The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 796

"Let you dare to confront Madam!" Chen San threw Li Shumeng down directly, pressed her on the ground and slapped Li Shumeng from the left to the right. Everyone was bribed by Su Yun\'er, including the housekeeper. Originally, the housekeeper didn\'t like her at all. Fortunately, Chen San provided the housekeeper\'s information. If he threatened him with his family, the housekeeper would still refuse Give in.

"Zong Ming, I heard that you locked Shu Meng in the dungeon. You don\'t have to worry about it like her. We are all a family. If you say it, people will laugh at you. If there is something wrong, I will just teach you well, and you don\'t have to get angry. Get angry and hurt your body!" Piaoliu rubbed Li Zongming\'s wrinkled forehead, thinking to himself: I was finally brought out from Chunhualou, this General Li is also a famous family, the people in Chunhualou really didn\'t lie to me, As long as you hold him firmly, you won\'t have to worry about life in the future.

"Piaoliu, you are the most virtuous. If you stay by my side, I will definitely take you well, but I can\'t give you the position of the main wife. After all, my first wife came in earlier than you." Li Zongming felt guilty. Looking at Piaoliu, after getting along for a period of time, he found that the woman brought back from the land of fireworks looked more and more like Sophie. If it wasn\'t for the difference in temperament between the two, maybe he really He mistook the woman in front of him for Sophie.

"General, can I call you Zong Ming? Piaoliu doesn\'t care if I have a title or not. I just want to be by the general\'s side and serve the general well. After the general took me out of the sea of ​​suffering, I am the general\'s man. As long as the general does not Drive me away, and I will never leave the general!" Piaoliu Xiaoniao snuggled up to Li Zongming\'s shoulder, and gave a vicious look when he couldn\'t see it. Who might be the wife in the future? Woolen cloth.

"Princess, how much is Miss Piaoliu\'s ransom fee?" Xue Yi looked at Su Feifei calculatingly, and reported to Su Feifei one by one the information about how to teach Piaoliu to seduce Li Zongming these days.

"You have invested enough money this time. It seems that this play will not be exciting if you don\'t add some firewood." Su Feifei carefully threw the peeled grapes into her mouth and said slowly: "We cultivate an oiran The cost is also quite a lot, so how about you ask the old bustard to bring Piaoliu\'s deed of sale to Li\'s mansion tomorrow to ask for one hundred thousand taels of gold. Miss Liu is very fond of her, she even fell out with Su Yun\'er."

Xue Yi didn\'t expect Su Feifei to be so ruthless, at first he thought it would be a hundred thousand taels at most, but he didn\'t expect it to be one hundred thousand taels of gold, "Princess, what do you do with this money?"

Su Feifei looked at Xue Yi helplessly and said: "This is a matter of your Tianji Pavilion, just go to your pavilion master directly, I will not participate in his affairs!"

Just a joke, who would be lazy about so many messy things, if the balance of accounts is even slightly unbalanced, it will cause trouble, and besides, most of the brothers in Tianji Pavilion are not known by themselves, and Feng Chen will be provoked by that time. A lot of troublesome words, wouldn\'t he be guilty of a crime.

"Princess, the Pavilion Master said that you will be responsible for all small matters!" Xue Yi knew that the Pavilion Master would not bother with these trivial matters, and to be honest, she also took a fancy to this flying wealth.