The Favoured Medical Princess

51 Chapter 50-Dress Up

Shouldn\'t he think this is a great insult? Nangong Yue\'s eyebrows twitched, quite speechless.Well, it seems that she can\'t guess the thoughts of the young boys.

Now that the words have been released, I can\'t allow myself to repent again.Nangong Yue immediately turned to Yimei and said, "Yimei, you go and get a suit suitable for Xiao Shizi."

Yimei looked at Nangongyue in disbelief. Do they really want to help the young boy in front of him as a woman? This...not so good.Hidden foreign man, if it is found, the life of the three girls will be ruined!

Yimei is very tangled in her heart. On the one hand, she wants to obey the orders of the three girls, and on the other hand, she is afraid that it will be unfavorable to the three girls after the incident.After thinking for a while, finally, Yimei gritted her teeth, but she should still get off.

"Yes, three girls!"

Since she sincerely recognizes the three girls as the main, she must believe the three girls\' decision!

Although Yimei has used the fastest speed to fetch women\'s clothing and other items, Xiao Yi still waited a little impatiently.Seeing Yimei\'s arrival, she immediately grabbed the women\'s dress in her hand and went to the rock cave to change clothes.

Yimei looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Yimei brought a light blue pleated phoenix skirt with sleeves on the floor, worn on Xiao Yi\'s body of just the right size, his narrow waist was tightened by a light blue ribbon, and the cover was a dark silk fleece cloak. Cover his slightly wider shoulders.His long black hair was scattered, and the hair fluttered with the breeze, brushing on his white cheeks without powder, but it looked like an empty valley fairy.

Nangong Yue and Yimei were stunned. Xiao Yi dressed in a woman\'s dress, which was much better than a woman.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he destroyed the perfect picture completely, "Little girl," he pointed to Yimei, and said rashly, "Come and help me comb my hair." He grabbed a hand of hair, impatiently Complaining, "Your girl\'s hair style is the most troublesome. What is so complicated to do..."

Nangong Yue didn\'t want to hear him twitching at all, and gave Yimei a look. Immei immediately stepped forward and asked Xiao Yi to sit down on a big rock, followed, and then he combed his head skillfully.

Yimei\'s hands and feet are extremely fast, and he saved him a loose compilation in three or two times, put on a few beads, and put on makeup with fat powder... A few strokes made him seem to have changed. A glorious style of painting, at first glance, only to see that his beautiful peach blossoms were slightly raised, and a radiant temptation was drawn on the lips of Yin Hong, which was as beautiful as a picture of the world.

Nangong Yue looked dumbfounded and coughed coughingly: "Yi Mei, give him a mole on the corner of his lips."

Although Yimei didn\'t understand why, she did it obediently.Nangong Yue looked at him again and made a somewhat reluctant look, saying: "It\'s okay. We can go."

"What\'s okay?" Xiao Yi looked at the mirror and praised herself, "It\'s clear that it\'s glamorous and unremarkable! That\'s of course. I thought that my mother was the first beautiful woman in southern Xinjiang. Eight points, in Nanjiang, everyone is loved, from the 80-year-old lady to the three-year-old child, they are all dumped by my peerless beauty..."

He talked endlessly, getting more and more excited.Nangong Yue also said that he entered in the left ear and out the right ear.After he said enough, he said, "I will take you there later, and say you are a troupe, then you should never talk to avoid exposing yourself."

"Exposure? Are you too young to look at this son?" Xiao Yi stared at Nangong Yue with dissatisfaction, suddenly cleared his throat, put his hands on his waist, and blessed himself in a decent way. Several ladies."

His voice was soft and sweet, just like a woman\'s, and it didn\'t show a little dryness. It was extremely natural.

Nangong Yue and Yimei were both startled and looked at Xiao Yi with a shocked expression.

Xiao Yi said complacently, "How is it? I was impressed by the talent of this son? Tell you, this son is a genius. I have learned vocal skills before. These ninety-nine-eighty voices are difficult, not to mention It’s just a simple female voice, so you don’t have to worry about it.” He waved his hand and said with great ambition.

Although Nangong Yue was accidental, she felt relieved and wanted to make a quick decision, feeling that she had dismissed this evil star.


When Nangong Yue led Xiao Yi and Yi Mei back to the main hall of the theater, the drama on stage was at its climax, and the audience watching the drama with rejoicing.

Nangong Yue was trying to make Xiao Yi wait at the door, but when she saw Su Qingping greeted him immediately, she said enthusiastically, "Sister Yue, you are back." As he said, his eyes fell on Xiao Yi beside Nangong Yue, There was a deep shock in his eyes, "This girl is..."

Between the words, she blinked slightly and looked at Xiao Yi again, and found a few doubts. In her heart, she only felt that the woman was tall and her shoulders were wide...She immediately remembered that she heard near the rockery. The male voice has a bit of suspicion under his heart.

Settling down, Su Qingping tentatively smiled and said: "Sister Yue, this girl has a very good eye, as if she hasn\'t seen it in Fufu before?"

Nangong Yue also knew in her heart that Su Qingping was suspicious, but calmly and freely introduced: "Ping Biao, this girl is a disciple in the troupe, but she has not yet been qualified to perform on stage."

Su Qingping\'s words to Nangong Yue were doubtful, and she laughed again: "Oh? Really?" She turned her head to Xiao Yi again, "What\'s your name?"

Xiao Xiaomei blessed herself again, "Pretending to be a slave."

This voice is really a girl\'s house.Su Qingping froze for a moment, smiling innocently and enthusiastically, "Little Fish? What a lovely name." Until then, her previous doubts had finally disappeared.

"The slave girl Xie praised." Xiao Yi was getting stronger and stronger, and her bright smile instantly added a few bright colors to his beautiful face, which was really beautiful.

The two politely said a few words without connotation, and Su Qingping walked away boringly.

As soon as she saw her, Xiao Yi turned her smile like a book, and approached Nangong Yue, whispering: "Smelly girl, what about Nangong Yan? I came to see Nangong Yan."

He deliberately lowered his voice. The slightly magnetic voice unique to the teenager sang in Nangong Yue\'s ear, a little itchy and hot, accompanied by the faint fragrance of Xiao Yi...Nangong Yue felt a little awkward, by turning around He avoided him naturally, "Don\'t go around here, I\'ll go find my big sister."

Nangong Yue soon led Nangong Yan, and Nangong Yan was shocked to see Xiao Yi.She has always been proud of her beauty. At first glance, she saw a strange woman who was as beautiful as herself, her eyes showing a trace of surprise.