The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 223: Su Shao's little fairy (4)

Chapter 223 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (4)

  Cha Cha took people back with some effort.

   When she finally got home, she threw the person onto the chair without being very gentle.

   instead poured a glass of water.

   looks very tired.

   "Qiqi, you said, when will he wake up?"

  Seven-seven, […I don’t know. 】

  Maybe, when he wanted to wake up, he woke up, but he didn\'t dare to say this.

  Chacha glanced at the man on the chair.

   looks pretty good.

The suit on    looks very valuable.

   There is also a watch on the wrist, which is full of extravagance and wealth.

   Oh, rich people.


I have no money.

   Qiqi was silent for a while, always feeling that Chacha was making up his mind.

   Immediately after, it saw Chacha lying on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and planned to play with it.

   Qiqi was stunned, [Chacha, don\'t you want to look at his situation? 】

   "He\'s not injured, can\'t he just wake up by himself?" Moreover, he really just fell.

  Although he didn\'t know why he was in a coma, she could be sure that his personal safety was no problem.

  So, now she wants to play with her mobile phone for a while and get familiar with the live broadcast.

  Well, she read the contract again by the way.

  Two hours a day.

   However, it did not say that talent must be broadcast live.

   Anyway, the live broadcast time is enough for two hours!

   suddenly happy.

   This task doesn\'t seem to be that difficult.

  Qiqi looked at his unfeeling host, and looked at the poor male protagonist lying on a chair.

   I always feel that the male protagonist is really miserable.

   He is handsome and temperamental, and he took the initiative to bring him to the door. With such a good opportunity, what would Chacha do to him?

   Instead, ignore him?

   Hmm, I suddenly feel pretty good!

   Better to ignore him all the time!

   Save yourself being abducted by the big tail wolf.

   Another moment passed.

   The person on the chair seemed to finally be able to bear it.

   He slowly opened his eyes.

   looked at Cha Cha with some confusion. At that time, the little girl was playing with her mobile phone seriously and didn\'t seem to notice his situation.

   This feeling of neglect.

   made Su Huan feel inexplicably heartbroken.

   He sighed silently in his heart and said.

   "Where am I?"

  Chacha heard the sound, so she put down her phone and looked at Su Huan who woke up.

   "You\'re at my place, do you remember what just happened?"

   she asked softly.

  Su Huan was silent at first, then shook his head, "I don\'t remember."

   After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and rubbed his head, "Headache..."

   "Headache? But, you didn\'t fall on your head, why did you have a headache?" Cha Cha beeped softly.

   However, there were only two of them in the room.

   Although her voice was low, Su Huan still heard it.

   "By the way, what\'s your name? Thank you for saving me."

  Su Huan looked at her with a blushing face and forcibly changed the subject.

   "Huh?" Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

   "Just call me Chacha, I didn\'t save you, I just brought you back, don\'t be so polite, by the way, what\'s your name?"

   "Su Huan. You saved me, I want to thank you, this is only right and proper."

   If she agrees to let him do it, he\'ll be happy.

  But, the brain circuit of Chacha.

   is destined to disappoint Su Huan.

  Chacha looked at him seriously, "Ah? Thank me? Then if you thank me, just... buy me something delicious, I\'m not picky eaters!"

  Su Huan, "...I-I don\'t seem to have any cash with me, how about I give you myself?"

  Chacha, "???" and so on, this is not the right direction.

   Is this what you just said?


How did    change from delicious food to giving him himself?



   Male protagonist: My daughter-in-law doesn\'t seem to be very smart, so let me take the initiative.

   (end of this chapter)