The Farming Little Girl

C301: true ability

Chen nianran steals joy.

After a period of time to the cold city, I hope you don't think that my little grandma's house which I helped to solve is a bad place.

If the future development of the cold city, these people will certainly settle in the cold city. Chen nianran doesn't need to think about this.

So along the way, not only Chen nianran and Ningxiang mother and son, but also a few special people, such as Xi Wu.

It has to be said that although these five washing jobs are bodyguards' occupations, they can do chores.

What's the rush, the cargo escort, the information, all the things, these all work.

As for the girls and women in Chen nianran's hands, they are responsible for cooking for them and taking care of their children.

Chen nianran's business is not just to catch up.

Every time she went to a place, she would go into a teahouse or an inn and ask about it. See what's new here, or something special.

Although Mo Daozi said that he would find some special talents for her. But it's better to find some by yourself.

Don't mention that along the way, I really heard about some special personnel.

For example, it's a simple job to kill a pig butcher and go in with one knife. But it is said that the butcher can cut the meat out quickly without blinking his eyes. Chen nianran wants this kind of person, but it doesn't help her to go now. So I just paid attention to his residence and village.

After the development of cold city, it is the same to lead these talents there.

As for others, I was surprised to hear that some of them are said to be able to hatch chicks with their temperature and feelings.

Most of the people are like the miracle people of some farmers. Chen nianran does not want to invite such a person for the time being.

However, one day when she passed a small village, there was a middle-aged man in the tea shop on the side of the road who was dressed in a very depressed manner.

The man stood far away and looked at them.

As soon as the man of the tea shop looked at him, he hurried forward to drive him out.

"Go, I don't know what to do. I only know to look for stones outside. How can a person like you still have the face to live?"

Chen nianran frowned, but waved to the shopkeeper.

"What's the matter with this man?"

Although the shop owner said it was cheap, he still expressed sympathy for the middle-aged man.

"Well, it's not a queer character in our village. My family used to be pretty good, but he was so confused. You say that a good man has to be a stone addict. If you have nothing to do, go and collect some weird bangs. What's more, some stones can be made into different ornaments and so on. Finally, his parents left behind the family, Leng was his own toss light. A daughter-in-law is ill and has no money to cure. She went there the year before last, leaving a child. She can't support the thin one. No, at the beginning of this year, she gave it away. Alas, you say, such a man is still obsessed with those stones. It's OK to say that we can get rich with some strange stones. I think it's not business. I'm crazy about money. "

Chen nianran is listening to the thought, "shopkeeper, you call this man to me, and I'll talk to him. In fact, there are many things that can be made into ornaments. For example, some diamonds.

In this era, no one knows that diamonds are valuable treasures. There are many people who see stones like that. They should only play with a little luster. But in fact, things like crystal stone, diamond and some good stones can be carved into ornaments.

It's said that there are many stones in Hancheng. Maybe you can find some good stones in it. Thinking like this, Chen nianran has a mind to accept such a person.

The middle-aged man will come soon.

He saluted her respectfully and stood aside honestly. He looked at the snacks on his desk all the time. Chen nianran rewarded him with all these dishes of snacks.

"Thank you, Madame."

Zhang Shoude said while eating. Chen nianran quickly put a cup of tea in front of him.

"Eat slowly, and if you really have the ability, I will invite you around me in the future, maybe there will be more delicious."

Zhang Shoude's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it.

"Madam, I only know some skills of stone carving. This is the ornament I carved. Can you see it? "

The owner of the tea shop on one side looked at it and shook his head on the spot. "Well, it's OK to give this to others. But it's really hard to sell it. "

Chen nianran took over the ornament and saw that it was a carved earring of a woman. But without polishing, the color is still a little dark. But the style is very good.

At least, if you can make a stone into such an ornament earring, you are capable.

She collected the earring quietly. "You can make these little things?"

"Yes, yes, Madame."

Zhang Shoude replied cautiously. He can't farm, he can only carve these little things. Now I don't know if I can use it for food. You know, some people have seen them before. They say they are worthless and useless. Because of this, he can only do it. Up to now, the wife and children have not been supported, and the children have been given away.

"Well, pack up and follow me. After that, I'll take care of your food and accommodation. If you have work to do, you have commissions and so on. The treatment is similar to that of the guys I hired. "

The onlookers around, including Zhang Shoude, didn't expect that such a small ear ball would make Chen nianran accept him. For a while, Zhang Shoude would kneel gratefully.

"Madame, I will work hard."

"I believe you are a stone carver. If you work under my command, you'll give full play to your strengths. "

Chen nianran asked with a smile, and then he stayed here for a long time. When he came out again, Zhang Shoude dragged a little skinny child who was seven or eight years old.

"Ma'am, I want to take my children with me. I used to foster them in his uncle's house. Look, can you do me a good job? "

Looking at his tears will come out, the child's body is also far away from several scars. Obviously, it was abused. Chen nianran knows that these children, who are sent to relatives' families to raise, will not necessarily be loved by their relatives. Children, or have to take care of themselves.

"Well, here's a ingot of silver. Take it and settle the foster expenses with the eldest son."

Zhang Shoude then took this ingot of silver and shed tears.

One of the children looked at him nervously. For fear that he would throw himself away again.

"Chun'er, from now on, we will follow the lady."

Zhang Shoude pulls the child and kneels down to kowtow to Chen nianran on the spot.

When Zhang Shoude had finished the matter, he put on a new suit, brought a slightly shabby big box, and joined Chen nianran's team.

Chen nianran looked at the box and wondered what stones the man had collected. When he opened it and showed his masterpieces one by one, Chen nianran smiled.

She can foresee that Zhang Shoude will make money for himself in the future.

Because there are some shining stones in the box, the shape he carved is very good.

"Well, if these stones are polished and waxed again, the effect will be much better."

Zhang Shoude is only devoted to carving, but he doesn't know that there are still such sayings as waxing and polishing.

Chen nianran smiled cunningly, scooped out a contract first, and signed a contract with him, then said the matter.

"From now on, you can carve these stones with confidence, and carve them into the various types I want. As for the variety, you can carve some women's ornaments, and larger ones, as well as all kinds of ornaments placed at home. In a word, the more varieties, the better. Of course, we should produce excellent products. You will be surprised when I put the finished product out at last. "

Chen nianran didn't elaborate on the specific steps. These things are not too much to carve.

In this regard, Chen nianran is going to invite another jade person to carve these different stones.

In fact, the steps of jade are similar to those of Zhang Shoude's stone jewelry.

What she wants to do now is to make stones of various qualities into ornaments. Of course, this stone can't be that kind of ordinary stone. As Chen nianran knows, there are still many kinds of stones in the river beach. Sometimes it's clear that you can meet good crystal stones, as well as other stones.

As long as it's a stone that can shine, she's ready to carve it into ornaments. I believe that once these high-end things are put into the shops in the capital, there will be a certain amount of sales.

The process of stone, of course, is also stone picking, stone opening, topic selection, design, carving, and fine work. Some varieties may be polished with a dozen wax.

The so-called waxing is that sometimes we have to use some special oil materials to polish the carved ornaments. In fact, in the jargon of beauty, it is beauty. After that, it is displayed to let people choose to buy.

A good ornament will not have no market. Besides, many stone ornaments are more valuable than jade. Especially some rare stones are more valuable than gold.

Zhang Shoude is also an honest man. He can carve out what he likes to do when he has food. His son will not be separated, which makes him very happy.

That kid, Chen nianran didn't let him be idle, simply let him be the group's attendant, anyway, the son is big, this little catch-up also has to choose to buy.

Strange people are not easy to find. And, even if it is, it has to be useful occasionally. Chen nianran is just visiting all the way. If anyone can use it, pay attention.