The Farming Little Girl

C296: recovery from loss

Ancient people, no matter in safety or in any way, like to set up a secret road in the house.

Originally just want to take a chance to check the cellar, did not want to open, then see the small one's body curled up in a corner.

Holding the child as light as a piece of paper, Chen nianran's tears burst out uncontrollably.

Because I haven't seen light for ten days, Xiaoyi is afraid of light. Besides, he didn't recognize anyone. When you see people, you will shrink back in fear. The hand also wants to swing, but does not have the dint strength.

Holding his waving hand, Chen nianran saw that his fingertips and thin needle eyes

The small hand is slightly swollen.

Take him back to the house, open his clothes, and see that there are still many scars in some places

"Beast, beast, beast!"

Looking at one of the scars, Mrs. Chen shouted angrily.

Chen nianran stared at the scars, only to feel that his eyes were bleeding.

She told people to carry them back to the place where the incense congealed. I'm afraid that woman will die if she doesn't find one by one. Although the current situation is not very good. But somehow, he also found a life. As for the psychological injury, we can only go to Liaoyang later.

Congxiang still leans on the bed and carries Xiaoyi's clothes. Sitting at the same time, Mo Daozi with a gloomy face.

By all his means, he couldn't find the whereabouts of one by one.

Those people also seem to have disappeared from the sky. For this reason, Mo Daozi felt for the first time that he was so useless.

"Birds call, birds laugh Chirping... "

At this time, Congxiang actually sang a song, just singing, and there were two lines of tears on her face.

I don't want to cry, but last night, she dreamed of laughing happily at her one by one. She waved her hand and told her, "Mom, you need to take care of yourself. I will go to heaven. There will be no cold or pain there. Mom, I'm gone... "

She couldn't sleep when she woke up. At the thought of one by one, she would really abandon herself and leave, and her mood finally got out of control.

"One by one, mine. I'm going to find 11. '

It's like crazy. Congxiang rushes out in red. Mo Daozi responds and hugs her.

"Congxiang, come back, come back."

However, Congxiang didn't return, just beat him hard.

"Don't you let me go, let me go, say one by one that you want to go to heaven, I want to hold him, this hateful counsellor. He doesn't know that heaven is actually a place where there is no return."

"Stupid woman, you go out now, not only can't find one, but also can increase your illness. You go back to lie down for me. I'm going to find one by one, and I'm going to mobilize everyone in the city to find it. " Mo Daozi roared at her with red eyes.

Congxiang was roared silly, slowly sobbing. Finally, he hugged Mo Daozi and cried loudly.

"What about Mo Daozi? My one, my one. I have a hunch that I can't find the one again. The child will die. He will die."

Don't hate me. Just look up at the sky, he can't be as sad as this woman. But, damn it, his mood is contagious. One side of the blue wind could not bear to wipe up tears. The picture is so sad that he dare not see it again.

"One by one..."

Just then, Mo Daozi heard footsteps. Looking up at the weak body in his arms, he cried out in horror.

Congxiang is still a little confused. When he looks up and sees the child he is holding, he is stunned. Then he ran like a madman. That speed, fast where looks like a seriously ill person. The breeze won't catch up.

"One by one, it's really my one."

Congxiang is going to pick up the child happily. Zhou Aoxuan, with a heavy face, carefully handed over the child to her. "You have to be prepared. The child is very traumatized now. Maybe you have to calm him for a while."

Holding a lot of obviously light children, the fragrant tears go out big and big.

"My child, my child, just come back, just come back

”At this moment, she doesn't care about anything else, as long as the child comes back.

One by one, he is not very sober. He is weak. Don't try to build him up. The more you look at it, the more ugly you look. Until the end, this always calm pseudo Taoist actually smashed the table.

If it wasn't for fear of frightening the children in the bed, it was only for fear that the man would overturn the whole room.

Mo Daozi and Qingfeng take care of the injuries. Didn't let Congxiang follow. Just separated for a while, Congxiang walked restlessly outside. She knew that one by one was in a bad situation, but the child came back.

After a nap, I finally opened my eyes.

"One by one, come to my mother."

Congxiang came in with the bowl and saw the little guy sitting there in a daze. I just shiver when I hear voices. Looking at her numbly, she called her mother.

"Well, well, darling..."

However, the ordinary praise makes one shiver and shrink. It's almost a reflex. I keep talking about it one by one. "As long as mother, only listen to her. Only mother...... "

But his eyes were empty and numb. It's just the constant mumbling in the mouth The bowl in Congxiang's hand fell to the ground.

Tears are like beans. One by one, it is not that the situation is bad, but that it is very bad.

Slowly close to him, Congxiang hugs the lost and recovered child.

"One by one, you have to believe that mother, mother, will not hurt you. I'm your closest relative... "

One by one, she was just numbly allowed to hold her. The whole person is like without a soul.

When there is no one, Congxiang wants to ask Zhou Aoxuan about the situation, but finds that others have already left. There are so many people and affairs in the mansion that he can't deal with them.

Today, I went to my grandma's room to stay for dinner and rest. But in the middle of the day, little grandma went to the window, and a face full of pimples was exposed to the sun, which made him very uncomfortable.

Even if the woman came back with a lot of money from her mother's house, he didn't want to sleep with her.

It's just that grandma doesn't think she's ugly now. She still thinks she's a beautiful girl.

To the man, sell coquettish charming seduction.

Such a move, originally a very tempting action, falls into the eyes of the young master and becomes the ugliest clown like action.

Fu sleeve, "no more."

The eldest young master left angrily. Such a woman would feel uncomfortable even if she paid him money. Nima's face is just like that of the demon king. How can it be compared with other concubines in the mansion.

When I came to Xinna's fourth aunt's room and looked at the beauty with beautiful eyes and amorous feelings, I felt that. On that day, I took a rest in aunt Siyi's room.

The big and small grandma who followed in with the noise and shouts stared.

"Hateful, cheap maid, silver woman..."

He cursed fiercely and angrily. Grandma went to the cellar as usual. At this time, she was full of anger and needed to vent.

When she came to the cellar, looking at the small huddled things, she pulled the quilt. However, it was not those humble and timid eyes that were opened to meet them, but those that looked like crazy women.

"You, how are you, five younger brothers and sisters..."

Little grandma fell back and banged to the ground.

In the candlelight, her face, covered with knots, was full of horror.

It's exposed. At this moment, she had only such an idea. However, she holds her own identity. She is also a young grandmother in Zhou's mansion.

"Chen nianran, don't look at me with such fierce eyes. I'm the youngest grandmother in the family. You have to call me sister-in-law among our generation. "

She stood up strong and calm, trying to ignore Chen nianran's outrage. For a long time, Chen nianran had been a little stronger in front of her, but he didn't stare at her like today.

For a while, the little grandma was more flustered.

"He's just a kid over two years old, Liu Fengling. Why are you so heartless. How can you handle such a big child? "

Chen nianran was angry. She was completely out of control from the discovery that she had been abused by her grandmother.

She is also a mother with children. She knows how to gouge out her heart and lungs when she is hurt by her virtual net child.

She is also a young woman.

Besides, she is the mother of two children.

Little grandma knows she's wrong, but she doesn't think she's done too much. Look up and take care of yourself.

"The child was sent by someone else. I just watched for him. He is not obedient, of course I have to teach him some lessons. It's because he can't bear it well enough. I'll lay a little weight on it. He's just that virtue. Besides, I also love him very much. Some of them are useful for eating and some for playing. You see, I don't care about him. The toys on the ground are also for him. Besides, it's normal for rich people to play with one or two children. "

"Pa Pa Pa......"

Chen nianran's heart was numb. Slap slap slap, slap big little grandma not to respond.

When she was hit with hot pepper on her face, it seemed that she would fight with Chen nianran.

At this time, Mrs. Chen rushed in and twisted her to the ground. "Five little grandma, you fight."

Chen nianran did not get rid of his anger and pulled off the hairpin on his head. "How do you deal with one by one? I don't deal with you very much. Don't you prick him with these hairpins. Well, I'll give you a try today

Outside, Chunxiang rubs her hands uneasily.

The news of little grandma was revealed by her. No blame for her greed. Just because the price Zhou Aoxuan gives is really too tempting.

Redeem oneself, still can give her a large sum of money to go home to find a good man to marry.