also a question they think about every day.

   This big event will continue until the day they are old, too old to move, and they are gone.

  The two of them were concentrating on their work, when suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around their wrists, and then the big hand exerted force, and they fell into the familiar embrace of the wife-lord.

  His face was pressed against the chest of the wife-master, and the strong and powerful heartbeat of the wife-leader was heard in his ears.

   "wife master ~"

  Looking up at the wife-master, she saw that the wife-master still had her eyes closed, but her hands were not quiet at all, and they went in along the hem of the coat.

   Accepted is the delicate soft meat, Gu Chao\'s favorite place to play with, he can\'t put it down, and it has never changed.

   There was no response from the wife-master, and the two called again, "wife-master~"

  Han Yu was still holding a chestnut that had just been peeled, and raised his hand to bring it to the wife\'s mouth. The wife still opened her mouth to swallow it, but didn\'t speak.

  Both of them didn\'t know what the wife-master was going to do, so they could only lie quietly in the wife-leader\'s arms, waiting for the wife-leader\'s instructions.

   It\'s just that, after waiting until both of them fell asleep, the wife master still didn\'t give any instructions, and then they fell asleep.

   It was so comfortable nestling in the arms of the wife-owner, and with the shaking of the carriage, they couldn\'t control their eyelids that were getting stickier.

  Feeling the steady and soothing breathing of the person in his arms, Gu Chao is actually still awake.

  The two of them slept late last night because they were too excited, but they are fine now, just in time to catch up on sleep.

   With a delicate body and nephrite in his arms, Gu Chao looked down at the sleeping faces of the two, and planned to sleep for a while.

  The news that they are going to Beijing has already been sent to the Han family. At this time, the Han family has already received the letter, and they are also looking forward to the arrival of their son and daughter-in-law.

  They had prepared Gu Yu\'an\'s birthday gift earlier, and this letter came back with that boy.

  Although Gu Yu\'an is not Han Yu\'s child, and has no blood relationship with their Han family, but it is the blood of the son\'s wife, even if it is for the son\'s sake, he still wants it.

   What\'s more, they are still persuading their son to treat the child as their own, isn\'t it more caring.

  The Gu family has a simple population, there are only a few people, and there is only one child. They are the treasure of the family, and they are naturally precious.

  Their son married into the Gu family, that is, the Gu family. Of course, the most important thing for a family is to live in harmony and beauty.

  The Gu family treats their son well. Both the daughter-in-law and the Ning family treat their son sincerely, and they must show their sincerity in return.

  So, as their natal family, it is even more necessary for them to do this, just treat the child as the son\'s own.

   In the past, it was just that the son could not give birth, but now he can give birth. They also hope that their granddaughter will be treated well by the Ning family in the Gu family, and they also hope that the granddaughter will be treated like their own granddaughter when they come to the Ning family.

  Children do not distinguish between you and me, they are sisters and brothers.

  Actually, even if the Han family didn\'t send gifts, the Gu family planned to be there so that someone could deliver a letter.

  Can Han Yu bear not to tell his family? Of course it is impossible.

  Knowing that his son and his wife were coming and that they would stay at home for a period of time, Han Zhengjun ordered his son\'s boudoir to be tidied up early on.

   It\'s just that they don\'t know whether Mrs. Ning came to their house together or lived in Gu\'s house. No matter what, it\'s always right to clean up the yard next to her son\'s boudoir. It\'s better to be prepared.

  Han Zhengjun still doesn\'t know that his son\'s courtyard in Gu\'s residence has been abandoned for a long time.

  At the beginning, the three of them still lived together for a day. Since the last unpleasant experience, they have been living in the main room of the main courtyard, which is Ning Su\'s room.

   It is also because of the trouble of changing back and forth, so I simply don\'t change it.

   Ning Su’s side is more spacious than Han Yu’s, so he decided to live here, but Han Yu’s side is not idle either.

   There is no major change in the furnishings. Except for the things that are commonly used, everything else is still there. The things that the three of them don\'t often use are also packed here, so as not to occupy the space over there.

   You know, three people live together, there must be a lot of things, so you have to collect the things you don’t use frequently to make room.

  If Han Zhengjun found out, he still doesn\'t know what his reaction would be.

   After all, this kind of thing is something he never dared to think about in his life.

  Who decent husband would be like this? The wife master would not treat Zhengjun like this.

  This kind of thing can only be done by that kind of man.

  Of course, it’s not that Gu Chao doesn’t love his husband, nor does he treat them like those.

  She loves Dave Lang sincerely, and really cares about them. She wants to sleep with her husband in her arms every day, and doesn\'t want any of them to wait.

   Ning Su and Han Yu also had the same thoughts. They didn\'t want to sleep alone in the bed, and they didn\'t want to think about their wives so much that they couldn\'t fall asleep.

   That\'s why they moved in together later on, just to be able to sleep in the wife\'s arms every day, and to be able to see the wife\'s face when they wake up every day.

  They also know that the wives treat them like that not because they don’t respect them, but because they care about their performance.

   Again, they are the husbands of the wife-lord, and they are also family members who will spend a lifetime together.

  Well, once you get used to it, you won\'t be so shy.

  As long as the wives always treat them well, they are willing to do whatever they want.

  Departed in the morning, walked all the way at a leisurely pace, did not catch up with the county town at noon, so I stopped at the tea stand on the side of the road.

  There is nothing else to eat at the tea stand except dry food such as steamed buns and pancakes.

  Give some money to the proprietress, just borrow the pot and stove.

   When they got off the carriage, the two of them were still not completely awake, and they were a little confused.

   "Go down and move around, and my body hurts after sitting for a long time.

  In the afternoon, let\'s walk slowly, find an inn in the city ahead, and go out to visit the night market at night.

   If there is a fun place, stay for one more day and play slowly. "

   Anyway, they set off ahead of time, and there was still extra time for them to stroll slowly.

   It only takes one day for Gujiacun to reach Beijing, and it takes only two or three days for a horse-drawn carriage to walk slowly.

   At their speed, it will only take three days at most, even if they are delayed for five or six days on the road, it is no problem.

   As long as you can catch up with Ruan\'s family\'s full moon wine when you arrive in Beijing, it\'s all right to step on it.

   "Well, I don\'t know what\'s interesting over there?"

   "Everything is arranged by the wife."

   "When the time comes, just find someone to inquire about, and you will know."

  Gu Chao jumped out of the car first, and then helped Fu Lang down one by one.


   This is the first time that the wife-master took them out alone, and they were so excited. Now that the wife-master is making arrangements for them, they naturally look forward to joy.

  After getting out of the car, they walked around the tea stand again, relaxed their hands and feet, and waited until they were all ready to come over to invite someone, Gu Chao and the others went over to sit down and eat.

   They weren\'t the only ones passing by, there were other customers at the tea stand, but none of them were as particular about it.

   They all eat dry food with tea, and at most there are pickles brought out by themselves, but no one still cooks like them.

   Moreover, he still gave money to the proprietress, and borrowed her pot and stove, and he looked like a nobleman from a wealthy family.

  They looked at this side intentionally or unintentionally, but Gu Chao and the others ignored it and ate their own food.

   They are all passers-by, but they just take a look, so there is no need to pay more attention to them.

  The guests left in a wave, and then came again. Gu Chao and the others just finished eating, packed up their things, got in the car and continued on their way.

   As expected by Gu Chao, he entered the city in the middle of the afternoon and stayed at the largest inn in the city.

   At this time, whether it is early or late, I decided to rest in the inn now, and after dinner, I inquired about the situation, and then went out to visit the night market.

  Restaurants are the fastest place to inquire about news. There are so many people coming and going every day, and they hear a lot of news. As long as you pay a little attention, you will know that there are not many gossips.

   Therefore, it is perfect to ask Xiao Er to find out what is interesting here when eating.

  Ning Su and the others certainly have no objection, they will accept whatever the wife-owner arranges.

   They said it was a rest, but in fact the three of them were not tired at all.

  I was catching up on sleep in the morning, and I arrived at the place not long after lunch. Where did I get tired?

  So, looking at the energetic husbands, Gu Chao decided to do something that consumes his energy.

   Otherwise, they will not be able to sleep at night again, and this cycle will not be good for the body.

  Yes, that\'s right, she was thinking about Fu Lang\'s body.

   The two who were making the bed were directly thrown down by their wife-head from behind.

   "Fulang, the paving is not so neat, and it will be replaced in a while."

  Both of them felt the hot air from the wife-master\'s voice behind their ears and necks at the same time, scorching hot.

   "My wife, it\'s time to eat in a while."

   "I still have to go shopping."

  Although they said so, their arms were already around the neck of the wife-lord.

  Even if you want to fight for it, it is only on the premise of appeasing the wife-lord.

   Also, this is their knee-jerk reaction.

   It\'s really not that they deliberately refused to return the welcome and seduce the wife-lord.

   "There is still an hour until dinner, don\'t worry."

   Saying that, Gu Chao kissed the red lips of the husbands.

   Waiting for the kiss enough to let go, and said: "I promise not to miss the night market."

   Then he covered it again, with enthusiasm.

  With the assurance from the wife-leader, the two of them did not worry, and let go of their hearts to welcome the love of the wife-leader.

  In this case, Gu Chao can still be polite, of course he let go of his loving husbands.

   Sure enough, the bed was messed up and had to be changed again.

   It\'s just that this task fell on Gu Chao, because the husbands were too weak and didn\'t want to move, so she, a well-fed and satisfied wife, could do it herself.

  Fortunately, they were prepared, otherwise they would have to let Xiaoer do it at this time.

  Gu Chaoke is reluctant to let others come in and see her husband\'s current appearance, she is stingy, and she can only see it by herself.

  First, he carried the two of them to the couch to lie down, and then began to change, and when the change was completed, he carried the husbands back by himself.

  The one inside and the one outside were put on the bed, and she also went up and lay down in the middle, and finally pulled her arms and hugged the two of them tightly.

   "Squint for a while and get up to eat."


  The two of them responded softly, their voices sounded like kittens, which made Gu Chao feel distracted.

   The two thought to themselves, the wife-owner still loves them, and they can still go shopping, the wife-owner is the best.

  Because, there was an episode in the middle of this, which made them feel anxious, thinking that they would not be able to go.

   While the wife was making the bed, the two kept watching. This was the first time they saw the wife doing such a thing.

  Originally they wanted to get up and do it, but they were all sternly rejected by the wife-lord, who even brought them here bundled up, so they could only watch.

   "Now it\'s time for the wife to serve her husband."

   As he spoke, the wife-master kissed them, and didn\'t want them to speak directly, and they had to be at the mercy of the wife-master.

  They were under the quilt without wearing anything, and the wife-lord did not let them wear it by themselves.

  The wife-lord herself is also, um~ hooligan...

  Looking at the red marks on the bare back of the wife-leader, their faces became even hotter, reaching the base of their necks.

  Hmm~ Even if they don\'t want to admit it, it can\'t change that it\'s their result.

   are all red, and I don\'t know if the wife is hurting or not.

   Obviously you didn’t use that much force, why did you leave marks?

  They don\'t know that when people are excited, many things are out of control.

  Even they didn\'t know when it was done, anyway, it really happened and cannot be denied.

  When the wife turned around, the two of them widened their eyes at the same time, and they couldn\'t bear to look straight ahead.

  How could they do this? It\'s really embarrassing.

  As Gu Chao walked this way, he teased the two of them loudly, "Did Husband open his eyes on purpose to see him as a wife? They are really two little hooligans, haha..."

  They didn\'t do it on purpose, and it wasn\'t what the wife master thought, they, they were watching...

  Hmm~ I can’t say this either.

   "bad guy"

   "The wife is the rogue, the big rogue."

  Getting the complaint from the two husbands, Gu Chao was not only not annoyed, but the smile on his face was even brighter.

   "Since Husband praises being a wife so much, then being a wife can\'t live up to Husband\'s praise. Come now."

   As he spoke, he had already arrived in front of the two of them.

   The two were so frightened that they quickly changed their words, "My good wife, we were wrong~"

   "We didn\'t mean that, no..."

   "My wife ~ you are the best ~"

   "My wife, please forgive us, please..."

  Hehe, Gu Chao didn\'t care about their flattery and obedience, he bent down and hugged the two of them, turned around and went to the bed made by the king.

   He didn\'t say whether he would forgive them or not, and his expression was unpredictable.

  The faces of the two of them were wrinkled, and they blamed themselves for their fast talk. If they had known it earlier, they would have just watched honestly.

  (end of this chapter)