The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 368: Sweet green plum sweet (17) ten more

Chapter 368 Qingmei Sweet (17) Ten More

  Cha Cha stood there, drooping his little head.

   is like an abandoned child.

   Many people passing by looked in her direction.

  How could such a delicate little girl look like she was being bullied?

   But no one dared to step forward.

   It was because the little girl looked too aggrieved, and her wet eyes were clean and moist.

   trance, the next second will cry.

   This person comes and goes.

   If the little girl started to cry as soon as she stepped forward, wouldn\'t it be unclear?

   But they were reluctant to leave.

   So, this led to such a scene.

  Cha Cha stood there aggrieved.

   Not far away, a group of people stood under the sun, looking furtively in her direction.

   Some people even secretly took pictures and sent them to the school\'s forum.

  【Whose cutie is this lost? If no one claims it again, even if Lao Tzu is scolded to death, he will go forward and abduct people away! 】

   The students are rushing to eat at the moment, and there are very few people replying below the post.

   But basically they are praising the little girl for being delicate and cute.

   Nothing useful.


   A voice sounded in Chacha\'s ear, "You, why are you standing here?"

  Fu Yang gathered up his courage and asked anxiously.

   He saw her just now, and he didn\'t know what happened. After waiting for half a minute, he found that she was still standing there, looking a little aggrieved.

   Even those good-looking eyes glowed with water, which made people feel unbearable.

  Chacha tilted her head and looked at her silly deskmate.

   "I don\'t have a meal card."

  Fu Yang immediately understood, it turned out to be like this.

   "I have." He scratched his head embarrassedly, "Otherwise, I\'ll invite you to dinner, you helped me in the morning, even if I thank you."

  Chacha\'s moist eyes suddenly brought a bit of joy.

   "Don\'t worry, with me here, no one will dare to bully you in the future!" The little girl announced confidently.

  Fu Yang bowed his head and smiled bitterly, not taking the little girl\'s words to heart.

  The two went to the cafeteria together.

  The people standing over there also dispersed.

   Was taken away just like that?

   However, no one found out.

After   Cha Cha left with Fu Yang, Jiang Lihuan stood for a long time where she had stood.

  The cold boy, his eyes filled with gloom.

   The slender fingers hanging on his side tightened the corners of his clothes.

   When he raised his eyes again, the bottom of his eyes had recovered to a coldness.

   There are many people in the cafeteria.

   Cha Cha and Fu Yang spent a lot of time getting the food.

   The two sat together and quickly attracted the attention of many people.

  Fu Yang was a little overwhelmed, but he was quite afraid of being noticed, he thought about it, and took his plate and said softly, "I\'m sitting on the other side."

   He quickly changed positions.

  Cha Cha had a puzzled look on his face, ok, the new tablemate didn\'t want to sit and eat with her.

  It doesn\'t matter, he invites her to dinner, he is a good person.

   These are small things, don’t take them to heart.

  Chacha just picked up the chopsticks when she suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance. Her eyes were bright, and she turned to look at Fu Yang, "Can I use your meal card to make another sweet and sour pork ribs?"

  Well, it seemed that it cost a lot of money, and she quickly added, "I\'ll treat you to dinner tomorrow!"

  Fu Yang smiled and handed over the meal card.

  Cha Cha with a smile on his face, stomped and ran to the window for the sweet and sour pork ribs to line up.

   Three minutes later.

  Cha Cha looked at the sweet and sour pork ribs on the plate and was very happy.

   She turned around and walked to the previous position.

   Unpredictable, just happened to see four or five more boys next to Fu Yang.

  From Chacha\'s point of view, Fu Yang seemed to be talking with his head down. One of the boys threw the dinner plate on the table to the ground.


  Cha Cha\'s eyes narrowed, like a blown-up beast, he rushed forward, without saying a word, kicked the boy who threw the dinner plate to the ground.

   thumped, startling many people around.


  Jiang Lihuan:......Am I being dumped? My daughter-in-law has a younger brother, so she doesn\'t want me anymore? ? ?

   Qiqi: Please continue to maintain your cool personality! Awesome!

   (end of this chapter)