The Full-level Boss is In the Female Respect

Chapter 305: little cutie

Chapter 305 Cutie

   "Catching the week may not be able to fix her in the future, just let her be happy."

  Gu Chao really thought so, but if he said this, the two husbands would be unhappy, and the wife-lord would be too careless, right?

   "wife master ~"

   "How can you say that..."

  Receiving the complaining eyes from the two husbands, Gu Chao couldn\'t resist, so he quickly changed his words.

   "Why don\'t you put a book of exercises or a pill furnace on it for your wife? A magic weapon is also fine."

  Although what the wife-master said was a bit perfunctory, the attitude of the wife-master is still very good, so the two of them didn\'t plan to argue with the wife-master.

   "Well, put them all, as well as pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

   "Okay, follow Fulang\'s orders."

  Although we don\'t force our children to be successful, there are no parents who don\'t want their children to be good. Catch up is just an expectation of parents, and I feel comforted in my heart.

  Yu An is a daughter, and Gu Chao didn\'t worry too much. If it was a son, she would have to worry more.

  My daughter is still young, and I will start teaching her how to practice when she is three or four years old.

  Now she can be allowed to be pampered by her husbands and father, but when it comes time to practice, she has to follow her rules and listen to her.

   It’s just these, Gu Chao has no plans to tell the husbands now, otherwise they might have to reason with her.

   Wait a year, don\'t worry.

  Now that you have decided to go to the capital, you have to prepare the things you want to bring in advance.

   This time, Gu Chao did not plan to take the magic weapon, but planned to drive the carriage with the two husbands, watching the scenery along the way.

  Now this season is the time when everything grows, grass grows and warblers fly, and two or three days have passed along the way, and I am not tired at all.

  They were busy with what they wanted to bring, and they were afraid they would forget something. They also had to consider what they wanted to bring to the Han family and the Beijing and Zhong families, lest they forget which one would be bad.

  The servants of the Gu family are also busy. The young lady in the family celebrates her birthday, and it’s a busy week, so they must prepare in advance.

  Grandma gave orders not to do much, that is, relatives at home and people who came to the door in the village.

   There is a happy event at Gu Chao’s family, so there is no need to invite it, as everyone in the village will come to the door by themselves.

   A bucket of rice, two handfuls of green vegetables and a few copper coins are all the wishes of the villagers, even if it is just because of an auspicious word they said, it is enough.

  Gu\'s mansion doesn\'t have enough servants, and I\'m afraid I have to go to Zhao\'s mansion to borrow some.

   These are not big things, and the third prince is not a person without a long-term perspective. I am afraid that there is no need for Gu Chao to speak, and she will send people to the door by herself.

   I have to add a sentence, "Use it whatever you want, and talk about it if you don\'t have enough."

   Gu Yu\'an\'s birthday will be half a month later, and Yu\'an was picked up from the bed early in the morning by two fathers.

  Before she opened her eyes, and before she was awake, she was put on red clothes by her fathers, and her two white and tender faces were also kissed on the lips by their fathers.

   Today is a good day for my daughter, and there are guests coming, so Ning Su and Han Yu also put on makeup.

Two clear lip marks landed on her face, red, making her already rosy cheeks even more tender, and she was also foolishly smiling at her parents, with no sense of crisis at all. No.

  Seeing the two fathers is even more reluctant to let go, wishing to kiss two more.

   It\'s just that Yu An will cry when the two fathers kiss each other enough.

   Today, Shou Xing can\'t shed tears, and he has to coax her to keep her from losing her temper.

   Originally it was said that it was not a big deal, but there were quite a few people who came, Liu family, Ning family, Yu family, Zhao family, and the village, even Lin Feng came.

  They came not necessarily to celebrate Gu Yu\'an\'s birthday, but also to maintain the relationship with Gu\'s family.

  This is the way people are in the world. The closer you go, the closer you get to know each other.

   As long as people come, Gu Chao will always come, there is no reason to push it out.

  At this time, Yu Miao\'er\'s belly was already showing, and it was more obvious in this weather.

  Yu Jiazhengjun has not seen his son for another two months, and he is also happy to see his son on this day.

  Wu feels the same when he sees his son and granddaughter. Now that his son-in-law\'s belly is getting bigger, his heart is full, and he waits for the birth of his granddaughter with peace of mind. His life will be complete.

   It doesn’t matter if it’s not a granddaughter, and it’s not impossible to have children. The two children are also young. When this one grows up, it will be reborn.

  He is also in good health, and can take care of them for a few years. As long as the son-in-law is born, he will take care of them.

  There are a lot of people today, and the little birthday star is not timid, she is happy to see everyone, and she is very face-saving when someone teases her.

  Ning Su put Yu, who was dressed like a New Year\'s doll, on the thick carpet, and there were all kinds of small objects that had been prepared earlier on the carpet, just for her to catch up with.

  The exercises Gu Chao mentioned, such as the alchemy furnace and magic weapon, are all on there, and she can choose, depending on what she likes.

  No one in the family has specially trained her to catch what, nor put her usual playing and watching habits on it, just to wait for this time to see what she will catch.

   Suddenly left Dad\'s arms, and there were so many colorful things that had never been seen before, Yu An\'s attention was immediately attracted by these things.

   Didn’t look for daddy and nanny either, just staggered on with short legs, and even fell on the way, but the adults were so frightened that their hearts were raised.

   It’s not that she’s going to hurt from falling, the carpet is so thick, it won’t hurt if you fall, but it’s that she’s going to cry.

  Both Ning Su and Han Yu subconsciously took a step forward and wanted to hug her, but they saw the child froze for a while and continued to crawl there with hands and feet, and they laughed so hard that their mouths drooled.

  Fortunately, it was quite face-saving and there was no fuss.

  Xiao Yu\'an said that it was the parents who made a fuss too much. With so many new things, she didn\'t have time to cry. Her eyes were almost blind, she was so busy.

  I went all the way, looked at this and that, and took a lot of things with my hands, but I picked them up and looked at them, then threw them away to pick up other things.

  Yu An focused on the exercise book, picked it up, and stuffed it into his mouth, slobbering a lot.

  I found it was not tasty, and I couldn’t chew it, so I threw it away and crawled to see other things.

   While crawling, he came across a thumb-sized bell, and the crisp sound of the bell attracted Yu\'an\'s attention.

  So she turned to the left, climbed a few steps there, and reached out to reach it, but she still overestimated her short hands and couldn\'t reach it.

  No way, I have to climb forward.

  Finally got the thing in her hand, the bell in her hand rang, maybe it was the sound that she liked so much, she put it to her ear to listen to it, enjoying herself while listening.

   This little bell is Gu Chaofang\'s magic weapon. The sound of the bell sounds nice, but it is also a murder weapon.

  As long as you use spiritual power to move, you can control the sound to kill people.

   It’s just that it’s being held in Yu’an’s hands now, just for the sake of hearing it.

   Ning Su and Ning Su also knew what this was for. Although it was a killer weapon, they were sincerely happy and satisfied when they saw their daughter holding this thing and not letting go.

   It happened to be what they wanted, and they also hoped that their daughter would be like the wife-lord in the future. Isn\'t that what they wished now?

  Although it is just as the wife-owner said, it is just a catch-up, and the future path of the child cannot be determined, but they are also happy like this.

   At least, now that expectation is met.

  After hearing enough noise, Yu An turned his eyes to look for someone, and finally his eyes fell on the hands of his two fathers, and then he happily crawled over here, still calling, "Dad~Dad~"

  A one-year-old child can already say some simple words, the kind that jumps out word by word.

   Being called by his daughter like this, how can a father not respond?

  Both of them squatted down to stretch out their hands and waited for her to come over. The child was already able to walk crookedly, but now he wanted to be lazy and crawled directly to this side.

  The little bell was put in her chest pocket. All the small clothes made for her during this time have such pockets, so she can put some small things conveniently.

   Now, that\'s where it comes in handy.

   It\'s also during this time that she got used to it, otherwise she still doesn\'t know what to do now, wouldn\'t it hurt to crawl with something?

   When she finally climbed up in front of the two fathers, turned over deftly and then sat down on her buttocks, called out sweetly, and got two responses, before she reached out to take out the things in her pocket.

   Stretched out his hand twice before taking out the bell, held the bell in front of the fathers as if offering a treasure, and called out sweetly, "Dad~"

   However, she became entangled next, and her little brows also frowned.

  Two fathers, but she only has one bell, what should I do?

   After struggling for a while, the smile on her face also fell, and she was in a hurry when she saw that tears were about to burst into her eyes.

  Seeing that their daughter was about to cry, the two fathers could make the child continue to worry, so they picked up the bell in Yu\'an\'s hand, and the two of them covered each other with each hand, so that the child could watch.

   "Daddy and Daddy Han like it very much, so Bao\'er will give it to us, okay? Let\'s go together."

  Yu An blinked his eyes, and looked at the hands held together by his father, um, is this just for the father?

  After thinking about it for a long time, as if he had figured it out, Yu An finally showed a sweet smile, and called Dad again.

  In this scene, Gu Chao, a foreigner, was a little jealous.

  The daughter only thought about her father, and never looked at her mother from the beginning to the end.

   Sure enough, whoever dotes on the child will kiss whoever the child is. Her strict mother seems to be rejected by the child.

  Everyone gathered around to watch this scene. Although they didn’t know what the bell meant, the interaction between the child and the two fathers touched them a lot.

  They always knew that the two husbands of the Gu family got along well, but they didn\'t know that it was so good.

  Adults can act and cheat, but children have the simplest thoughts. She knows who is really good to her.

  So, Gu Yu\'an\'s attitude towards Han Zhengjun completely shows that Han Zhengjun is really good to her.

  It is really rare for men who serve a daughter in the backyard to be able to do this. They really love children who are not their own.

  Speaking of it, Gu Chao is still capable of managing the backyard in an orderly manner, otherwise it could be like this?

  I can\'t envy these things. If I really want to envy everything, I can\'t envy them, and I don\'t have to live my life.

  Yuan Xiaoshou Xing was a little tired after he persisted until he caught the week, and he kept yawning.

  Wake up early in the morning and have to deal with so many aunts, uncles and elders, isn’t it just tired?

  Ning Su handed the child to the nanny to take him down to rest, and continued to greet the guests.

  In the afternoon, the guests dispersed one after another. This time, none of them stayed, and they all left.

  Knowing that Gu Chao and the others are going to the capital again, they don’t bother. Don’t they have to clean up before leaving?

  The Third Prince knew that Gu Chao was leaving, and thought that Liu Lan would also go with him, thinking that she had to go back and arrange to pack her things.

   As a result, Gu Chao said that his sweetheart did not go, which made the third prince very happy.

  Gu Chao took her two husbands and left, leaving only her sweetheart and Bao\'er, which happened to be her heart.

  Bao\'er is a child, so it can be completely ignored, that is to say, there is only one sweetheart in the Gu family.

  Then, if she comes to Gu\'s house again, won\'t anyone bother her?

  She wants to sit and talk with her sweetheart, and no one will see it. In this way, her sweetheart will definitely not have so many worries, and it will be more convenient for her to act.


   Originally, Liu Lan didn\'t go because he felt embarrassed. He wanted to be quiet at home, but in the end he gave someone a chance.

  Even if he wanted to be quiet, it was impossible.

   It\'s just that he doesn\'t know yet, when his daughter and son-in-law are gone, someone can be said to have grown up in his house.

   Except for going back to sleep at night, the rest of the time is spent at his house, which is still the kind that can\'t be driven away.

  After Gu Yu\'an\'s birthday, nun Wuchen and his disciples also bid farewell to Gu Chao and left. They have been in Gu\'s house for some time, and it\'s time to continue on the road.

   Ten days before Miss Ruan\'s full moon, Gu Chao set off with his husbands.

  The three of them, husband and wife, were in a carriage, and a servant was driving the carriage, and the waiter was in the carriage.

   This was specially arranged by Gu Chao, just so that no one would disturb them.

   The two thought to themselves, isn\'t it just a carriage ride? Is there anything to disturb or not to disturb?

  However, as long as the two of them are with the wife-lord, they are also very willing.

  To be precise, as long as they are with the wife-lord, they don\'t care where or how many people there are.

  The carriage that the three of them were riding in was specially modified. The body of the carriage was larger than ordinary carriages, and the furnishings inside were also specially designed according to their wishes. There were many places to hide things and a large space.

  Even if the three of them lie in it together, there is still room to turn over.

  Now, there is a small round table in the carriage, with tea, snacks and dried fruits on the table.

  Gu Chao leaned on the soft and comfortable cushion, straightened his legs, and Ning Su and Han Yu sat next to her.

  One pinches the legs, and the other peels the dried fruit.

  Gu Chao enjoyed Fu Lang\'s service, and occasionally opened his mouth to eat a piece of dried fruit that Fu Lang fed to his mouth, or a small piece of snack.

   Without her opening her mouth, Fu Lang knew her intentions like a roundworm in her stomach, and when she wanted to drink water, he took the initiative to bring the teacup to her mouth.

  (end of this chapter)