The Farming Little Girl

C300: separation

Chen nianran is not satisfied with this point.

Zhou Aoxuan holds her hand.

"You have thought that if we don't let go of this week's property. In the future, we will shoulder the burden of our children. I don't want their wealth, I just want to earn it by myself. It's better to pay by yourself than to be constantly quarreled at home... "

Chen nianran understood this.

He's not a softie don't want everything this week at home. Just can't see it.

Because once you get it, it means you have to shoulder all the troubles of the Zhou family.

You know, the original three room staff. The big room, the second room and the third room are all divided.

But it's about splitting up. In fact, all of them came back when Zhou Chaoyang was in power.

It is reasonable to say that the power of Zhoufu should be controlled by big houses. Unfortunately, the one in the big room is a little lame, because it can't support everything of the Zhou family.

In this way, Zhou Chaoyang took over everything of the Zhou family.

That's why Liu Xinran will try to marry Zhou Chaoyang. Just because, from the beginning, it was decided that this week's Zhang family would be Zhou Chaoyang.

In the same way, the position of the leader's mother also made many people in Zhou's mansion dare not disrespect her at all.

It's reasonable to say that this time Zhou Chaoyang insisted on helping Liu Xinran. Zhou Aoxuan had an excuse for Ma Zhangs' right to come back. After all, he's from his own line. And, is the only legitimate.

But he didn't mention it. He just said that they had nothing to do with each other's affairs, so he would stop looking for each other.

In this way, it is equal to giving up everything of the Zhou family now. Although he did not leave the Zhou family, he had nothing to do with it.

"I see. Let them fight. Hee hee, husband, I'm afraid you feel uncomfortable, so I asked. Let's earn it by ourselves. "

Looking at her smile, Zhou Aoxuan clenched her hand and kissed her gratefully. "This life, meeting you, is my happiest harvest. Nothing else matters. "

"Well, me too. I think that I came to this time and space to make you and I get together perfectly. "

Kiss me my life is always short, soon to the separation of the two.

In the early morning, Tuan Tuan scroll seemed to know that his father was going to leave.

The little scroll guy actually hugs Zhou Aoxuan and doesn't give up.

"Dad, I want to kiss you, Dad, I want to play..."

The little guy kept talking.

The soft body in my arms, the childish voice and the heart of Zhou Aoxuan are all melted. It doesn't want to leave. It can't disobey the emperor's life.

Hard down, coax the roll, and in the eyes of Tuan Tuan, he said seriously, "after my father left, Tuan Tuan is the only man in our family, so you should shoulder the responsibility of protecting my sister and my mother, you know?"

The little guy didn't understand, but he nodded as seriously as he did. "OK, Dad..."

The crisp father made Zhou Aoxuan lean over and hold his son solemnly. Turn around and look at the pretty woman standing three steps away.

Close your mouth, turn around and drive away.

Always do not cry volume, in this moment to show the innocence.

"Dad, Dad I want my father to take the roll... "

Chen nianran patted her gently and comforted her constantly. This is the first time that the child has made a serious difference with Zhou Aoxuan since he recorded it.

Zhou Aoxuan immediately in the distance, tight and stiff, turned back, "children, daughter-in-law, I strive to come back early."

In the sight, the figure became more and more blurred, Chen nianran swallowed the tears. Soothe the children in a soft voice, and then take these two little guys to the place where the incense is condensed, and let the three of them play by themselves. She also eased her mood for a while before it eased.

Used to have a man around, used to wake up with his arms. Leave now

I feel sad in my heart. However, I am reluctant to give up my little children at this time. In a short time, Chen nianran recovered.

"Well, elder sister, I'm going to prepare for the trip. Congxiang, I think. There is nothing there now. You'll suffer if you go with me. I'll take the children there first, and then you can come with Taoist Mo slowly? "

Congxiang stares at her, looking at the scrolls not far away and playing one by one.

"Why don't you leave the ball and the roll together. You can rest assured that these two children are over there?"

Cold city, a city of only a thousand people. Such a city can know what kind of place it is without thinking about it.

Chen nianran now takes the children with him, which is also suffering.

However, Chen nianran shook his head firmly and refused.

"No, I will not leave my children. This time one by one and your separation, let me understand a truth. As a parent, you have to look like a parent. If it's nothing to do with living, what's the use of living him! Leave the children behind. Everything about Zhou's family is unknown. What's more, I strongly suspect that the robbery happened in the temple was caused by my opponent. If I leave the children behind, do you think I can rest assured of their safety? It's the place of cold city. Although it's a little secluded, it's easy to be wary of strangers. So I decided to take the children. "

As she said, Congxiang's eyes were bright. She turned around and immediately gathered up her things.

"No, I have to follow you. Cold city suffers, doesn't it? I haven't suffered before. I'll eat my piece of meat one by one. I'll follow you to eat wild vegetables and porridge. "

Chen nianran was embarrassed to see that she was going to leave. "Congxiang, you'd better stay first. Go now. I don't know if I'll let you have meat. Cold city is really bitter. "

But Congxiang shook her head decisively. "No, I've decided to find a quiet place and cure my one by one. Go there, as you said, although the place is a little secluded. But somehow it's safer. Plus your people and my people, our people just can protect our safety there. Go, just go there. I don't want to be scared again. I'm so careful. I can't be scared like that. "

Twenty days after returning home, Chen nianran is ready to leave for the border city.

This time around to the border city, the ultimate goal of course is the cold city.

When he left, Chen nianran knelt outside the old lady's house. The door remained closed.

Tuan Tuan and Juan seemed to know that the people in the room were not willing, so they kowtowed with Chen nianran and said, "great grandmother, you need to take care of yourself. We'll come back to see you some other day. "

Young words, listen to the old lady's tears and Shua out.

She just didn't want to see them off in person.

Old people, once to separate, will be extremely reluctant. For this reason, the old man's children's temper also came up.

I don't know what I'm thinking. Just pounding the old lady's back.

"Ancestor, I will take care of the children. Don't worry. "

Kowtow, Chen nianran pulls two children to leave.

After a while there was a rush of footsteps.

Woman Wan stuffed a package into Chen nianran's hand.

"The old ancestor heard that your son was suffering, so I took these clothes to the two little masters. Some dry food will be sent later. "

Chen nianran took over and expressed thanks in a complicated mood.

No matter how many trips the old lady made to her before, she finally came back and said that she really loved Zhou Aoxuan and her two children.

"Thank the old ancestor for me. Her heart will be remembered."

Mrs. Wan wiped her tears and looked at the two little guys.

"Well, if grandma wushao remembers the old man, she might as well bring two more little masters back to see her. These years, the old man's health is getting worse. "

Chen nianran is stunned. She has no time to return.

Cold city is not less than a month away from this place. In this era, transportation is not so underdeveloped.

Of course, this also has a reason for her to take the children and have to ride in a slow carriage. However, relatively speaking, these distances are not convenient.

More importantly, there will be many bandits and bandits along the way.

There was no response, Chen nianran took the two children only a gift, then hurriedly left.

After seeing the figures of several people leaving, lady Wan sighed and turned back to see the old lady standing at the window shivering

Outside, there were five men in uniform standing there.

"Wash one, wash two, wash three, wash four, wash five. Hee hee... "

As soon as the little curly girl saw these five, she clapped her hands.

Chen nianran nodded at five points, "let's go."

The arrival of these people has helped a lot.

Jin Ruchao, a sweet little brother, is really good for her sister.

After learning that they had returned to the mansion, they sent several brothers from the same school to practice. It's experience, but it's actually assigned to Chen nianran as a bodyguard.

After one by one, Chen nianran still attaches great importance to safety awareness.

Originally, I wanted to find a few people by myself. Who could have thought that Jin Ruchao had sent a large group of brothers.

In fact, through understanding, Chen nianran also roughly understood.

Most of the children who go to learn martial arts are also farmers.

Of course, it's just to have a mixed meal.

These people originally wanted to ask Jin Ruchao to arrange the life behind them, but Jin Ruchao took office. How dare they arrange these people to enter their own territory.

In order to settle them in Chen nianran's place, we can solve the problems of the brothers. Second, I can take care of Chen nianran's family. After all, this sister didn't take care of him.

Chen nianran's treatment is good, and the group is also very successful.

"As long as you do well, I'll help you find your daughter-in-law later. Of course, whether you can marry a daughter-in-law depends on your own flexibility. "

It's said that washing five can solve the problem of daughter-in-law and help settle down. One by one, the mood is really high.