The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 367: Sweet green plum sweet (16) nine more

Chapter 367 Qingmei Sweet (16) Nine more

   Qiqi was silent for a long time.

   Until Cha Cha finished eating the lollipop.

   Qiqicai added leisurely, [Chacha, otherwise, you can first look at the previous results of the original owner. 】

  Cha Cha nodded, "Mmmm."

  The original owner looks pretty good, and his grades won\'t be too bad.

   Even if it is not the top three, the top ten is always fine.

  Cha Cha thought confidently.


   Qiqi put the list of transcripts in her mind.

  Chacha was suddenly stunned and didn\'t respond for a long time.

turn out to be.

  The original owner was a scumbag?

   Looking at the last one after another... Cha Cha fell into contemplation.

   One person looked at each other silently, and for a long time, no one broke the strange silence.

   for a long time.

  Chacha was unreasonable and found a new topic, "I think it may be because my grades are a little better than Jiang Lihuan, so the old man asked me to make up for him."

  Yes, it must be like this.

  Seven-seven, […]

  Chacha blinked, sighed softly, and opened the book innocently.


   Although she was in the previous plane, her grades were not bad.

   But she has experienced several planes in the middle. For her, the book knowledge that is not very important has been forgotten by her, and she can\'t remember what and what.

   In other words, she has to study again...

   "Qiqi, let\'s discuss something."

  Qiqi, […Chacha, I, I really can’t drive it…I’m useless. 】

  Chacha, "You think too much, I just want to say, next time if this happens again, you don\'t have to tell me, I just pretend that I don\'t know anything, okay?"

  Qiqi, […………] I’d better go to autism.

  Cha Cha sighed, ignored Qi Qi, opened the book with a look of embarrassment, and then glanced at the teacher who was in class.

   Fortunately, her eyesight is fine.

  Otherwise, it would be miserable to sit in the last row.

   turned two pages, only to find the content boring.

   She was idle and bored, so she flipped through the study materials given to her by the head teacher.

   The information is very comprehensive.

   And there are many places marked.

  The font is neat and cool.

   is similar to... Jiang Lihuan?

  Chacha shook his head, in this situation, he could think of Jiang Lihuan?

  Well, to be honest, she now has new goals besides Jiang Lihuan.

   For example: recruit another wave of younger brothers.

  Being a boss or something...I think it\'s awesome!

   The little girl\'s moist eyes shone with a strange light, as if shining brightly. She felt that although her future was full of infinite possibilities, accepting her younger brother as a tea brother must be a small step in it!

  Yes, it is so full of confidence!

  Qiqi, […………] I watched my host go further and further away.


   The school bell rang in the morning.

  Cha Cha ran out at a fast speed.

  The two short legs run as well as those long legs.

   Shocked the students in Class 5.

   Don\'t ask her why she runs so fast.

  Because before school was over, she heard several boys in the front row discussing what to eat for lunch.

   and various complaints about the food in the cafeteria, it is delicious, but the queue is super troublesome!

  So, in order to eat tea for lunch as soon as possible, I ran fast.

   When she ran out of the teaching building, she suddenly stopped.

   She stood in the corridor where people came and went with a dazed expression, her moist eyes were full of bewilderment.

  She...I don\'t know where the cafeteria is...

   Besides, she just came to school and has no meal card yet.

  The little girl rummaged through her pockets, oh, there is no money.

  No meal card = can\'t go to the cafeteria.

  No money = hungry.

   The whole person is confused and aggrieved.

   (end of this chapter)