The Favoured Medical Princess

52 Chapter 51-Shameless

Nangong Yue attached to Nangong Kun\'s ear and pointed to Xiao Yi to introduce to her: "Big sister, this little fish girl is a disciple of the troupe. Because she hasn\'t left the teacher, she didn\'t perform on stage. But just now her sister saw it in the garden Her performance was very interesting, and I wanted you to come and see it together."

Upon hearing that the other party was a troupe, Nangong calmed down.Even if the girl in the troupe is beautiful, it is nothing more than a plaything, not worth mentioning.It was only in this short period of time that her mentality had changed a few times, and she had returned to her original dignified ladylike appearance, laughing: "Since my sister said yes, then listen to it."

"Then let\'s go to the pool and listen to him sing."

Nangong Yue led Nangong Yan to the pool, and sat down leisurely by the pool. With a chin pick, he gently commanded: "Little Fish Girl, you can start performing."

She wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate and humiliate Xiao Yi, let him calm down a bit, but did not want this Xiao Yi to be more excited than her, and said diligently: "The slave\'s family will be ugly." Then, Zhangkou came to a "Mrs. Xiang" , He didn\'t sing enough, and he danced around her, that looks like a wonderful thing!

"...Yuan Youzhi, Xili Youlan, Sizizi dare not say..."

Xiao Yi flicked her sleeves, her fascinating face was a bit charming, and her tone was gentle and frivolous, and her eyes looked at Nangong Yue as the tone changed, and the performance was most vivid, but she saw Nangong Yue straight up Goose bumps.

"...You can\'t do it all at once, chat with you and let it go!"

In the last period, Xiao Yi even frivolously lifted Nangong Yue\'s chin, and the corners of her lips were lightly hooked.The beautiful peach blossom eyes brought a three-pointed smile and raised slightly. "Son, you just follow me."

This is really a naked flirtation!

Nangong Yue\'s entire face was black and her body was slightly stiff.Nangong Yan looked very interested, with a faint smile on his face.Yimei lowered her head halfway, and was afraid to look down. She knew that Xiao Xiao was playing with her girl, but she could do nothing.

After one song, Xiao Yi saluted the two of them, and he said with endless meaning: "The two girls are worse than Xiaoyu..."

Guessing what Xiao Yi was going to say, Nangong Yue took a look on the face and interrupted him anxiously: "Little Fish Girl, we also watched your performance and you should go back." Saying that, she ordered Yimei, "Yi Mei, take this little fish girl away."

Xiao Yi showed a disappointed expression and turned his eyes: "Will those three girls, can I say a few more words to you?"

Upon seeing this, Nangong Yan immediately resigned from the past, and here soon only Nangong Yue\'s master and servant and Xiao Yi remained.

"Xiao Shizi, look at this first beauty, is it time to go?" Nangong Yue said patiently.

It is said that Xiao Yi is full of grievances, "Little girl, just to cooperate with you, this world son sacrificed hue desperately to perform, you know, this world son has never been a person who is full of grievances, only then he grieved himself like this. You don\'t even appreciate it?"

Nangong Yue couldn\'t help but look at the black line, thinking: Who was just excited when he heard that he was going to perform? Who was finished and still had a sense of expression in his face?

Nangong Yue really wanted to kick Xiao Yi, who was "clearly painted".

"What else do you want?" Nangong Yue didn\'t have a good airway.

Xiao Yi pouted, "I just wanted to tell you that you just helped me, so the Lijia pharmacy was cancelled. So you still owe me a favor and a way to recruit mice." He paused. It seems a little bit unwilling, "Smelly girl, you can escape the monk can\'t escape the temple, don\'t you think about it!"

"I\'m not going to lose my debts." Nangong Yue said with a gritted teeth, quickly reported a series of drug names, "This is the recipe for recruiting mice, I still owe you a favor, I have the opportunity to give it back! Now you Can you go now?"

"Okay." Xiao Yi waved at her. "Then see you next time." He jumped up easily, stepped on the wall, and struck the wall with force, and then he disappeared.

Hope not to see you again! Nangong Yue rubbed her forehead and said silently in her heart.

"Finally left." Yimei finally let out a sigh of relief, tangled for a while, and couldn\'t help saying, "Three girls..."

"What\'s wrong?" Nangong Yue asked casually.

"Please forgive your slaves, don\'t do this kind of thing again next time..." Yimei said tangledly, she knew she was not qualified to take care of the master\'s business, but she couldn\'t help but worry. .

It is said that Nangong Yue couldn\'t help but look at her. If touched, "Yi Mei, I will have a sense of justice. Thank you." She knew that Yi Mei was concerned about her, and she knew that it was very risky, but Yi Mei I don\'t know if she can offend Xiao Yi, or Xiao Yi in the future...

Suddenly, a sound of laughter came from above.

"Smelly girl, fortunately you haven\'t left yet."

Nangong Yue\'s body stiffened, and she looked up and saw that Xiao Yi did not know when to appear on the wall again, squatted there, and leaned over to look at herself.

Nangong Yue almost missed her breath, "Xiao Yi, why are you here again?!"

Xiao Yi shrugged and said, "I really don\'t blame me this time. Brother Xiwen doesn\'t believe that I saw the first beautiful woman in Wangdu, so I took him to you for proof." Xiwen is Chen Qiying\'s word.

He talked casually, but Nangong Yue heard his teeth clenched, he still has it, damn Xiao Yi!

In the discourse, Chen Quying climbed up the wall with some difficulty, and looked a little embarrassed. Not only was her hair messed up, but even the original white snowy robe was stained.

Although there was some distance, Chen Quying recognized Nangongyue at a glance, "Girl, it turns out to be you. You still have a relationship with Ayi." He looked at the two people who looked like little enemies in front of him. laugh.

If it is said to be fate, it is also a fate of despair! Nangong Yue did not think angrily in her heart, but she could only say: "Walk and go, will I still testify to you? Is it true that you have seen the first beautiful woman in Wangdu."

Xiao Yi laughed again. "Heaven, did you hear that? I won this time. It is now 151 wins, 150 losses, and 148 draws."

Chen Quying apologized to Nangong Yue at the wall and said to Xiao Yi: "You won. Take me down now."

Xiao Yi grabbed Chen Quying and jumped off the wall with ease.

After sending away two troubled ancestors, Nangong Yue called Yimei back to the theater together and sat back in place.

At this time, another drama was nearing its end.Nangong Yue looked at the main seat, but saw that Su Qingping was pulled by Zhao\'s to a lady. The tulle flower braids, with a round bun, only three gold hairpins with southern pearls inserted in the hair room...