The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 797

"Okay, don\'t stare at me. This money will be sent to the brothers of Tianji Pavilion, and it will be treated as their condolences for the hard work of Tianji Pavilion over the years. As for how to divide it, you few guardians can discuss it with Situ Jun." !" Su Feifei didn\'t want to use her brain, since all the things in the store were handed over, she is now a hands-off shopkeeper.

After Xue Yi received Su Feifei\'s order, she followed up the matter more actively. She just left the gate of the palace, ran into an alley and disappeared in a blink of an eye. When she appeared in Chunhualou, she was already dressed in men\'s clothes.

The old bustard was even more excited when he heard the news from Xueyi. He didn\'t expect that all the money masters would be rewarded to all the people in Tianji Pavilion. When he thought that the money would be his own in the future, the old bustard and several guards with relatively strong martial arts in Chunhualou directly killed them. Went to Li\'s mansion.

"Ma\'am, the bustard of Chunhualou is here, and she said she is looking for a ransom from General Li. Now that the general is no longer in the mansion, do you want to give it to them?" The maid looked at Su Yun\'er cautiously, her whole body was trembling, everyone knew Since the wife had a miscarriage, her temper became more and more irritable. Not only did she beat them, but she also cut wounds on them. None of the maidservants who served in Su Yun\'er\'s yard were scarred.

Su Yun\'er learned that the old bustard came for a ransom, and when she thought of the vixen who had entered the door a month ago, she said angrily, "No, no, if they want to take someone away, just let them take them away!"

"Ma\'am, this is not good. If the general comes back, how can you explain it!" The servant girl couldn\'t help but speak for her when she thought of Piaoliu usually secretly applying ointment to treat everyone\'s wounds.

"You little hoof, see if I don\'t tear your mouth apart, who are you, how can you speak for her!" Su Yun\'er\'s long nails scratched her face a few times scars.

The bustard and a few guards sat in the front hall for a long time and did not see the person in charge of Li\'s mansion come out to explain to him, so he immediately became rude, "Housekeeper, I didn\'t come here because of General Li\'s face. Li\'s residence wanted a ransom, I thought General Li would personally deliver it to the door, but I didn\'t expect him to be so forgetful, so I had no choice but to come up and get the money myself."

"Mother bustard, wait a little longer, the general will be back soon!" The housekeeper was also anxious to death at this moment. Based on how much the general loved the Piaoliu girl before, if the Piaoliu girl was taken away today, the general If he got angry, he could only get out of Li\'s house, but after all, he had stayed in Li\'s house for so many years, and before he left, the master told him to take good care of Li\'s house.

"Go and invite Madam over here, after all, Miss Piaoliu is also a concubine of the Li Mansion!" The housekeeper frowned, wondering what Madam\'s attitude was.

"Ma\'am, please go over there. The old bustard of Chunhualou led people to make trouble in the front hall. If the general finds out, he will definitely be scolded!" From Su Yun\'er\'s expression, the housekeeper could see that she was very fond of Piaoliu. The girl\'s dislike, it seems that today this lady will definitely not spend money to redeem Miss Piaoliu\'s body.

"Okay, I\'ll just go with you!" Su Yun\'er walked slowly to the side of the couch, picked up a cloak and walked to the front yard with the housekeeper in a leisurely manner.

The bustard saw Su Yuner coming in from the outside, and she also met Su Yuner several times, "Hello ma\'am, I am the bustard of Chunhualou, this is the ransom for Piaoliu, please pay me now!"