The Farming Little Girl

297: rubbing your hands

Although it's decent to be a girl in a big family, it's not as easy as being a wife back home. What's more, the silver given by grandma wushao is enough for her to buy several mu of land and live the small life she wants.

However, listening to the muffled noise from the cellar, she was still afraid.

Tugging at Mrs. Liu, Chunxiang takes a careful look inside, "in case In case of the death of our little grandma, how can we do the job? "

Mrs. Liu is also angry inside.

"I can't die. My five little grandmothers are right. How could a person like her die easily. Let's see. From now on, the big and young grandmothers in this house have to change their days. "

Yes, what Zhou Aoxuan is doing at this time is to find someone to collect the bad things of five little grandmothers.

In fact, little grandma herself is not very clean. Zhou Aoxuan asked people to check it and found out some things.

For example, the official embezzled the shop of Zhoufu. Then, following the investigation, I found out unexpectedly that Xiaoning was in charge of the business, and even had a personal relationship with his grandmother. It's hard to say who the big girl is.

Knowing the truth, Zhou Aoxuan designed a good play.

Tired Chen nianran, after coming out of the house, Zhou Aoxuan's people put on glue to bring out the little grandma who had been knocked unconscious.

Originally, Ning Guanshi was still working, but when he felt a cool breeze behind his head, he was dizzy before he came and looked back.

Wake up again, it is the whole body red fruit ground embrace a woman.

Looking at this pig headed woman, Xiao Ning was stunned at first. Soon, the brain slowly wake up. Seeing the whip in his hand, and some objects that are not far away, Xiaoning is frightened.

Just about to push the woman in my arms, the door was opened with a bang.

"Madam..." The eldest young master came in with his favorite aunt Wu, but what he saw was such a terrible picture of silver mess.


Realizing that the scene in the room means that after wearing a green hat on his head, the old man, who usually has no strength, has also erupted into a strong fighting force.

It's like a madman tearing at two people in bed. Listen to the little guys outside, they also rush in with the peak.

Just by Chen nianran pull dozen elephant is pig head face big young grandma, whimpering ground is crying.

"Chen nianran, you are not human. You dare to frame me."

"Bah, I'm still designing you, you bitch. I want to separate my brother after doing a scandal. I'll kill you a bitch. "

The eldest young master bombed thoroughly today.

He was in a good mood to be advised by Aunt Wu too much to see the sick grandma. However, what he saw was that the woman and other men were doing sports in the bed. What's more, we should do some heavy sports.

After pulling the whip in Ning's hands, the eldest young master gave it a strong and violent blow.

The two people in the room were dying of beating. "Come, get me the bitch's wife. Today, I'm going to straighten things out. "

This matter is very noisy. The whole Zhou family is pointing out.

Everyone was laughing at Grandma's indiscretion.

When the old lady heard the wind, she didn't catch up.

Just a long sigh. "Hoo, there seems to be a lot of things in the mansion recently."

She frowned and looked at the candle fire, a little absent-minded.

The women and girls who were waiting at the same time turned their eyes and didn't say anything more.

That night, the young and old granny's family was found.

Looking at the daughter who was caught at the scene, the family of the little Grandma had nothing to say. After receiving the letter of divorce from the eldest young master, he angrily took the man away.

After entering the room, Zhou Aoxuan looked at the indifferent woman in front of him. "You just let her go?"

She, of course, means a little grandma.

Chen nianran smiles like a flower.

"Of course not. There is a saying that it's better to live than to die. Little grandma likes to play so much. Why don't she go back to her mother's house and let her family play. I think she's so down-to-earth that her family will want to play with her more. "

Zhou Aoxuan looked at her in fear. "Women are terrible."

Chen nianran climbed to bed and raised his chin. "So? Remember, you can't offend a woman. Otherwise, if one day you offend me, you will be responsible for the consequences. "

Words fall, still use finger to poke his face

the man does not show weakness. Evil wanton smile.

"Well, what the lady said is that I will not offend you but please you like this."


By his color to hook, Chen nianran whole body Shua rang the alarm. This man, I really don't let go of any time to learn from each other.

Unfortunately, she was late when she came to think of escaping.

Man's reaction is much faster than her.

Direct suppression.

"Madam, we have a few days to go. This time, we have been delayed for some time."


"Husband, this time, you will build a town. I want to see my new city. That place will be our new territory in the future. "

Zhou Aoxuan was a little depressed.

Even though it's hard to build a town, he also wants to be with his mother and children.

"You don't want to see me as a husband, do you?" The man is coquetry, head to her chest arch. From time to time, he made fun of her. She's soft all over. But I still can't push him hard.

"Husband, I want to have our own castle. Think about it. Our machines and the geeks don't want to be disturbed. More importantly, I have to build that city, and finally let our children have a safe place. Whether it's reading, or going to school, or anything else, I want to create the best environment for them. "

"Lady, what will you do if you give them the best things and form a lazy and indomitable character in the future?"

When it comes to children's lessons, the couple are a lot more honest.

Zhou Aoxuan is no longer in chaos, but that hand has been dishonestly covering her somewhere.

"Well, listen to me. I have a plan. The dream of Congxiang and I used to have can be implemented. However, the place of this dream may have to change. It is no longer the mysterious mountain forest planned before. What I want to plan now is in my cold city. Cold city, will it really become barren? No, I want it to become a prosperous city in ten years. There, I will plan out the children's schools, and also the hard-working areas for the children. In a word, you can wait. "

Zhou Aoxuan didn't oppose her. Besides, that cold city was awarded to the lady by the Emperor himself. It's really her territory.

If it can be built, it will be a good place.

"It's OK. Anyway, we have ready-made experience in urban planning. If we want to develop the construction of a cold city according to its characteristics, it's advisable."

"Yes, ten years. I hope our dream will come true in ten years at most. After that, we will be regarded as a base there. Ha ha, if everyone rushes to that place, do you think the industry and commerce can not be developed? "

"Don't be complacent, lady. As far as I know, it seems that the development of Shuangxi girls is not going well at all.

With less than a thousand poor people, can you develop? "

At this point, Zhou Aoxuan is not really fighting Chen nianran's enthusiasm.

You know, the reason why cold city is called barren land.

The reason is that the city is really poor.

But all those who had some ability moved out.

Now there are only a thousand people left.

A city should be planned and developed.

Most of all, you just have to have a population.

How can this economy prosper without a population.

Chen nianran is not in a hurry.

"Husband, have you thought about it. The most important thing for a city to attract people is to make it have a bright future. To make money. If that land has no value, of course, it will not be developed. What I want to do now is to go there and develop issues that are suitable for people's livelihood. To solve the problem of people's livelihood, let the people in front get rich first. What do you say about those people in the back who don't have much way out? Just wait, I will do well. "

"Well, I also strive to train colleagues with the personnel the emperor needs within three years. At that time, our husband and wife will be united and their strength will break the gold. "

They clapped and encouraged each other.

However, Chen nianran was pressed on by the man after the palm attack.

"Said no more."

"Love your wife, and you will be separated. Are you so cruel?"

"Sobbing, men should cherish the essence."

"Yes, I just don't waste it, so I'm very grateful to infuse your body and try to breed another baby like a scroll......"

"Zhou Aoxuan, you are not a man."

"You are a man of extraordinary physical strength!"

A happy dinner, this night, Zhou Aoxuan also don't know if want to separate, unexpectedly has been tossing her. Even in some difficult movements, the man dared to try it once.

Until later, Chen nianran's body was lifted up and pretended to be dead, and she was let go.

The next morning, I woke up and rushed to Congxiang.

Although 11 was saved, it is not clear how the child is now.

Congxiang is dressed in plain clothes, and her hair is simple. After this side time tossing, she lost a lot of weight.

Mo Tao on one side is frowning. It seems that he is thinking about something difficult.

"Congealing fragrance, one by one..."

Rushed in and saw the dementia child who would hold the puppet on the chair.

Ning Xiang reached out and touched the head of one by one. "Mother, go out for a while."

But when she said she was going to leave, she grabbed her clothes one by one.

Seeing this situation, Chen nianran seems to see little sister Liu. At that time, little six sister was frightened by Ning Dalan's injury, and she ignored everyone like today. Only oneself, after getting along for a while, depend on, never let her leave.