The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 222: Su Shao's little fairy (3)

Chapter 222 Su Shao\'s Little Fairy (3)

   Under the guidance of Qiqi.

  Cha Cha went downstairs.

   The hand hanging by his side clenched the two hundred dollars he had just found.

   With a solemn expression, she calculated in her heart how much two hundred yuan could buy.

   You can buy some lollipops first.

  Then...the rest of the money buys some noodles.

  Boiled noodles in water...

   Well, that\'s it.

  Cha Cha was tangled for a while and couldn\'t help sighing.

   "...Qiqi, won\'t you let me hang up? Do you want to watch me eat boiled noodles?

   Didn\'t even have a root of cabbage... It\'s really miserable.

   And on my last plane, there should be a lottery, right? Can I exchange a lottery for a little money? "

   A series of questions.

   Qiqi was stunned again.

  【I, I am a system, I don\'t know if I can exchange small money... 】


  Cha Cha nodded in disappointment.

   Qiqi instantly felt more and more useless.

   How can it make the host suffer so miserably?

   It\'s so useless!

  Thinking about it, Qiqi closed herself...

  Cha Cha sighed and had to accept the fact that he was a rich second-generation without money.

   The supermarket on Seventy-seven Fingers is not too far away.

   Cross a street and you\'re there.

   The thought of having some sugar later made Cha Cha feel a little better.

   I haven\'t had candy for a long time.

   She hopped forward.

  Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

  Chacha reacted quickly, and subconsciously avoided it, only to see the figure slammed to the ground.

  Cha Cha hurriedly took two steps back, full of doubts, panicked and confused, "???"

   "Qiqi, have I met someone who touches porcelain again?"

   Qiqi, who had just shut herself off for a few minutes, was terrified, [What? Touch porcelain? Hit him! 】

   "Hmm... eh??? Qiqi, we have to be gentle."

  Cha Cha said solemnly.

   At the same time, she took two steps forward and kicked the man on the ground lightly.

   "Are you all right?" she asked.

   The people on the ground did not respond.

  Chacha, "...Hey? My friend? It\'s useless for you to touch porcelain, I have no money, I\'m very poor, only two hundred yuan, or you can touch porcelain..."

   I don\'t know if it was an illusion, she vaguely felt the person on the ground twitch.

   But still no one got back to her.

   Cha Cha frowned, bent over and squatted on the ground.

   poked the man\'s exposed profile with his fingers.

   "If you do this again, I will touch you!" Cha Cha seriously threatened.

   After waiting for another two minutes, the people on the ground still did not respond.

  Chacha realized the problem.

   "Qiqi, I seem to be in trouble? What should I do?"

Is    the destruction of the corpse?

   Or destroy the corpse?

   Qiqi, [How about... let\'s see his face first? 】

   "Makes sense."

  Cha Cha took a look at the person\'s head.

   "Qiqi, he looks pretty good?"

【really. 】Tsk tsk, this face, this unlucky child...

   Ah, no, the male protagonist can\'t be so weak!

Ah! Shameless again.

   Qiqi snorted coldly and said nothing.

   It can\'t expose the fact that the male protagonist is a big-tailed wolf. Forget it, let\'s just shut up.

  Cha Cha stared at that face for a while, something vaguely lingering in her mind, and after thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and pulled the person up from the ground.

   took another look at the direction of the supermarket, then looked at the people on the ground, and patted the man\'s face unwillingly, "..."

   OK, still no response.

   Let\'s take the person home first, and when he wakes up, she will come to the supermarket to buy candy.

   When she helped him up, she glanced at the situation, and the man didn\'t seem to be hurt...

   So why are you in a coma?

don\'t know.

   Take it back and talk about it.


  Add more, remember to vote for the recommendation, and continue to add more tomorrow.

  Male: I was picked up by my daughter-in-law and brought home! Happy to fly! ! !

   (end of this chapter)