The Farming Little Girl

C117: regiments and volumes

Chen nianran took a long breath.

She felt more and more that this week's mansion seemed extremely abnormal.

"Well, it seems that the water in this week's mansion is deeper than we thought.

It's related to the national teacher. Let's keep a low profile.

This time, you just need to save people, and the rest can be done without any more care. "

She has a strong delusion that this week's mansion is really not to be provoked.

Now a lot of treacherous phenomena are pulled out. Are Zhou Fu and Bajiao's Zhou Fu the same clan?

Who is the man who wants to marry the eldest lady?

Landlord Zhou, really like a eunuch?

If it was a eunuch, how could he have a daughter?

Or three daughters?

The houses of Zhoufu are obviously too many, which is very unscientific?

Normal people, where will build so many houses.

Especially the backyard. I heard that people are not allowed to enter the backyard at all? What kind of rooms are there in the backyard?

***After returning home, several people discussed the matter together.

Chen nianran listed all the doubts on the ground with a charcoal pen.

Looking at the list on the ground, several people use their brains.

"Madam, do you think it's the big landlord of this week who is not the real master here at all, but the one who helps to look at the three young ladies, or the three young ladies of that week's mansion who are the real masters?"

Xi wench follows Congxiang for more time, and sees and hears more.

So the questions raised are the most bizarre.

Six son also plate chin very seriously put forward the view.

"Yes, there is no possibility of queuing. However, what I can't think of most is a landlord. What do you say you don't have to build so many houses to do? What's more, where does he get the money to support teams of housekeepers? Moreover, as far as I can see, there may be many martial arts masters in those spare rooms. "

Chen nianran takes a breath of cool air.

"Are you sure that most of the empty rooms are occupied by a martial arts expert?"

Liu Zi nodded seriously, "yes, I'm sure. Elder sister, it was unintentional today. I was following the people in front of me to receive those distinguished guests. Accidentally, there was a little guy running around. Then he ran into an empty room. I followed and chased in and hugged the child. Unfortunately, I saw the man in the room. He was obviously a martial arts expert. His temples are very high. The man lives in the row of cottages in the middle of the yard. "

Chen nianran then said, "that is to say, almost every room in that row has a martial arts master like that. What does a landlord want to do when he raises so many martial arts experts? "

If this is the case, Chen nianran can't imagine a landlord with so many masters. What he wants It must be no small.

"Well, you go down, and I'll straighten it out a bit more."

There is a vague idea forming in the mind.

It's just that the idea is too bold and appalling.

For a while, Chen nianran couldn't believe it.

"If, what Xi wench said about Zhou landlord is just a person who is managed by others.

So, behind him, the national teacher?

What is the purpose of raising so many people with too much power?

The answer is obvious.

This is the national teacher surnamed Zhou. He is also a direct relative of the Zhou family.

He is the one who is in charge of Zhou Aoxuan.

That is to say, Zhou Aoxuan has always been, mostly subject to the people, is the master!

What did I see? "

Stroking his forehead, Chen nianran felt more and more that Congxiang's accident that they accidentally fell into Zhou Di's master's house was becoming more and more troublesome.

She didn't want to get involved in the struggle between the government and the government, just wanted to have some simple days.

Can, congeals the fragrance they several, cannot but save.

How can we safely rescue people?

The key point is to see several people of Congxiang, and then decide.

After trying to understand, Chen nianran told himself to be calm.

"Madam, little young master's body is getting better every day."

Just at this time, the nurse came in with a small group.

Take over the child, the little guy is looking at everything curiously with his big eyes open.

When I saw her, I smiled and held out my arms to say hello.

"Tuan Tuan, have you ever thought about your sister? My sister is at home alone. She must miss us.

Later, my mother will love my sister a little more, because I owe her. "

Holding the body of a small group, Chen nianran thought of the scroll at home.

She really owes the child.

What she yearns for most now is to get together with these two children.


Seeing the bracelet on her hand, little Tuan Tuan grabbed it and wanted to deliver it to her mouth.

"The child is curious to see anything now." The nanny said with a smile.

Looking at the eyes of the nanny looking at Tuan Tuan, she is also very kind. Chen nianran is relieved.

"Sister GUI, I may be busy these days. You should pay more attention to this child. Still don't let him see the wind, the child that gives blain, be careful

Group out of the vaccinia, do not know, how the roll?

At the thought of the volume, Chen nianran frowned again.

It's a strange feeling that she's very busy these days, but she miss the volume very much.

Even when I think of the roll, I feel palpitation occasionally.

This kind of palpitation made her feel uneasy.

she couldn't sit down any longer. Chen nianran decided to write a family letter.

But when she wrote the family letter, what she didn't know was that she was carried to the mansion by the old lady.

Originally, the old lady didn't want to take the roll back.

In her mind, a girl film, there is nothing to love.

But she was picked up by the immortal master. The old lady felt very tired.

Every day living will be unnatural to live in the house run.

After so many times, everyone knew that the old lady was fascinated by the group.

Even some people brought back the red boy who had made a mistake.

However, when the old lady saw her, she would be more angry.

"Go away, it's you, the devil, who killed my grandson like that. That's what separated him from me. You're going to die, you're going to die."

At that time, the old lady grabbed the red child and pressed it straight to the pit.

Out of control of her, scared of a house of wenches are disorderly set.

It's not easy to stop the old lady who is out of control. The girls also quickly take the red girl away.

The red son, who is sad and weeping, wipes his tears when he comes back to the small room. His face is a sneer that doesn't match.

"No one loves me, no, I hate this brother, I hate all the people here How about laughing at them? They are still not good to me. "

No one pays attention to the changes of honger. On Tuesday, the wife came up with a way to find another child to accompany the old lady.

So the girls around the old lady thought of the roll.

With the idea of trying, he came to the house with the steward.

Just a notice, he took the roll away.

Looking at the similar face of Zhou Aoxuan when she was a child, the old lady calmed down miraculously.

She trembled and hugged the scroll. "Where is my dear grandson..."

In this way, after taking away the regiment, the scroll entered the Zhou mansion again.

Become a little plaything to accompany the old lady to relieve her boredom

As for the news, Chen nianran didn't know it.

For this reason, Niushi asked Chen Ziming and his wife to give their ideas.

Chen nianran left, only told them that he was going to the desert.

Mr. and Mrs. Chen Ziming knew the news and no one could find it.

There is no way to post a letter. At the time of panic, Dalang, who went out to do business, has returned.

"Mom and Dad, I'll go to the edge desert to find the girl. Believe me, I'll find her. You try to keep an eye on things at home. The best thing is to find someone who can enter Zhou's mansion to look after some scrolls.

We can't get people back now, but at least we have to make sure that the scroll is safe in the mansion.

This big family, who knows if something dirty will happen.

Before the regiment is not unfortunate, just let ran girl rest assured.

I didn't expect that the old lady would think of the scroll again, alas...... "

Who can say that this kind of thing is absolutely right or wrong.

Let's say, the old lady is really the grandmother of the roll.

Unfortunately, from the very beginning, the grandmother didn't admit Chen nianran's existence.

She just looked at the rolls as her pet.

The old man dotes on them and will love them.

But who can guarantee that the children will be safe in the large and powerful family of Zhou mansion?

You know, Zhou Aoxuan was not favored in the mansion before.

Especially the other rooms regarded him as the enemy.

Like Mr. Zhou, Mr. Wednesday, who is not eager to die outside after his death.

Even those uncles in Zhou's mansion despised Chen nianran.

Such a family, put a child there, let alone Chen Ziming and his wife are not at ease.

Even the unmarried men like da Lang will feel uneasy.

As soon as he asked for someone to come into the mansion to look after the scroll, Chen Ziming began to think on the spot.

I really found two people who used to be familiar with the office.

One is an old acquaintance in the stable.

One is the woman in charge.

At that time, Chen Ziming also knew these people because of his short-term job in the Zhou government.

Although he went out of the mansion afterwards, he also had some friendship with these old people.

From time to time, Chen Ziming invited these people out to eat, drink and have fun.

In the long run, the friendship of several people has no words.

Let's take care of the small volume secretly. Several people clap their chest to make sure.

In particular, the little stewardess assured Guan Shuyuan on the spot that she was looking for some girls and would look after them.

Hearing this, Chen Ziming and his wife were relieved.

Send big Lang to leave, also repeatedly charged, let see Chen nianran, not too worried.

As long as Zhou Aoxuan comes back, it will be solved properly.

With the instructions of his parents, Dalang took some goods from Bajiao town to the border desert.

Not to mention the hardships of Dalang on the road, but to say that Chen nianran and others entered Zhou's home.

These days, as the new things in the mansion are approaching, there are more and more jobs in the mansion.

However, Chen nianran did not have that kind of work.

Just because she is now in charge of the meals in VIP Room 3.

Even in the near future, the bridegroom to be seems to be making a fuss.

For food, also raised a strong resistance.